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A Question On Haters

Crystal Geyser

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Personally I prefer a more 'pre-heresy' style purple for the EC. I also love the colour scheme of the Flawless Host so I've got no problem with pink. One of the dudes from my local GW has a Slaanesh traitor guard army painted in bright pinks and blues. It looks awesome! Its just personal taste :)
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Personally, I am one who loathes seeing pink in abundance on Emperor's Children. Let me be perfectly clear that I have no issues with having pink on them its just that it really seems to ruin one of the key factors of the EC that makes them just so interesting to me. Despite being the most fractured, depraved, and ruined of all the Legions, the Emperor's Children dare not change who they are. When faced in comparison to the scions of the Black Legion, the once sons of Horus disowned their father, disowned their color and even their symbol is a twisted farce of what it once was, and they are the most powerful of the traitor legions. I simply find it so fascinating that the Emperor's Children retain that pride and hold their heads up high. They keep their name, they keep the Aquilla, they keep their symbol, so why would they change their color scheme?


That's not to sat they don't have different colors. I can see different patches of black and pink and silver here and there due to each marine's personality but I've only really thought of the all pink color for Noise Marines. I mean, really when you look at the fluff, its only the noise marines who changed their colors and that wasn't out of taste, it was because it's the only bloody colors they can register!


But, this is my own opinion of course and I will be taking it with me as I begin my Emperor's Children army.

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Well, not all EC are Noise Marines hence not all EC have blasted minds. From what BL has presented, the decadence and extravagance of the EC is a bit of all flavors, not just limited to making noise with modified musical instruments.


After 10,000 years in hell the EC darn well better be crazy- and that has nothing to do with their armament or in-game crunch. Drug psychosis combined with depravity and actively worshiping the daemon-god of excess . . . if they aren't deranged they are doing something wrong.


Time can flow strangely in the Eye of Terror. One can enter and emerge thousands of years later as if a mere instant had passed. Or, far more terrifying, the opposite can occur and one is trapped in a thousand lifetimes of torment before a mere second passes to the outside world.


And not all EC necessarily suffer from drug psychosis. The EC fractured earlier and faster than perhaps any legion, quickly descending into charismatic war bands. Most followed Fulgrim in the despoiling of Terra, but he seemed to give little attention to whether they stayed or not. While drug enhancement is no doubt common, it is not ubiquitous and it is conceivable that some rejected any attempt to poison their perfect forms. Indeed, a manic focus on perfection could lead to a rejection of any form of "cheat", perhaps even deprivation while not in battle to enhance the rush of sensations. Think of it like self inflicted asphyxiation for pleasure. Which, I am sure, many are fond of as well :P Moreover, who needs drug psychosis when an over driven psyche will get you there just fine.

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Im in love with the slave black templar.

Like, in love.

That's so freaking awesome.


I have slave girl models, but I was gonna put them on my land raider I think.

Thanks lad.


It's something I go back to from time to time across the army. I have Icons that start draped out in half-naked women but its just funnier (and more of an attention grabber for some reason) if I use a Marine as a sacrifice/slave instead. I have a few of those Vect slaves as well but I keep finding myself saying that they'll look better on something else instead. What that something better is, I've yet to find out.


The EC fractured earlier and faster than perhaps any legion, quickly descending into charismatic war bands.

That was after they stole Horus from the Black Legion. Steal a Primarch's corpse and paint your armour black to mock his sons because that's how the EC roll.

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Well, not all EC are Noise Marines hence not all EC have blasted minds. From what BL has presented, the decadence and extravagance of the EC is a bit of all flavors, not just limited to making noise with modified musical instruments.


After 10,000 years in hell the EC darn well better be crazy- and that has nothing to do with their armament or in-game crunch. Drug psychosis combined with depravity and actively worshiping the daemon-god of excess . . . if they aren't deranged they are doing something wrong.


Time can flow strangely in the Eye of Terror. One can enter and emerge thousands of years later as if a mere instant had passed. Or, far more terrifying, the opposite can occur and one is trapped in a thousand lifetimes of torment before a mere second passes to the outside world.


And not all EC necessarily suffer from drug psychosis. The EC fractured earlier and faster than perhaps any legion, quickly descending into charismatic war bands. Most followed Fulgrim in the despoiling of Terra, but he seemed to give little attention to whether they stayed or not. While drug enhancement is no doubt common, it is not ubiquitous and it is conceivable that some rejected any attempt to poison their perfect forms. Indeed, a manic focus on perfection could lead to a rejection of any form of "cheat", perhaps even deprivation while not in battle to enhance the rush of sensations. Think of it like self inflicted asphyxiation for pleasure. Which, I am sure, many are fond of as well :woot: Moreover, who needs drug psychosis when an over driven psyche will get you there just fine.



Uh...They do worship and honour Slaneesh you know. And Slaneesh is a thousand times more perverted and downright evil (he is the Prince of Cruelty) than most of you seem to be aware of. "Who needs drugs", well when they [censored] they would probably like to stimulate themselves with drugs which makes them better able to taste the pain and fear they inflict on the victim.


The Emperor Children are champions of Slaneesh...This makes them, in general, MORE and not LESS debased and perverted than most human cultists. They also happen to live longer, so they will be more experienced in the art of being "Perverted Cruelty Incarnate", than mere human cultists.


