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New Red Corsairs Army

Glaeken Templaris

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Well its finally happened, the every pious Brother Templaris has fallen to the lure of chaos hehe. Damn that dark vengence box and all its models so pretty they make slanesh him/herself weep.


So Red Corsairs, was stuck thinking what warband or legion would i go with, i had the models from DV as a start but then my eyes fell on a load of old metal spacewolves i picked up a while ago for a few quid and plans began to form. After a little humming and haring i decided on them.

A. I get to user all my old models that wouldnt be joining my stupidly large black templars.

B. I get to annoy the hell out of my mate whos an ardent space pups fanboy who will shed tears of rage seeing the remnents of the wolf brothers trying to kill him.


Well its going to be a work in progress but so far im thinking over 1700 points are avalible to me at the moment so its gonna be a big job to get them table ready.


Will be posting pictures one i get the ball rolling on painting.

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Its great to see the Corsair's and lesser Renegades get some love. The Legions are great and all, but they're horribly over-done now. I shall watch this interest ;)




Also, wecome to the Maelstrom... Brother :lol:

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Well heres what i have so far for my Corsairs


Chaos Lord

Chosen x6

Possessed x 7


Terminators x5

Khorne Berzerkers x5

Chaos Marines x10

Chaos Marines x10

cultists x40

Raptors x5

Bikes x3


Havocs x5



with taking stuff from my templar army that i know ill never use, some clever biding on ebay, going halves on the dark vengence set and friends with models that they no longer want i can say i got this all for less then £50.

Painting start on wed when i get my army builder dark shade and ill post pics asap.

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