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Sanguinary priest bubble


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I have been playing with priests lately.


An issue is cropping up.


Does the six inch ftp bubble apply to models inside it, unit with one model inside it, or only units entirely inside it?


At its most generous, With clever placement, a single priest can cover the squad he has joined, and one model from a squad either side.

Three priests can easily cover the entire dz with well lined up models


I'm cool with that, just want to make sure an army with ftp for 1750pts is ok......

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Priest's power works for the entire unit as long as just one model from the unit is within 6" at the time it wants to use the benefit. So, if at the beginning of the Assault phase you're within 6", but charge outside of it, the charging unit doesn't get the Furious Charge or Feel No Pain. However, if your priest unit is already in combat, and another unit charges into that same combat, they get the benefit of the rule. (Side note: doesn't modify Hammer of Wrath, it's still just S4).


I will commonly string units like this... numbers mean which unit and the P means the priest.


2 2 2 2 2

. . . . . . . . 3 3 3 3 3

1 1 1 P 1 1


The front unit "2" will provide cover saves for the unit my Priest is attached to, and unit "3" will help prevent the Priest getting sniped out on the end if the enemy moves. The inside person of unit 3 will be within 6" and anyone in unit 2 will be within 6". If the enemy get behind this formation, I have other problems...


This is why I never take more than 2 priests in even a 1999+1 point army. 1 for advancing troops, and 1 for camping/support troops. Sometimes I just use 2 advancing priests with all advancing infantry and leaving vehicles sitting back as support, etc.


EDIT: Trying to get the formatting in the "diagram" to work.

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As all above have said, all you need is one model within a sliver of 6" away from a Grail. This gives that model's whole unit FnP/FC.


For using Priests, I tend to think in ratios. 1:2 ratio is the highest density I use, because 4 Assault Squads generally need 2 Priests. However, I can 'get away' with ratios of 2:5 or even 1:3, when shooting-based units are considered. This is because shooting units aren't constantly getting pulled out of the bubble due to charges and melee pile-ins. I suppose if you were a gunline-Blood Angel army (what's that!? -_- ) then you could even go with 1:4, but then you'll be clustered too densely that you might have a hard time claiming objectives.


Its worth mentioning that 2:5 is my most commonly used ratio. 3 Assault Squads and 2 Attack Bike units, or 4 RAS and 1 Attbikes. Or 3RAS/1Attbike/Mephiston! He counts in the ratio, IMO

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