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Blood Gorgons secret followers of Slaanesh?

Henricus Divis

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Just finished Henry Zou's excellent Blood Gorgons and having been having a think. Firstly it is stated that all Blood Gorgon squads with the exception of their Chapter Master's bodyguard, have three pairs of bonded brothers, ie. six marines the sacred number of Slaanesh, then (paraphrased) it mentions 'pleasure slaves picked for the nine Slaaneshi principles of beauty', the Chapter Master is stated to have a claw like mutation similar to a daemonette's pincers, and finally the main character *spoilers* unleashes some kind of sonic attack that staggers his opponent during their final battle, similar to the high pitched screams unleashed by the champions of Slaanesh.


Now I may be reading to much into this and they are stated to be followers of 'The Sects Undivided' but this just seems to me to be a little bit beyond coincidence that they have so many traits befitting a Slaaneshi warband, I'm probably wrong but I would be intrigued to hear what you all think.

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Could be they are secret followers of Slaanesh. They do have alot of similarities. At the same time though you could be looking too far into it. Personally I think that the author was going for a sort of "chaos davey jones" feel with the crustacean marines. I would've loved to have tried that but alas, my greenstuffu isn't good enough to do Blood Gorgons justice.
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