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Kor'sarro Khan, Moondrakken charging from Land Raider


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As discussed without resolution here: http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/index.p...t&p=2779780 it does now look like it is possible for this to happen with the release of Faq 1.0a.


What is the current charge range and feasability that it appears to me is now made possible by the new FaQ? I'm thinking 6" LR move, 12" disembark, and then 2D6" charge range with fleet rerolls which would be a 20" to 30" outflanking charge.


Would you pull this move on an opponent and if on the receiving end, would you play on or cry foul?



EDIT: Oh wow... It actually looks as if Shrike can also now ride inside... So that'd make a possible Infiltrate 18" setup which would auto allow a charge.


Edit2: Oops, nm... looks like Infiltrate has ben updated. Cant charge on the 1st turn they Infiltrate. Also an IC without the rule cannot joing a unit of Infiltrators during deployment. But what if Shrike was added AFTER Khan? You still cant charge on the 1st turn, but gives you more flexibility than having to outflank.

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Well as usual the main question is whether Khan still counts as infantry or a bike when on Moondrakken. If it's the former then sure, he can, if it's the latter then he can't as pg 78 of the BGB states that you can only put infantry in transport vehicles unless otherwise stated. And the same goes with Khan.


As we all know, GW makes poorly written rules, and I believe that Khan at least is still technically an infantry model even if on a bike, RAW. RAI I reckon it's quite clear he's infantry, but they may not hold as much sway.


Just a quick note. Isiah locked the last thread due it getting too heated and a little unpleasant. Normally the procedure here would be to lock duplicate threads. As the last one was in 5th Ed though, this is staying open, just be nice to each other guys OK. ^_^

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sorry the question was hard to follow.

firstly when you disembark, you must remain wholly within 6" of the land raider regardless of your movement values.

secondly shrikes infiltrate only passes to dedicated transports.. he could join a unit with a dedicated transport and make it infiltrate too though (i think)


transports are clearly stated to carry infantry models only (pg 78) according to the unit types section, models mounted on bikes come under the heading bikes and jetbikes, not infantry


edit: also shrike is clearly stated as being jump infantry NOT infantry

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I would have agreed before the lastest FAQ but this was added


Page 45 – Bikes & Jetbikes, Special Rules.

Add ‘Very Bulky’ to the list of special rules for Bikes and


It seems that bikes can be put into a transport (counting as three models).

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I would have agreed before the lastest FAQ but this was added


Page 45 – Bikes & Jetbikes, Special Rules.

Add ‘Very Bulky’ to the list of special rules for Bikes and


It seems that bikes can be put into a transport (counting as three models).

But the rules still say only Infantry can be in transports unless the transport states otherwise. Land Raiders do not say bikes can embark on them.

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I would have agreed before the lastest FAQ but this was added


Page 45 – Bikes & Jetbikes, Special Rules.

Add ‘Very Bulky’ to the list of special rules for Bikes and


It seems that bikes can be put into a transport (counting as three models).


But that does not state they can, and there was a statement that they "can't" correct?

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