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Odd situation came up with a Weirdboy


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Hey Everyone,


A good friend and I were playing a game yesterday, 2000pts of my marines vs his orks. He had a warphead leading a mob of 30 shoota boyz and a warboss, and got the 'ere we go power allowing him to deepstrke the unit close to my whirlwind.


Well, that had the happy side effect of puttin them in deepstrike formation right near my whirlwind. :-) After that pie plate o doom followed by shooting from a long fang squad and a grey hunter squad that mob broke and ran with 3 boys and the warphead left.


So here is the odd part. Since they are below 25% strength they need insane heroism to rally (double 1's). BUT, the warphead still rolls on his psychic table every turn as well. What happened is he rolled the deep strike power again, and mishapped gaining a "delayed" result.


So when the unit then comes out of ongoing reserves the next turn, does it rally or continue to retreat?

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Also, this is a four-model mob of orks, so for morale purposes, they would have Leadership 4 if there were no character present (unless this got changed in the newest edition, which I haven't actually played yet <_<).
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Also, this is a four-model mob of orks, so for morale purposes, they would have Leadership 4 if there were no character present (unless this got changed in the newest edition, which I haven't actually played yet <_<).


Orks can choose to use the mob for leadership I thought, so they may use their base Ld otherwise. Either way they had a character attached so they would have used his Ld.


Also they would just keep falling back. Had this come up in a game in 5e with a special rule we had, rather funny situation.

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Well it was funny! We were laughing about it at the time, and since the game was pretty much ov er at that point it wasnt a game changing rule lookup or anything. Can anyone direct me to a page reference that shows the bit where they can use the IC's leadership to rally when below 25% strength?
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Orks can choose to use the mob for leadership I thought, so they may use their base Ld otherwise.

I didn't phrase it quite the way I intended to put it :blush: What I meant was: in this case, their base Ld (before modifiers) cannot be lower than 4 — which is probably better odds than having to roll a 2 to succeed.

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Being bellow 25% doesn't lower your Leadership... it just mean that the test can only be passed with a double 1 (unless joined by an IC or if you get charged). The Mob Rule doesn't change this, as it's always a double 1 to pass if bellow 25%.
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