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New Legionary


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Hi, long time lurker, first time poster. I have long wanted to start a Chaos wa rband but I have never been able to settle on a particular legion or war band. However recently I have fallen in love with the Alpha Legion. My idea of them is that they are the experts on the long game, never going into a fight with out gathering as much information as they can on their enemy, and infiltrating every aspect of their target so they can find and exploit weakness and strengthen themselves. Of course on the tabletop we see the end game. The moment they attack, when stealth and deception is no longer possible, or needed, they explode onto the scene in all their blue/green glory, slaughtering at will and supported by waves of cultists. I imagine the war band as being the remnants of the pre-heresy company, which has split into smaller cells that can be brought together by the war bands 'Alpharius'.


So to represent this on my models the most obvious thing to do is to be less 'spiky' and to have the odd loyalist symbol. Really I want to find the fine the line between spiky and plain which will be the challenge. Of course i see there being variation, some guys will fall to Chaos to a larger degree then other, and, whatever their true allegiance may be, they are performing acts that further the goal of the gods, so 'gifts' will happen. I think that some aspects of the war band/cell will have more exposure to the warp such as the sorcerer and his bodyguards. Also, while I see them as extremely efficient killers, I believe they will still be prone to the odd acts of brutality, especially if it serves a tactile purpose (Night Lord style-ee).


I wanted to post my first WIP here before I start a WIP thread as I wanted to get the opinion of you guys first. My first WIP is an Aspiring Champion. There isn't to much chaos stuff on here so i'm not sure if I need to add something when I paint like a Chaos star. I'm also thinking of painting on a scale pattern on the helm to make it look more ominous. After looking back at the picture I realise I need to neaten up the sword arm, and reconnect the piping on the boltpistol arm. I'm also thinking adding a Greek Letter to one knee as a parody of loyalist squad markings.







In future models I would like to introduce the more baroque feel of the standard Chaos space marines but I am not sure how to achieve it on the model. I tried a green-stuff trim on the left leg but it didn't look great. I may retry it though. On the right shoulder pad I had attempted to green stuff Chaos star. It looked poo so got rid of it for a simpler trim, which explain why it has random green stuff patches.


I have the dark vengeance box set from which I plan to make some cultists, with a few head swaps. Please let me know what you think, of the model and my vision of the Alpha Legion I would love suggestions on how to improve and paint.

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That is lovely work you've done there. The pose is understated, but quite nice, and the greenstuff work, especially on those symbols is awesome. I'm also a fan of the concept, it opens up a lot of options to you modelling wise. Keep up the good work, hope you post more of your creations.
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Thanks for the kind words. Other squad member will be shown to have been taking on a squad of Imperial Guard, so the pose I wanted was a moving foward firing on any who fell back. But I wanted him to look relaxed as if he felt there was little threat to him.


The wrist is bionic, but I have connected the cable. I would like to add something else to the wrist to make it look more stable. I have given up on any form of leg trim, couldn't get it to work. I also considered adding scales to the cloack but I think it will take me the best part of the year.


I was thinking for my cultist, to have them led by an 'operative', so it looks like he has roused up the locals.

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