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I say Sanguinary Priest, first. I plan on buying two bikers as bitz from the Dark Vengeance box, one will be a Sanguinary Priest and one will be a Librarian. Being able to take a Feel No Pain when you fail a Look Out Sir against missiles/melta/lascannons could be a lifesaver... or might do nothing; but any roll is better than no roll. And if they need to escape a sticky situation, turboboost will get them farther away than a JP and Run. Also, can acheive Linebreaker if they split away by turboboost to hide from Line of Sight. Also, harder to wound in a challenge some of the time, although usually these two character types want to avoid challenges. These are all small bonuses, and may not be worth the 35pts versus a 25pt Jump Pack. But these small options may win a game every now and again.
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Aye I was thinking about a Librarian seeing as I don't expect the Squad to get into combat (which would benefit the Captain and Reclusiarch, no?), now I just need the parts from somewhere, along with the bits for a Priest (having a Priest is a given after all).


What spells would you use for a bike-born Librarian? For BA it would be Shield and ?, for regular it would be ?


Sadly my bike squad is consistently the worst performer of my army, hence why I'm trying to buff it. Also open to advise on how to use them in the 6th edition :blush:

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The librarian isnt as useful as the bolters are twin linked. The priest makes the bike unit near invincible (3+SV, T5, 5+Jink, FNP).


I've just got the pieces together to make 8 bikers, power weapon/fist, 2xmelta/plasma, attack bike, then captain w/SS on bike, priest.


Badass shooting platform with combat characters should be useful.

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See I wouldn't take a Bikes Squad, I've got reserved opinions against Bikes unless they're prefaced with the word 'Attack' in front... I want a Biker Priest and Librarian to attach to my Assault Squads and/or Attack Bikes Squad. Being able to attach an IC to your attack bikes without them being subjected to Focus Fire is always nice.
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See I wouldn't take a Bikes Squad, I've got reserved opinions against Bikes unless they're prefaced with the word 'Attack' in front... I want a Biker Priest and Librarian to attach to my Assault Squads and/or Attack Bikes Squad. Being able to attach an IC to your attack bikes without them being subjected to Focus Fire is always nice.


I fully agree here.


The only problem, but allready mentioned, I have with a Priest on a bike is that he still only has 1 wound and thus the upgrade is less interesting overall.

(Altough to be honest, I have a problem with the Priest not just being a unit upgrade in the first place)


But the best bikers are attack bikers with Multi-Melta's and the Libby's.


Cheers, have fun modelling!

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Ive used attack bikes in every game in 5th-6th and they are amazing. With the change to bikes in 6th I decided to get a full unit and make them a combat unit.


8bikes+attack bike is 28 attacks on the charge, and then whatever CC weapon your serge has.


Characters on bikes are too funny not to do. Getting a HoW attack in a challenge is too good to pass up.

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Ive used attack bikes in every game in 5th-6th and they are amazing. With the change to bikes in 6th I decided to get a full unit and make them a combat unit.


8bikes+attack bike is 28 attacks on the charge, and then whatever CC weapon your serge has.


Characters on bikes are too funny not to do. Getting a HoW attack in a challenge is too good to pass up.


;) Didn't realise...


I probably should factor that in seeing as they will see combat eventually, so the question is what is the best force mutliplier for a Bike Squadron? A Chaplain or a Librarian (with Shield and Rage)?


I gather the Librarian wins like it does almost everywhere else?

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I probably should factor that in seeing as they will see combat eventually, so the question is what is the best force mutliplier for a Bike Squadron? A Chaplain or a Librarian (with Shield and Rage)?

I gather the Librarian wins like it does almost everywhere else?

You don't need shield as the bikes get a 5+ jink for moving as standard. Rage might be useful for rerolling those 1's to wound.


It depends on what you want the squad for. The libby is more a support character, if you want a bike deathstar, a libby and captain are a good option, if you are short on points, a chaplain with powerfist may be good for challenges.


Either way, a priest to get FNP on them is incredible, to negate dangerous terrain rolls also.


