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Proxy models: how far ?


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I have two questions as we are having a quite animated discussion here.


First and more important, about proxy models: we are going to use bikes as proxy for Thunderwolf cavalry.

We have doubts about LoS issues when shoot at even if size and bases are similar. Do you guys think it can be done or the Rules would forbid that ?

Also, a Razorback conversion to represent a Predator tank, basically the Razor turret with a slightly bigger weapon turret moved to the front of the tank roof.

Problem came up when trying to shoot at it while covering the hull behind a house. The owner claims a save for the building, while the shooter claims a lower save because the turret is completely visible.


We would like to hear your opinion about these issues...



Secondly, what's the difference between Reserves and ongoing reserves, because of 4 people here no one got it right it seems...

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Re proxy models- the rules assume you are using the correct models. There are no rules that cover proxying. If you and your friends are ok with using bikes to represent twc then you can probably live with it.


Predator using a razorback conversion- reread the vehicle cover rules. If the majority of the vehicle is in or behind cover then it gets cover, doesn't matter if the turret happens to be in the open. While shooting at a unit of more than 1 model you can choose to only shoot at those in a certain amount of cover, you're now dealing with a single model which either is, or is not, in cover.


Ongoing reserves have a look at fliers. It is slighty different to normal reserves since you no longer have to roll to see if they turn up.

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IIRC, TWC are on Monstrous creature bases, so if you want to play fair, you should probably either:

Have two bikes side by side and another two on top due to height difference (Yes, they are reasonably tall models)

Stack two attack bikes, again, that's a reasonable approximation

Put a rhino on a monstrous creature base with a biker on top. That's a bit bigger, but if you don't have the actual models, it's fairer IMO to err on the side of caution and go big.


The chassis for Rhinos and Predators are the same so there shouldn't be much of a problem proxying those...

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About the bikers wouldn't be a problem to use Monstrous creature bases with two bikes on it. Modellistically speaking it can be interesting.


Two bikes, one on top of the other... well, i can't really think about a single good reason for it, unless one of them is flying. :)


Ongoing reserves have a look at fliers. It is slighty different to normal reserves since you no longer have to roll to see if they turn up.


Thanks, so a Flyer that has finished its run out of the table is Ongoing because it will enter again automatically. We were a little suspicious it was that easy, we had a doubt there was more behind :D

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Proxies are a house issue; if your friends are fine with that, then have at it. However, since you're actively making it something else, this is actually a "counts-as" situation.


TWC are on 60 rounds, so they'd have to be on those. Have one or more bikers on it, one popping a massive wheelie to get the same height (seriously, they're as tall as Dreadnoughts), though ramping off a boulder or something would be neat too.


The vehicle shooting rules are quite clear; if the vehicle is 25% obscured, it gets a full cover save. The shooter was wrong.


And ongoing reserves, well it looks like that one is well in hand. ;)

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Thanks Seahawk, i will decide what to do with my list about them but i'm not that fond'em anyway. That's why we came up with the bikes in the first place; they can be powerful as someone says but they look plain stupid to me...


About the vehicles we decided to keep the rules from the book as you say, but at the same time we decided to produce another set of hits' rules.

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Two bikes, one on top of the other... well, i can't really think about a single good reason for it, unless one of them is flying. :huh:


Well, the good reason is that TWC are pretty tall. As Seahawk said, about the height of a Dreadnought...

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I saw one or two pictures but since i wasn't really "interested" (and i pity whoever had the idea of putting them in the army list) but i didn't realized the size.


however now i changed my mind and i went for simple bikes, since i find them more fun :tu:

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