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A Question On Haters

Crystal Geyser

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I play Emperor's Children.

No, not pre-heresy. I'm not doing another pre-heresy Emperor's Children army.

I'm talking about post-heresy. Which means, unfortunately...




Yes, i have a pink army. I have yet to play them outside of my immediate group of friends. My question is this - should I repaint the pink parts of their armor as a light purple, or something less feminine.

I don't mean to be stereotyping anything but I wonder if I'm going to be made fun of or teased for the pink marines.


What do you guys think?

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Pink is fine. Screw traditional gender norms- you serve Slaanesh, for warp's sake. Also Emperor's Children are pink . . . if someone is making fun of your themed painted army they will just sound dumb.


Personally, I think garish colors only makes sense, since extreme colors are the only ones that register in the noise marines' blasted minds. Might as well make your opponent's eyes bleed to boot. :D

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Pink Marines are cool! I have an pure EC army which haven't seen the sun for 5 years now, but I still remember them fondly and they are all pink. If anyone feels threatened by your pink army then it is their problem.



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It wasn't until the last hundred or so years that Pink was considered a Masculine colour. Why it has since swapped around is anyone's guess.


In any case - as has already been said, Pink is most suitable for the Emperor's Children. If others disagree, will that's their problem.

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I did some pink/purple marble effect on my EC squads. And I loved that my copy of the Space Marine Game came with a EC skin. Which is still awesome.

And isn`t just plain priceless when your garish overthetop excesslovers beat the plain gritty camo types to pulp?^^

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I wanna point out that the posters in this thread and the interest shown in this forum reflect a clear appreciation in the older/more established gaming circles for pink EC.


Ive painted mine more blue/purple but that fits with the 80's fluro animal print panels and furs ive modeled. Once there remodeled well ill post some pics. :)

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I wanna point out that the posters in this thread and the interest shown in this forum reflect a clear appreciation in the older/more established gaming circles for pink EC.


Ive painted mine more blue/purple but that fits with the 80's fluro animal print panels and furs ive modeled. Once there remodeled well ill post some pics. ;)


Just to clarify, I think that pink is suitable for Emperors Children but isn't the only colour. I've seen them in all sorts of colours including animal print. All awesome :)

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I love my pinkies, ever since I first smeared my first Barbie-Marine over 10 years ago. Thankfully I've now refined the predominant pink back to a black/pink/silver that is really striking, which is probably my favourite aspect of their scheme. You really can't miss them from across a room, let alone a table.


Bright pink will do that for you. So will modelling green stuff reproductive organs and Black Templars on leashes.



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They are your models which you paid good money for so paint them in which ever manner takes your fancy and don't let any ignorant person tell you otherwise. :(

I certainly wont change my colour scheme because of ignorant remarks about how I paint my models and neither should anyone else.



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I love the look of Pink Marines, a good vibrant pink is a really nice colour. There are some nice looking ones in this thread, they're on the third page by chaplainmikey. Beautiful, vibrant pinks and blacks.


Beyond that, why does every marine have to be pink? Maybe only the sergeants are pink, with the rest being slightly drabber. It'd reflect the differing depths to which each marine has embraced Slaanesh.

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Wait, what? The Emperor's Children are in no way "feminine" to begin with. They are drug addicted mutants that wear stretched human skin as ornamentation. I mean, I don't know what kind of women you normally encounter but--that doesn't sound normal. That said, I do prefer the purple/gold scheme but the black and pink can still potentially look great and there is something very fitting about such a jarring scheme for a Slaanesh army.
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There you go: Lord Mahinn the Castrator in bright pink and black. With a Templar on a leash. Here he is from the side and the rest of the album.


I've used the old Baal Red to tone down the pink but not enough to overwhelm it. I think the black does a lot to offset the brightness of the pink.

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Dammit, now I want a pet Templar- gotta go visit the nearest crusade and pick one up!


That is incredible!

Nice to see someone putting those over-zealous do-gooders in their rightful place .


Thanks lads. I've had him for about 10 years now and he's gone through a recent touch-up to bring him in line with the more recent units that I've completed. I'm really looking forward to having him smash face when the new book drops. Then there'll be more Templars getting rounded up. :sick:

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Pink is fine. Screw traditional gender norms- you serve Slaanesh, for warp's sake. Also Emperor's Children are pink . . . if someone is making fun of your themed painted army they will just sound dumb.


Personally, I think garish colors only makes sense, since extreme colors are the only ones that register in the noise marines' blasted minds. Might as well make your opponent's eyes bleed to boot. :sick:


Well, not all EC are Noise Marines hence not all EC have blasted minds. From what BL has presented, the decadence and extravagance of the EC is a bit of all flavors, not just limited to making noise with modified musical instruments.

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Well, not all EC are Noise Marines hence not all EC have blasted minds. From what BL has presented, the decadence and extravagance of the EC is a bit of all flavors, not just limited to making noise with modified musical instruments.


After 10,000 years in hell the EC darn well better be crazy- and that has nothing to do with their armament or in-game crunch. Drug psychosis combined with depravity and actively worshiping the daemon-god of excess . . . if they aren't deranged they are doing something wrong.

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My old rugby teacher had pink rugby boots :) but yeah, an army in pink and black does look really good, though I would go for pink, purple, and either neon orange or neon lime green just as I always thought the black bit was for one's who had joined the black legion.
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I used to be a teacher at a technical school, and I never saw a male administrator wearing a red shirt or other traditional male power colors. The color I commonly saw at least 2-3 wearing once a week? Pink. It always boggled my mind but for some reason seeing these guys wearing that color enhanced their position in the pecking order.
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