Dont try to make Slaneesh "honourable" or in any way "normal", because thats not Slaneesh. Slaneesh is the Christian Satan character, but with a stronger focus on [censored] everything that is normativly "forbidden" and inflicting human suffering. Slaneesh is in no way possible, "noble". He is never satisfied and if you think [censored] is bad or "shocking", then thats peanuts for Slaneesh chosen as they would hardly be sated by such a cruel act alone...


Note: Modified by me to be on the safe side. I understand its hard not to be descriptive with Slaanesh, but I'm erroring on the side of caution.

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That was graphic.


I am sorry, I sincerly hope you were not offended even though I used graphic sentences to make my point. But like I said in an earlier thread, Slaneesh is just downright mean and is not the best subject for debate on such a forum to be honest. I just wanted to effectivly remove the notion that Slaneesh marines are not downright disgusting beings, because according to what Slaneesh is, they are.

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I'm sorry, Iron Sage but, I think you're viewing Slaanesh in a much more basic and one-dimensional design. Slaanesh is the god of Excess, not sexual depravity. And while sexual desires is an aspect of Slaanesh, it is not the only thing he represents. Music, art, dancing, and warfare are all equal aspects of the Dark Prince.


Space Marines are warriors bred for battle. They have no feelings of sexual desire or lust at their basic roots. Even falling to Slaanesh, this does not mean that they have all suddenly regained this same passion.

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I'm sorry, Iron Sage but, I think you're viewing Slaanesh in a much more basic and one-dimensional design. Slaanesh is the god of Excess, not sexual depravity. And while sexual desires is an aspect of Slaanesh, it is not the only thing he represents. Music, art, dancing, and warfare are all equal aspects of the Dark Prince.


Space Marines are warriors bred for battle. They have no feelings of sexual desire or lust at their basic roots. Even falling to Slaanesh, this does not mean that they have all suddenly regained this same passion.


Fair enough. And I also admit that your right. But I want to stress that Slaneesh is not a nice deity, which was my main point anyway, and while marines themselves might not take personal interest in the carnal, they well know with how much terror their victims view such attrocities (I wanted to get away from the notion that they are "Honourable" etc). He is the Prince of Cruelty and I view him as the most down right "evil" creature in all of the Warhammer fluff.

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Well, even though Iron Sage's examples were . . . extreme . . . I think his point still stands. Slaanesh is excess in all things, and things like cannibalism and beating people to death are simply hedonism taken beyond the point of sanity. Normal pleasure has become meaningless and empty, and in order to feel anything at all they must push the limits of sensation, plumbing the depths of depravity as they attempt to bring pleasure to themselves.


Space Marines are warriors bred for battle. They have no feelings of sexual desire or lust at their basic roots. Even falling to Slaanesh, this does not mean that they have all suddenly regained this same passion.


This is untrue: Lukas the Trickster of the Space Wolves is reputedly a very robust lover.

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I did say Space Marines.


As we all know, the mutts of Fenris are no true Astartes. :P


Hehe :D


Seriosuly though, I some what regret writing what I did earlier (see no point editing it now that I did though), as I was perhaps needlessly graphic, but I do think sincerly that there is a rather clear sexual aspect, albeit perverted, to Slaneesh. I also happen to think that Slaneesh chosen warriors would go to greater lenghts than most of his human followers. Marines are simply more durable both physically and mentally. With Slaneesh, everything needs to be extreme though. Simple murder. Simple beat. Simple drugs. Everything is taken to the extreme of the extremes. Noise marines are also a clear example of this. Loud ear piercing music is not enough, it must be shocking, violently, tortourosly loud to pierce shatter concrete. Same with their armour. Its extreme. Shocking in colour and patterns.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I'll admit I've not read the whole thread, just the OP.


In my personal opinion, the EC presented in the codex (the pink scheme) are Black Legion EC. Real EC paint their armor in a riot of colors. I'm planning to do a unifying them while having a single shin-guard and pauldron personalized for each marine, or maybe just the characters and aspiring champions.


If you've not read The Reflection Crack'd from The Primarchs anthology, I'd suggest it. There are a lot of vivid descriptions pertaining to the customization of armor.

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I play Emperor's Children.

No, not pre-heresy. I'm not doing another pre-heresy Emperor's Children army.

I'm talking about post-heresy. Which means, unfortunately...




Yes, i have a pink army. I have yet to play them outside of my immediate group of friends. My question is this - should I repaint the pink parts of their armor as a light purple, or something less feminine.

I don't mean to be stereotyping anything but I wonder if I'm going to be made fun of or teased for the pink marines.


What do you guys think?


There's a reason why in movies the most stone-cold, psychopathic killers are slightly effeminate.

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Personally, with Slaanesh being the God of Excess, Pleasure, whatever else people want to call him, individual Slaanesh worshipers/ Marines would be just that. Individual. Their tastes would change at a whim through whatever sensation currently pleases them at a given moment. Where they can take sensations to the furthest extreams possible due to lack of limitations or morals they very quickly become desensitized to things.


There's only so many foes which you can tear the living flesh off while hearing them scream before it becomes as trivial as having corn flakes forbreakfast. So...let's try disembowlment. Gets boring. Dissection. Boring after time.


So. When it comes to their armour. You may get one with a full Picasso covering his armour. Another in a plain colour. One in a minimalist colour like white to show anything that may cover it during battle. They may remove their own eyelids so the never close their eyes and miss a sensation. Remove their own flesh. Mutilate themselves and worse to others.


And I've not even mentioned anything of a sexual nature.


The problem with that is how to make it look good on the battlefield in a force.

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