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Khorne Armies in 6e?


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Yeah, it's tempting to just take CSMs instead of berserkers. One thing that needs to be remembered is how "all-comers" a berserker unit can get, as it looks like they can be made to shred anything short of TEQ while only hitting 18 ppm (only two points more than a "basic" Khornate CSM squad). So I think they'll still have a solid place.

18pts? Most reliable rumours I've read have them at 19pts per model before upgrades. I've heard the 15pts per model rumour before (and wish it was true!) but I can't seem to track the origin of that rumour down.

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Yeah, it's tempting to just take CSMs instead of berserkers. One thing that needs to be remembered is how "all-comers" a berserker unit can get, as it looks like they can be made to shred anything short of TEQ while only hitting 18 ppm (only two points more than a "basic" Khornate CSM squad). So I think they'll still have a solid place.

18pts? Most reliable rumours I've read have them at 19pts per model before upgrades. I've heard the 15pts per model rumour before (and wish it was true!) but I can't seem to track the origin of that rumour down.

We'll have to wait, I hope they will stick around the 15 points un-upgraded. With Chain axe +2 and/or Hatred +1 we should have a nice point total.

Now they could also be 16 points and it wouldn't matter to much.


19 Points "naked" would be a problem though :)

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Yeah, it's tempting to just take CSMs instead of berserkers. One thing that needs to be remembered is how "all-comers" a berserker unit can get, as it looks like they can be made to shred anything short of TEQ while only hitting 18 ppm (only two points more than a "basic" Khornate CSM squad). So I think they'll still have a solid place.

18pts? Most reliable rumours I've read have them at 19pts per model before upgrades. I've heard the 15pts per model rumour before (and wish it was true!) but I can't seem to track the origin of that rumour down.


Nafkas blog claims its 15 points for a "naked" berserker, and then +2 points for the chain axe and +1 for VotLW, making it 18 fully upgradable.


I also happen to seriously hope thats true...


Blood of kittens claims 19 points, but then with the chain axes included.

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I've trawled through quite a bit of Natfka's blog, the only mention I can find for 15pt Berzerkers is in a throwaway comment by an anonymous poster. I'm probably not searching far back enough...


But still, even in the recent Q&A I saw mention of them being 19pts each.

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I've trawled through quite a bit of Natfka's blog, the only mention I can find for 15pt Berzerkers is in a throwaway comment by an anonymous poster. I'm probably not searching far back enough...


But still, even in the recent Q&A I saw mention of them being 19pts each.


Ah, guess we`ll see. IMO 15-17 points for a naked zerker is good, but 19 would be pushing it

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In any case I will at least field 2 units of Berzerkers.


Now I am (perhaps one of the few) very happy with Rage and Counter-attack because 6th demands some good shooting.


The plan now is: Assault orientated shooting army with the counter-attack in the form of Bezerkers. Works wonders for loyalists and also fills up the scoring units.


Troops (make me happy allready):

2x Bezerkers

2x CSM MoK plasmagun + plasmacannon

2x Cultists (Bunny Blood Gladiators)



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Them having counterattack doesn't make your battle plan any better Killax. They used to have just a flat +1 attack so if you got charged you would have 3 attacks a piece. Now you get charged and you have 3 attacks a piece, but if the combat lasts another turn you drop down to 2. It's worse. The bright spot is the lower cost so overall I guess it washes out, it just feels bland and it could have been actually exciting if they let zerk champions ignore unwieldy on power axes, that would make them unique, fluffy, and scary without being super overpowering as they are still 1 wound models without an invulnerable save and I4.
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Them having counterattack doesn't make your battle plan any better Killax. They used to have just a flat +1 attack so if you got charged you would have 3 attacks a piece. Now you get charged and you have 3 attacks a piece, but if the combat lasts another turn you drop down to 2. It's worse. The bright spot is the lower cost so overall I guess it washes out, it just feels bland and it could have been actually exciting if they let zerk champions ignore unwieldy on power axes, that would make them unique, fluffy, and scary without being super overpowering as they are still 1 wound models without an invulnerable save and I4.


Nope, I mean to use the term counter attack and the special rule counter-attack very differtly.


What I mean is that parts will footslog towards the enemy shoot them up in close quarters and then assault.


In short: the plan is to Rapid Fire and charge in with Rage added attacks.



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Troops (make me happy allready):

2x Bezerkers

2x CSM MoK plasmagun + plasmacannon

2x Cultists (Bunny Blood Gladiators)



thats a pretty solid core.

would you footslog using the cultists as human shields?


Perhaps, it depends on the mission and the battlefield, I also intend to add Rhino's and more to keep it all mobile and going.


I think Chaos's power now lies in being allround quite good, as for now less spam (with the exeption of perhaps Havoc spam + skyfire).

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I'm thinking of...


Zhufor + termies (combi plas most likely)



Helbrute MM/CCW

Helbrute MM/CCW


Bloodletters (camp home field objective)

Berzerkers in Dreadclaw

Berzerkers in Dreadclaw

Berzerkers in Land Raider








Should be close to 2k, I can tweak it to stay under I think/hope. I'd probably drop a Heldrake because luckily my group doesn't run too many flyers.


Basically, I'll have a wall of armor in the beginning... some of it very fast. By turn two I should have a lot of stuff in my opponent's face, turn three everything that I have that isn't dead/destroyed, should be able to assault. From then on, it's just a matter of taking skulls.


I think Rhinos still have a place for CSM with Mark of Khorne, but berzerkers either need a meatshield, land raiders, or forgeworld (stormeagle or dreadclaw).


Anyway, I'm excited about it.

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I think we will see more Khorne armies using land raiders. The 10 guy max is fine when it's 8 or 8+1 in a squad and it's the easiest way to get that charge in. Rumor is its still cheaper than loyalists and lascsnnons are more effective these days. Plus we have viable fast attack and elite for support.
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i like that idea

with cheap cultitsts to sit obs, you can run dual raiders with berserkers and still have points for new shiny shiny things


I keep forgetting about those little cultists!

My initial thought was some thing like a pair of raiders with berserkers, csm in rhino ( for objective) , bikers for anti tank and round it off with a defiler for target saturation, fire support and some assault support.

Seems quite doable.

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