The added benefit of the bikes is that they are T5 and get cover as standard. They act as a perfect screen for ASM jumping behind them.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So i've decided to model up all three and have them interchangeable. Now it's just a case for what upgrades to take...


Would a Librarian benefit from a combi-weapon or pistol?

Would a Chaplain require anything other than a Fist? Worth going the whole hog and making a Reclusiarch, or keeping it simple with a standard Chaplain?

Haven't a clue what would suit a Captain best. Storm Shield and Thunder Hammer? Twin Lightning Claws? Better Ranged weaponry?


... and now for a silly question; if they have a bike, can they have a weapon in each hand? Or is having a hand free to hold onto the bike too serious a concern for the 41st Millenium?

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... and now for a silly question; if they have a bike, can they have a weapon in each hand? Or is having a hand free to hold onto the bike too serious a concern for the 41st Millenium?

Nothing prevents them from having two close combat weapons, and gaining the +1 attack as a result.


In my mind, I imagine they do a backflip off the bike Matrix-style (in slow motion bullet-time of course! :P )... the riderless bike delivers the Hammer of Wrath and then they fight on foot, using the bike as an obstruction to use footwork around (hence retaining the toughness profile).

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What you want is Death Company on bikes; imagine the carnage!! I don't run bikes in my BA but I do for my Raven Guard and I love them. Captain with relic blade and ss, Chaplain and Command Squad on bikes and 2 x10 man squads of bikes and 3 attack bikes. I have a lot of fun with them but last time out they got trounced by Mephiston and some "stick around" DC..bah!! forgot what a combat monster Mephiston is ;)
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  • 2 months later...

A quick bump with regards to bits: I've got most of what I need already but I'm stumped on what to use for the Chaplain's head (thinking an Sanguinary Guard Death Mask, however I'm not keen on them) and what would be the best bits/set to get for an accompanying Sanguinary Priest having agreed that I could do with making one.


Any thoughts on what I could use?

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Being able to take a Feel No Pain when you fail a Look Out Sir against missiles/melta/lascannons could be a lifesaver... or might do nothing; but any roll is better than no roll.


Plus you'd have the bike's jink cover save, so you'd actually have two opportunities to save your character. Kinda interesting. There's definitely worse ways to spend 10 points, if you have them available.

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So I'm looking at the Codex:Blood Angles and the only weapon a biker gets besides his bike is a bolt pistol. Looks like 20 attacks to me.


Yep. The close combat weapon is one thing that really elevates Chaos Bikers above bikers from other books. Cheap, two attacks, very upgradable, etc. If there was any way for Chaos to make them scoring, they'd probably be the best unit in that codex. As it stands, they're still exceptional.

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Attack bike squads are really good, Ive played against this unit led by a BA libby and also the version led by a BA captain and I gotta say this is probably the only place where a BA captain is preferred to the libby. A PF/SS captain makes the units very tough and the highly mobile triple multimeltas are a must answer unit for mech. Its also worth noting that the unit puts out decent bolter fire in addition to the meltas.

Anyway I feel ordinary bike squads of the non troops variety arent nearly as efficient even considering FC/FNP potential, mostly because relentless bolters/specials are less appealing now with the changes to rapid fire.

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I say Sanguinary Priest, first. I plan on buying two bikers as bitz from the Dark Vengeance box, one will be a Sanguinary Priest and one will be a Librarian. Being able to take a Feel No Pain when you fail a Look Out Sir against missiles/melta/lascannons could be a lifesaver... or might do nothing; but any roll is better than no roll. And if they need to escape a sticky situation, turboboost will get them farther away than a JP and Run. Also, can acheive Linebreaker if they split away by turboboost to hide from Line of Sight. Also, harder to wound in a challenge some of the time, although usually these two character types want to avoid challenges. These are all small bonuses, and may not be worth the 35pts versus a 25pt Jump Pack. But these small options may win a game every now and again.


You should already have a jink save while on a bike against high str weapons as well.


I really dont fancy the idea of a bike army, maybe next year i'll collect one, I have every other possible combo except for bikers as I sold 15 to a mate of mine.


I do love my attack bikes though!

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