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Flyers... Where do they come from?

Lord Bearer

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This is possibly a simple question, but I have been reading the rules for Flyers and a question came up in our last game.


From what I understand, when a flyer enters the battlefield from Reserves, it can enter from any side of the board. I read the rule book and I just couldn't find where it said about it.


Can anybody shed light onto this?



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I believe it would enter only from your board edge(like other reserves) unless it had a special rule stating otherwise.


They do indeed come in from reserves from your own board edge, unless they have outflank, (or scout or infiltrate since both give them the outflank rule) then they can choose to come in the sides. They just have to roll for which one that is.

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When I read the title of this thread, I felt like posting "when a mummy flier and a daddy flier love each other very much, the go in to a hangar alone..." but alas, then I understood the thread and I too have gained from the answers provided. And still left my silly comment.
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