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Blood Angels Heraldry


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Apologies if this is in the wrong place as it's not really a question (except for the two at the end, lol), but it does pertain to modelling and painting BA :D


I'm starting a new Blood Angels army which I have already started to collect. A lot of this may seem simple and obvious to you, however, I'm saying most of it so I understand what I am talking about so that when I start painting the figures I'll know what to do for each model/unit. Want the army to be an accurate portrayal of the Blood Angels chapter, so squads from a certain company will have the insignia of that company and so on.


The other thing is the actual 'in game' unit compositions, want to make sure I get the most out of my models. Once it's all done and painted the army will sit on a shelf and be nice to look at and be nice to play games with.


The next step will be naming all the characters and sergeants and whatnot, but I shall get to that at a later date :(



Excepting Terminators, all Chapter Badges go on the left shoulder pads


Terminator Librarian (no examples in Codex) Chapter Badge on right shoulder as with the Terminators.


Terminators - 1st company badge (CB), white/silver skull - can only see the Sergeant with this in the Codex. Chapter Badge goes on the right shoulder pad (and the left for everyone else).


1x Sergeant

3x Terminator

1x CML + Chainfist (last to die, hopefully)



Death Company - White Chapter Badge. Red cross on right shoulder (plus skulls, chalices etc)


6x Bolter DC

1x Powerfist + Bolter

1x Poweraxe + Infernus Pistol

1x Infernus Pistol + CCW

Drop Pod



Tactical Squad - 3rd CB, white/silver teardrop. Sergeant has black shoulder pads with yellow badges.


7x bolter marines

1x plasma gun

1x plasma cannon

Sarge with combi-plasma & CCW



Sanguinary Preist - White CB & trim (right shoulder?)


Assault Squad - 2nd CB, yellow/gold teardrop. Yellow helmets.


7x bolt pitols + CCW's

2x flamer

Sarge with power maul and stormshield



Assault Squad - 5th CB, black teardrop. Yellow helmets.


7x bolt pistols +CCW's

2x meltagun

Sarge with meltabombs



Is that accurate? Anything I've forgotten?

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It looks like you have an excellent grasp on BA heraldry. You can go one further than this and add more (I didn't) by adding squad marking to the right knee and an army/campaign badge to the right outer calf. http://warhammer40k.wikia.com/wiki/Blood_A...ad_Markings.jpg wait a few moment for the page to load (it was slow on my machine).
It looks like you have an excellent grasp on BA heraldry. You can go one further than this and add more (I didn't) by adding squad marking to the right knee and an army/campaign badge to the right outer calf. http://warhammer40k.wikia.com/wiki/Blood_A...ad_Markings.jpg wait a few moment for the page to load (it was slow on my machine).

Ahhh! Squad markings on the right knee, of course! Totally forgot about them >.<


They are right there on the same page as the company badges as well. Double D'oh!


Thanks for reminding me of them :lol:


I'll have to go edit my original post now!


Good link, but I couldn't read the pages because the squad markings overlayed everything else and I could get rid of them! Looks interesting, though!

Any reason that you're mixing and matching companies with the squads?


Might be just a personal thing, but Id draw the basic units from a single company, then any additionals (3rd assault squad, etc) would be from a reserve/other company.


Its entirely your army, though, and each unit will look awesome and individual.


When doing the company logos, I switched things up a bit and added a lot of freehand to my BA...



Honestly, not really, I just chose companies at random since I wanted every unit to be 'unique' and not look the same. That said, they're mostly all going to look the same anyway (ie, like BA) so maybe taking them all from the same company might be a better option.


Looking over the army list again, I've only really got 3 units that I could assign insignia to, DC and Termies both have 'set' heraldry, and I think the 2nd company would be a good choice for the rest because the the blue skull squad marking on the right knee (I like skulls) which would give all of my figures a skull in one form or another!


Think that's a much better way of doing it!


That's some slick free hand work by the way. I could never do anything like that...

Blood Angels often make task forces drawn from many battle companies (Mephiston does this allot) and use the best marines (for the job at hand) from many companies to accomplish a more dangerous mission. I'm guessing this is done so as not to weaken one company to much if they take a significant loss.

I'd suggest going with one company. Makes sense when you go to field your army that the Captain brought squads from his own company with some additional help from the 1st. Of course Dante could easily organize a warhost that uses squads from every company, but that would be for a battle much larger than what you play in 40k.


Also, gives you a nice long term goal of collecting a full BA company. 6 Tacticals, 2 Assault, and 2 Devastator squads. Plus all the extras and 1st company vets too.

Then when you want a 3rd Assault squad you can go to another company or even another chapter like Flesh Tearers, Blood Drinkers, or Lamenters, just to mix it up even more.


Here is a link to that page without the popup: http://warhammer40k.wikia.com/wiki/Blood_Angels


;) Darklighter beat me to the point with the Mephiston example. Basically the same thing I was saying about Dante. :ph34r:


Here's another link full of info: http://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Blood_angels#.UFjK1LKPWSo

I believe it was just Tycho's second company that should have the yellow drop for the company badge. They were pictured a lot and even their banner is very well known. But otherwise it should be the company color on a black pad.


For the 5th company putting a black drop on a black background doesn't really work. I used a red drop instead as an inverse of colors. Actually I remember a long time ago, thinking of useing the yellow drop for the sarg, I think just because it came on the old water-slide transfer sheet. That's probably how it became popular outside of the 2nd Co.

Wow, thanks everyone! Super helpful ;)


What you say makes sense, Darklighter, and that's also how I viewed it (hence my random selection method) but I think the units all from one company would be more satisfying.


Not collecting and painting a whole company, though, that sounds like lunacy! 1,500 - 2,000 points is fine for me!


Not sure, but I think it's just the Tactical sergeants that have the black pads with their company/chapter logos on them.


The Codex actually has everything I need, but the links were a good read! Still need to edit my first post as well!


Thanks again, gentleman. You've all been a great help!




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