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Counter punch


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I have an infantry heavy list

5 full tactical

full devestator

three priests


this runs to 1300 pts.


What i feel i am missing, is a bit to hit back with, once my lines are reached.


I came up with four options.

Jumpy rec leading regular assault squad, two flamers, fist.


Jumpy rec leading sang guard


foot rec, ten dc, two fists


foot rec, five hammernators


i figure four rockets, three lc, two pc and five pg will be enough to limit what is both scary and able to reach my lines?


Facing someone who wants to outshoot me could be tricky, but that doesn't seem likely in my meta

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I'd say DC with a chappy. If no chappy then still DC. As a counter punch unit there isn't much better in my experience. Maybe give them some kind of transport so if someone does try to out shoot you they can still get stuck in.


Of course your tacticals can still hold a fair bit up with fnp and fc, so don't be scared to get them into assault either, they're still marines after all! ^_^



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Option one, hands down, -maybe- replacing the jumpy rec with a jumpy librarian. Fast moving, nice counter-assault unit, and adds a mobile element to what is a relatively static army. If you do choose to swap the Reclusiarch to a Librarian, I'd use the points you save to buy a jump pack for one of your priests and stick gratuitous meltabombs on something. As a bonus, it can even be combat squadded should it be relevant. Of the 4, it would definitely be my choice, especially since I tend to favour counterpunch armies. Or at least I did in 5th... 6th I've tended towards more in-your-face forces, and have ended up finishing games with comparatively few models on the tabletop as a result...
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they will definatly be joining in the charge ^_^

thirty tac marines on the charge are no slouch, but the other options will all provide much more bite.



what lore would you go with?

The lack of melta does worry me, but with three lc and four rockets, its only available 14 I'm struggling against.

Plus all the plasma for av 13

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A transport in an infantry army is pants, and you cannot assault on the turn you get out.


A counter charge unit has to have power weapons and jump packs.


5DC, 2-3 power weapons, librarian with presience /chaplain would work well, and the libby could be used to buff the rest of your army in the opening turns.

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Depends what transport you use though :)

Not in this case. A single tank in a 1500point army is a bad idea. Every one of your opponent's anti tank guns will be focussed on it.


For counter assault you need to be able to assault from the vehicle. A land raider takes up too many points at this level/doesn't fit into the army.

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@ DominicJ

At what points level is your list?

Since 5 tactivals, 2 devastators and 3 priests come at a bare minimum of 1340pts, from the 4 options you mention I would imagine that you would build around 1750pts - 1850pts right?

I personally would go for a Reclusiarch and an ASM squad. That's almost a full Company!

84 models in less than 2000pts :)

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Just one devastator squad.


So 74 models

Was deploying last night, and the ork player just kept on looking, and looking, and looking.



I'm not a fan of specials, although you could argue the Sanguinor isnt special,

I'd have 175 pts to back him up with?

7 assault marines, fist, flamer?

Trim 55 points and buy him his glory guards with a banner?

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At what points level is your list?

Since 5 tactivals, 2 devastators and 3 priests come at a bare minimum of 1340pts, from the 4 options you mention I would imagine that you would build around 1750pts - 1850pts right?

5 Tacs + 1 Dev (10man) + 3 priests = just 1210 points with minimal upgrades (flamers and MLs around).

But you are right, seems that the goal is over 1500 points.


Have you considered Sanguinor?


Not only will he hit like a brick, he will make whichever unit he is coming in to save better with his +1 attack buff

Wow interesting use of the Saguinor, I like it! 1 guy is way easier to hide and move into response than a ten man squad, and his +1A aura could help out before he even counter charges. I was just thinking yesterday about how incredibly expensive he is, but he's not bad compared to the HQ+squad options to replace him. The only thing is, he doesn't have a way to deal with dreads that make it to your lines. I'm sure the Tacs could handle it though with PFs and MBs.


Between the other options, I'd go with a Sang Guard. They end up being cheaper then the other options when you add in PWs and other bits of wargear. I thought a 5 man DC would be good with Jump packs. A couple of PWs and a Fist put them at a little higher price than the SG. Better WS and more attacks though.


The RAS, I think, would be too combersome to position well within your other 60 marines and lack PWs for that decisive strike you want. But, if you went with the RAS, I'd forgo flamers for meltas to deal with dreads and MCs and 2+ CC units.

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Not sure where bikes would fit?

I'm doing a light cav list too with bikes


An av thirteen dread would be taking seven glance shots and seven pen shots per turn.

They aren't going to reach my lines, an even if they did, i don't think one attack with melta bombs would matter.

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  • 3 weeks later...


ended up with sanguinor and guard as my counter punch, worked in that game, but its not my ideal.


I have messed with the list somewhat, and am now looking at a four rocket devestator squad, a four pc devestator squad, a mm plasma tact squad and a priest plus librarian.


These hold my centre dz and the objective i stash there.

Toss a raven on top, because why not, and i have seven eighty points left, more if i ditch the libby for an up front hq.


Only criteria are some mobility and some scoring and some ability to take a beating.


Kinda thinking three assault squads and a priest, maybe sanguinor and a priest?


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Why not bikes?

How about two assault squads, a priest and a six man bike squad with mm attack bike and two plasma guns?


Mephy and sang guard can take a beating, but they can't do objectives.


Came up with six variants of assaults, priest, bikes, sanguinor a speeders, will post when i get home

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Normally divination. I've tested all four lores that we get access to, and found that Divination is the best, followed by biomancy. You might find telekinesis and telepathy situationally useful, but in a vacuum I tend to roll on divination. Occasionally I'll split across divination and biomancy to get a little extra punch. Iron arm and warp speed make for a fairly brutal combination, but you have to be running an epistolary to get the most out of it. I actually miss the epistolary upgrade on my librarian, so I'm going to find the points to put it back.
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