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Which Hellbrute head should I build?


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Hey everyone!

At long last everyone is coming to their senses and turning their attention and devotion to Chaos :P Thankfully GW is doing so too, and gave us the fantastic Hellbrute model.

I want to something slightly different with my hellbrute and I'm toying with different faces or heads. But which one? I'd like some feedback, so tell me what you think of these pics.

(Fluff/background - skip if you don't care. I'm going to paint the Hellbrute up with a Tzeentch/Thousand Sons army, so I'd like to go for a slightly Tzeentchian theme. I was thinking: a marine was succumbing to the Thousand Son flesh change/mutation and a tson sorcerer tried hard to save him. The spell failed and he's still mutating - just *very* slowly. So he put himself inside the Hellbrute/dreadnought to further slow the process. He dubs his sarcophagous "Refuted Destiny" ;))

1. I could do something like this with a big eye plate behind the head. Peering out of the chest cavity.


2. The Tzeench-ian sorcerer head might look cool with more horns.



3. The Tzeench-ian sorcerer head at a really odd/akward angle. He's mutated so much.



The head kind of looks akward though :-/ And it doesn't stare at you straight on, which gives the mini a weird feel. I think we're wired to expeca 'face' of some kind, and if the mini has a recognizable face people feel better about it. This option doesn't do that.

4. A busted seal/power gate. Like they *tried* to keep the soul in and the mutation out, but it's not working ;) Slowly the mutated soul is busting out of its cage.



Thoughts? Other ideas? I would love to hear it! :tu:

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I recon you should keep it simple. The Tzeentch head doesn't fit properly because of the horns, if you get rid of the horns it might work. Personally I prefer the eye. I'd trim down the plate a bit so that it fits a little closer.

Looking forward to seeing what you come up with :lol:

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I really like the Tzeentchy look of 1 and 2.


How does the 2nd choice look from the side?


Also, not to hijack the thread, but would the Hellbrute model be able to be used as a Daemon Prince? Maybe put some Empire Griffon Wings on it to make it flying? After seeing this thread, I'm thinkng about doing that. I just need to make sure it's a HQ choice in CSM

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I really like the Tzeentchy look of 1 and 2.


How does the 2nd choice look from the side?


Also, not to hijack the thread, but would the Hellbrute model be able to be used as a Daemon Prince? Maybe put some Empire Griffon Wings on it to make it flying? After seeing this thread, I'm thinkng about doing that. I just need to make sure it's a HQ choice in CSM


Someone has already done that here (sorry if i stole your thunder)


about 1/4 down page 3 of that thread

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I kind of think the last, the "power gate" option with an LED might be more suitable. It will back light that bit without overpowering it, whereas an LED could easily over illuminate the 1st option. If you didn't go with an LED the 1st option would be great, but should be positioned a little bit closer to the mouth, about halfway.
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Hey everyone!

WOW, thank you so much for the feedback and ideas :) You all rock. The B&C always amazes me with how fantastic it's members are :)

Sorry for the delayed reply - I was separated from my minis for a bit. BUT! I have attempted to fit the eyeball tank piece into the Hellbrute head, and here's what I ended up with.

The first attempt didn't fit very closely, and there was a bit of a recess before you could see the eye. IMO this was too far back



A bit of work and I was able to get it closer




Not too bad? I may try this and paint it up, or see if I can get a greenstuff mold and curve it myself, ala Max' idea (great idea!)

Thanks everyone! :D Best of luck with your own Hellbrutes too. When/if I get this guy painted up I will post an update

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