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Hellbrute as Prince


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Think this would be possible? With greenstuff and some bits I think it would look cool. Just not sure if it would be good.


I was thinking of using a spare Lord of Change head, and grabbing some griffin or Pegasus wings to add to it. Make it flying and all. Then for the multi-melta arm I was thinking of some tentacles.

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Thanks for the idea. That really mimics Fateweaver's wings. I'm getting ready to ally Tzeench Space Marines with my Daemons



The cockatrice, while being finecast, offers the best bits. I looked them up to make sure it wasn't wonky pieces. The end of the tail might make for a good arm.


Once the new codex comes out, and Daemon Prince is still a Hq option, I will be working on this

. I also plan on converting cultist with mutations. I'll try to use Pink Horror bits for arms.

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I plan on it. But I don't want to get ahead of myself with rumors and then the option not be in the codex. That's why I'm brainstorming now. I have a box of horrors to use already.


Not sure if it would be too confusing or not, but I figured keep the combat weapons and use the horror arms to represent their guns. Then flamer arms for special weapons. Not sire if I want to go that route or not

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