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Night Lords


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Either side is fine. They usually appear on the right for chaos marines, but it isn't consistent at all. Go for what you like best.

I agree Fortnight that either side is fine but I have to say that they are usually on the left, just like loyalists.

Some times the emblem will be on the right, this usually happens when it would be impractical to put the emblem on the left shoulder pad. For example the left shoulder pad might have a large chaos start on it or could be a MkV 'studded' shoulder pad.

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But we're not Loyalists..... :D


So...? All space marines (except those with the crux terminatus) usually have the chapter/legion symbol on the left shoulder pad. This goes for traitors and loyalists.


lion heads on terminators? Why is that? is that the iconagraphy of the atrementar?

You got it. Its part of the iconography of the Atrementar. The Lion is some kind of Nostraman equivalent.

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But we're not Loyalists..... :D


So...? All space marines (except those with the crux terminatus) usually have the chapter/legion symbol on the left shoulder pad. This goes for traitors and loyalists.


Yeah and? All the pictures in the Black Crusade book have the symbol on the right shoulderpad! So in reality it's that no one has really ever bothered that creative(ironically) rather than it has to be on the left shoulderpad.

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But we're not Loyalists..... :D


So...? All space marines (except those with the crux terminatus) usually have the chapter/legion symbol on the left shoulder pad. This goes for traitors and loyalists.


Yeah and? All the pictures in the Black Crusade book have the symbol on the right shoulderpad! So in reality it's that no one has really ever bothered that creative(ironically) rather than it has to be on the left shoulderpad.

I'm not arguing with you. All I was saying is that the symbol is usually on the left but there are many reasons why it could be on the right.

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Even loyalists pre-heresy used predominantly right shoulder iconography. At some point they switched to show their iconography on the left shoulder. Most likely due to the inclusion of the Codex Astartes. Because the Chaos Marines descending from the original legions have very little influence from the codex astartes, they generally are displayed with iconography still on their right shoulder. However since they have no overbearing rules to follow they can display their iconography any way they want.


Most official GW artwork (by no means all, though) depicts chaos marines with right shoulder markings, with some kind of star of chaos, eye of horus, mutations, etc. on their other shoulder. Most official games workshop models though, do depict left shoulder, IE. the csm boxed set.


On my night lords I put the iconography predominantly on the left shoulder, but this was just out of personal choice.


So either or, are completely in keeping with the fluff, there is no predominant side overall. Since the models contradict artwork showing the same thing.


As for what goes on the other shoulder, trophies are great, as are additional iconography, gargoyles, chains, and the ever present lightning motif.

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I hate to bang on about it and I feel a bit silly for it, but the iconography was on the left shoulder even pre-heresy. In 'collected vissions' the vast majority of marines have their legion icon on the left and in the 'Legiones Astates' section (which shows a single marine from each legion) only the Space Wolf and Night Lord have the legion symbol on the right (they're an exception to the rule). This is because of an attached fur and studded shoulder pad respectively.

In the coloured section (art not minis, p.18, 20, 21, 22, 24) of C:CSM there are 34 images of CSMs. 7 don't display any particular Legion/warband iconography. 5 have it on both shoulders. 1 has it on the right only and 21 have it on the left only. So there are plenty of precedents for putting it where ever you like, but the majority of marine, pre and post heresy, display the chapter/legion/warband iconography on the left.


Ps. to the OP: I'd love to see what you come up with for the NLs, regardless of where you put the legion symbol. I hope I haven't derailed your thread :wub:

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One of the things I find most thematic and cool about the Black Legion is that they can legitimately paint their armour black and that's their appearance of allegiance dealt with in one swift, awesome move.


The Eye of Horus is cool, don't get me wrong, but nothing says "I will join the Armies of the Damned, destined to destroy the Imperium" like just going dark. The symbolism of it, and the unpretentious elegance, appeals to me.


EDIT: I should add, the reason I blurted that seemingly irrelevant thing out is that all the talk of iconography got me thinking about it, and whereas in the past I've always felt a slightly creepy ferocity about having all my Chaos Marines tagged on the shoulder guards, it's something I completely disregard with the Black Legion, for the above reasons.

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One of the things I find most thematic and cool about the Black Legion is that they can legitimately paint their armour black and that's their appearance of allegiance dealt with in one swift, awesome move.


The Eye of Horus is cool, don't get me wrong, but nothing says "I will join the Armies of the Damned, destined to destroy the Imperium" like just going dark. The symbolism of it, and the unpretentious elegance, appeals to me.


This amount of filthy heresy makes my stomach churn.

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One of the things I find most thematic and cool about the Black Legion is that they can legitimately paint their armour black and that's their appearance of allegiance dealt with in one swift, awesome move.


The Eye of Horus is cool, don't get me wrong, but nothing says "I will join the Armies of the Damned, destined to destroy the Imperium" like just going dark. The symbolism of it, and the unpretentious elegance, appeals to me.


Yeah, I have always found that really awesome too.

It mixes a lot of actual things, like being in mourning, removing its former livery because of the shame of defeat, and taking a vow of revenge and destruction.

Black Legion is really cool. I hope they get cool pieces of fluff from FW or BL, because they really feel underexploited to me.

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It mixes a lot of actual things, like being in mourning, removing its former livery because of the shame of defeat, and taking a vow of revenge and destruction.


Oh, man. That's it exactly. Put it way better than me.

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Thanks all for the replys.


I dont know yet, what i will do for the Atrementar. I saw a picture of the new HH forgeworld terminators.. and they looks.. well frikkin awesome. I will think of ways to 40k/chaosify them a bit, so they fit with my 40k Night Lords.


For now, i have painted 3 night lords (wow..!). 2 have the Night Lord icon on the left, 1 on the right. The one which has it on the right, has a mutation on the left. THose with the icon on the left, have a chaos star on the other shoulder. Note, that these will be the only marines in my army which will have a chaos star. They were test models from a previous era. Altough my warband uses chaos to strike more fear into peasants, they do not worship it.

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It mixes a lot of actual things, like being in mourning, removing its former livery because of the shame of defeat, and taking a vow of revenge and destruction.


Oh, man. That's it exactly. Put it way better than me.


I've been thinking a good part of the night. You know, after seeing those new Sons of Horus arts in the upcoming FW book, and out little chat about the Black Legion.

Now, I want to go back to my first love, and paint my Night Lords (that have come to be pretty common around here because of your nefarious acts) back into the XVI.

Yeah, that means around 8k points of Chaos marines to paint.


I hate you.


EDIT : My poor marines. They got so much paint on them. Some have been through Black Legion, Alpha Legion, Sons of Malice, Night Lords... And now they're getting back to Black Legion...

I must be insane or something.


EDIT 2 : Now that I think about it, I'm not insane, it's just a way to keep me interested in Chaos when we have the worst book ever printed. I guess writing fluff for my warband is the thing that still ties me to 40k when the gavdex was seemingly made to make Chaos players quit the hobby.

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