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Black Legion Colours

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I know that chaos can encompass all colours and schemes but does anyone know what the colour scheme of the Black Legion was directly after the Battle for Terra? In white Dwarf, codexs and other publications I have seen Black Legion with gold trim all over, gold trim on the shoulder pads and silver trim on the rest and a mix of these but what do you think the colour scheme should be?


Thanks for reading,


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I know that chaos can encompass all colours and schemes but does anyone know what the colour scheme of the Black Legion was directly after the Battle for Terra? In white Dwarf, codexs and other publications I have seen Black Legion with gold trim all over, gold trim on the shoulder pads and silver trim on the rest and a mix of these but what do you think the colour scheme should be?


Thanks for reading,

BII :nuke:


Directly after the Siege of Terra (and, I'd venture a guess, for a few centuries of 'realspace' time after it) the Legion was still the Sons of Horus, with their sea-green armour.


That's how I'd run with it, anyway.

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They were still the Sons of Horus directly after the Battle of Terra. They only became the Black Legion after Abaddon took control of the Legion which came when he destroyed all of the Horus clones that the Emperor's Children were creating as well as Horus's body which was worshiped by the various champions and captains. As for the differences in trim, this varies between warbands, also some older pictures implied that champions/chosen got gold trim while rank and file troops had silver but it doesn't really matter, do whichever you want.
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I third, they'd still be Sons of Horus.


With so many black legion warbands about you can pretty much do what you want. You can even throw in the occasional extra color. A red pauldron looks good when used sparingly, for example. As long as they aren't rank and file the same scheme they'll look great. Bronze, or tin bitz looks good when used with gold and silver on these guys too.

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Directly after the siege of Terra, they still went by the name of 'Sons of Horus but they had changed their colors to Black in mourning of their fallen father. They did not take on the name of Black Legion until later but they still had the color for quite a while
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I'm painting up my Black legion with a silver trim but the trim of the shoulder pads a faded gold. The higher ranking marines will get more gold trim. So a basic legionaire has gold trimmed pads, but the rest of his trim is silver. For the Asp. Champ, the trim of his leg armour will also be gold. When I finally get some chosen, they'll probably be the same. The HQ's will probably be all gold trim...I've not even completed the first squad yet :woot:


I dunno if this colour scheme is considered canon or not, but it will help the higher ranking guys stand out over the fodderI MEAN troops!

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Yeah, it says in the current dex that 'gold, silver or any other metallic trim form the standard colour scheme' and 'different warbands and companies may choose to adopt a more personal rendering'. So really, anything goes. I prefer black & gold, but throw in silver randomly to mix things up.
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I read a tutorial on heresy-era Sons of Horus armour before, but can't seem to find it. Going off memory, but remember the recipe being something like this:


1) Basecoat black


2) Rotten Flesh for the armour with a brown / green wash for the crevaces. Highlight with Rotten Flesh, extreme highlights with Bleached Bone.


3) Burnished Gold and Dark Flesh for the trim. Only highlight with Chainmail or Mithril Silver. The trim should be more like brass or copper, not gold.


4) Mechrite Red for the eyes, with Blazing Orange highlights.


5) Freehand symbols can be done in Dark Flesh, Scorched Earth or watered down Tausept Ocre (can't remember which).


Obviously, you would need to update the paints to use something in the new range (or use Vallejo game color equivalents), but this should be doable for most people.

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Yeah so.. the box sets are almost always painted black legion colors these days. Just look at the pics on the GW website, and it'll be almost entirely black legion. Seems pretty "cannon" to me.
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