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UK Games Day!


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We didn't really talk much after that. In the mean time my friend got his space wolf book signed by Phil Kelly who seemed very cheery and commented on his beard being worthy of a space wolf player, then wrote "For Russ!" in his book. I also spoke to Jervis Johnson who was really nice and got my HH book signed by Alan Bligh who was a really nice guy too!




Aye I really enjoy talk to both Phil Kelly & Jes Goodwin though out yesterday. Both have demanded (in a friendly banter type way) I get the Warpsmith for my Iron Warriors as I was talk to them about the new codex & how I will be taken my Iron Warriors to Throne of Skulls October two weeks after the release.



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@Darklighter: Thanks, yeah I was surprised and disappointed to not make the finalists considering some of the miniatures that did, but that's how it goes, I have left a question for the judges on what made my entry fall short of some of the ones that did get through, so I can avoid the mistakes next time!



I picked up two of the Games Day Minis, one is fully built (but does have a couple of tiny bubbles on the face that I need to fill <_< The other is currently unopened as he'll be getting the usual treatment of being hacked apart and reposed to better fit the rest of my army :)


I got an Angron that I have opened but not started cleaning up yet (there is a LOT of cleaning to do on it, but no warpage that I've seen so far) and I of course got the Horus Heresy Book too. It's pretty cool, probably a bit of a waste for a BA, unless you simply collect all things HH.

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That's close to the face the GW photographer managed to catch me making at Alan Bligh. Imagine my delight for it to be on the GW blog the other day.


By the way did anyone else notice the new Matt Ward? I had to ask Jervis Johnson where he was, he's had his hair cur off and no longer has a beard (or sense of humour heheh)



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I stood directly in front of Matt Ward and was like :blush: Matt....?


he then laughed and said there were no pictures that looked like him now, I think he was enjoying that people were not coming up to him as they didn't recognise him!


He was a pretty nice guy when I spoke to him though, signed my collectors ed rule book, and we discussed glaive encarmines as well as the reasoning behind dante getting an axe with standard axe rules (basically they wanted to be consistent). He felt that doing spear or maul encarmines was fine by rules but that sticking to axes/swords would be better.

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I think he would have been glad of the question, there was a guy hanging around him to bend his ear off, apparently since the start of the day...


Mind you, joking aside, I wish he had done my "Keep fist pumping with the necrons" inscription, but he just wouldn't. I think maybe by the time I got to him he'd probably been roasted for grey knights by thousands of people and had lost his sense of humour ;)



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I asked him about Sanguinor Glaive...


He said "If we were to write the rules again now, we would specify it is a sword. But we haven't. So by the rules you can do what you like when you model him. So yes a Sanguinor with an Axe would be legal"


Which was amusing because he basically had a 'meh, yeh that's legal go for it until we change it' attitude.


Of course that's not a legally binding rules ruling but it was just interesting to get GW designers' opinion on things.

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Wow they managed to sell nearly all of the 1,500 Horus Heresy books from the 600 they were bringing. I'm glad they were honest about the limited numbers of books they had for sale... WAIT A MINUTE!


I am glad really, otherwise I might not have gotten one! :D



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