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Puppets war Egyptian style bits

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So someone in my lgs mentioned puppets war had started doing shoulder pads, so I took a look.

http://puppetswar.com/product.php?id_product=125 These are the anubis ones, though with the shoulder pads I am not sure wherever I prefer the Baset style ones.

The sorcerer Shoulder pads look nice as well, shame you can't oder less then 10, but I know a black legion player I could get one off if he used them.

I am thinking of using the Anubis/Horus heads with Anubis/Baset Shoulder pads on the forge world MKV Armour assault marineds to do some rubric raptors.

Any thoughts? Has anyone had any experience with these?

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  • 1 month later...

a bit late to reply but....

i got the egyptian heads and IMHO they are the best designs out of all companies i purchased egyptian heads from (scibor, maxmini). pretty sweet deal.

they came with a bit of small bubbles but it was worth it.

i now own bits from kromlech, scibor, puppetswar, maxmini, GW .... i rate pupets war very high in the good looks department.


only loses to the mistery ebay seller that has some awesome 1ksons conversion kits. (irina_est from estonia)

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  • 1 month later...

Sorry if this is thread-necro, but I've recently been looking at ordering some pieces from Puppets War (namely the Horus Heads and Sorceror/ Helbourne Shoulder pads) and thought it better to risk a stern telling off than to waste money in this economy :)


Does anyone know how the size of the shoulder-pads measures up to regular CSMs or Terminators? I noticed that several of the shoulder pads have the description 'Type Termos' but couldn't find an explanation anywhere about whether or not this makes them Terminator equivalents or just a name for the smaller sized pack (5 as opposed to 10)...


Also, does anyone know whether or not the sets of heads they offer (specifically the 'Horus' heads) would fit standard CSM Terminators or would they need a little/ a lot of work?


Thanks in advance :D

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