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RedInventor Checking In


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Well I'm absolutely terrible at these introduction posts, but here I am. I have been creeping along the boards for a while now and decided to finally join and start talking. I just recently got into the 40K hobby (its been about a month/month and a half) and I've been loving it thus far. I haven't even played my first game yet but I've been doing a lot of painting/research. I've never played any sort of table top game but I imagine it'll be fun. I work roughly 100 hours a week and have a wife and kid (hopefully kids soon), so I don't have much time to paint, read, etc. So if in the future it takes me forever to respond to something please forgive me. I came to the hobby via Horus Heresy books, which prompted me to talk to a guy at work about the books, at which point he clued me in to the fact that 40k is also a game. So kind of an odd way in but it made choosing an army easy. I chose the Raven Guard as DeliveranceLostwasthesecond 40k bookI read. Now I'm not going to say that it's a 100% great book especially when compared to some of the other Heresy era books but its description of the Raven Guard (especially their Primarch Corax) intrigued me. The Raven Guard are the dark, silent type from my understanding,who hold intelligenceover brawn. My type of people. If you want to know anything more than that feel free to ask or visit my blog www.imperialredinventions.blogspot.com
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  • 5 weeks later...

Well sorry for the long response, work has been a bit of a monster lately and I've really only had time to paint here and there. Luckily before I go to sleep I can think for hours on end :), which has led me to discredit the fluff compatibility of a long lost Raven Guard company created by the Primarch shortly before he disappeared. (I now feel like that was a "Duh, what were you thinking?" type of situation. This being the thought process I wiped the idea and went with what my friends suggested at the beginning when I first told him of what I was trying to do, create my own chapter. Little did I know that creating a chapter is about as easy as climbing Mt. Everest in January, but I haven't quit yet for the rewards have been pretty cool. So along with introducing myself I would like to introduce the Guardians of Silence, my DIY Space Marine Chapter. To do this I'm mostly just going to post some pictures and direct you towards my blog if you really care to know much more.


Here is my very first mini I ever painted, its going to need a little bit of repainting to adjust over to the Guardians of Silence (Originally was going to be 13th Company Raven Guard) but nothing too crazy.


And the back...



Now this guy here is where I am at right now in the hobby, still has a little work to be done before its fully finished but its getting close to finishing time for him.



And of course, the Guardians of Silence Chapter Logo on the shoulder...



And here's the intro to the Guardians, still a WIP but I'm ironing it out slowly...


A prophecy was once foretold, warning of doom and destruction from a great green maelstrom that would rage across the Imperium in the distant future. A raging storm of mechanoid invaders that, if uncontested, would destroy the entire human race. It is rumored this very prophecy led to the founding of the Guardians of Silence, a long unseen chapter of the Adeptus Astartes. It is said that they vigilantly stand guard over the Imperium from their dark homeworld on the distant edge of the Segmentum Pacificus. They have one mission destroy the Necron scourge wherever they are encountered.

The Adeptus Mechanicus were said to have strongly suggested heeding the prophecy and offered their full support. The edge of the galaxy was sure to provide the opportunity to seek out lost and new technology and the Mechanicum would not miss the opportunity to journey out with a Space Marine chapter. This led to a quasi-symbiotic relationship between the two and the creation of a well defended forge world in the core of the Aradius system. This relationship has led some other chapters to look down upon the Guardians, whilst others understand the necessity of such a union so far from the rest of the Imperium. In the eyes of the Guardians, the priests of the Mechanicum are brothers of faith and battle for both groups have helped to prevent the destruction of the other.

The prophecy was now told millennia ago and the Guardians have suffered great losses and terrible betrayals by some of their greatest brothers since their founding. The quickening of Necron awakenings creates a vast imbalance of power against the great Guardians, they stand alone amongst the Halo Stars, attempting holding back the prophesied storm.


Obmutescere Inimicos Imperator!

“Silence the enemies of the Emperor!”

Guardians of Silence Battle Cry


Well I look forward to getting to talk with you all and I hope you enjoyed my rant. :)

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