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Vices of the EC


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While we know of a couple apparent ones within the EC, I was thinking of what other things would the EC pursue in their quest for stimulii and decadence. So a few obvious ones;


Lucius: He gets his buzz off of combat stimulii. The prefect sword stroke in the height of a combat buzz. The chance for defeat even when highly unlikely, the pursuit to be perfect using all forms of close combat weaponry.


Noise Marines: Obvious sonic stimulii to the point of being fatal to others.


Lust/Sex: While not overtly displayed in the fluff for SM, it is hinted at via implementation of sexual like torture devices.


Torture: Whether linked with above or on it's own.


Now for some others that I have thought of;


Self-mutilation: One of the captains in a BL short story appears to have his mouth/face flayed open for no real apparent reason. In Fulgrim, it appears that Lucius enjoys scarification after his nose gets broken.


Fabius Bile: He goes above and beyond in his augmentation and biological pursuits which then leads into my second point.


Augmentation: I see this akin to the people that are addicted to plastic surgey and become grotesque through countless procedures. So EC that are always visiting with Fabius, despite maybe already having been augmented.


Any other thoughts?

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Well drugs is an obvious one and plays well into the game with Khorne Beserkers and Plague marines.


I always thought that the whole 'being the best' mentality that the EC had before the heresy is just some thing that can be taken too the extreme; like big game hunters or something.

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Well drugs is an obvious one and plays well into the game with Khorne Beserkers and Plague marines.


I always thought that the whole 'being the best' mentality that the EC had before the heresy is just some thing that can be taken too the extreme; like big game hunters or something.


Well we saw that being the best was associated with trying to be as close to being like Fulgrim as possible. However with the final fall to Slaneesh we see that individually that members of the EC pursue far different vices from not only one another but also from Fulgrim. Slaneesh really freed them from the constraints of perfecting themselves in their primarch/Emperor's eyes and instead they strive in perefecting twisted desires in the eyes of Slaneesh, albeit in whatever form they find fulfillment.

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I like to think theres some stuff that's just off they would do that normal marines couldn't because duty.


Eating to excess. Delicious food and what not, the only issue is it would be extremely difficult for a EC to get the food, and by the time he gets it he might be too far gone to actually ingest nutrients normally. I could also see them engaging in eating really strange things to experience the taste. Cannibalism is obvious, but there are other things they could try to eat that Slaanesh might gift them with the ability to digest. Wood, dirt, industrial waste. I can see EC experimenting in fine dining leading to cannibalism leading to having a tube constantly feeding them industrial waste.


Sloth. Marines generally cant indulge in laziness or the like, EC aren't much different. But Id imagine there are some marines that might get something out of having slaves carry them in a gondola to their favorite spots aboard a warship. Of course they could never truly be lazy with what having to train and fight constantly.


Sight. Modifying their retinas or other parts of their eyes to see more of the light spectrum, or just more colors. Starting at a painting could be vastly more entertaining if we had the color spectrum of an insect. God forbid if we could see it also in ultraviolet and infared and the like. An EC could enjoy all sorts of old indulgences simply because the way a slaves blood splayed across a corridor would have more color.

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A couple mundane ones that could be taken to extremes:

Tattoos (neon ones, modified electoos, etc).

Piercings and implantation (I remember hearing about a real life fad for having things implanted under the skin. Ballbearings, pearls, a crucifix, etc.)


I do like the over-eating idea too.

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There are perennial discussions on this in the Slaanesh forum and the general consensus is that they are chasing the dragon in all of their pursuits. Slaanesh followers crave sensation but are dulled to it, and the more they indulge the more jaded they become. Therefore they augment their hearing, and have their eyes sewn open, and inject themselves with stimulants and pain enhancers and the more they do this the more dulled their senses become, on an on ad infinum.


Actually if you think about it Slaanesh is the cruelest god to his own followers. Nurgle loves his followers in his own way, Khorne doesn't really care (all that matters is that the blood flows), and Tzeentch while being a manipulative bastard at least offers gifts that aren't by nature self defeating. Slaanesh on the other hand intentionally "blesses" his followers with gifts that prevent them from the full sensation of their experience thereby driving them to further excess thereby fueling Slaanesh.

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As an old game master I recommend people to not dwell too much on Slaneesh, particularly Slaneeshi philosophy and moral codes....


I remember 7-8 years ago, a campaign I ran in the old warhammer fantasy rpg system. My players wanted to try playing cultists. They choose Slaneesh. It was fun the first 2 sessions. During the 3d session it was no longer fun, as our own descriptions of what we were doing (we are pretty old school hardcore in that we role play in person for greater depth and immersion into characters, which is an advanced form of rpg that should really only be played by ppl that have developed good role playing skills) started to make us sick.

When one speaks of Slaneesh one should remember that the Slaneesh fluff in 40k is less grim, dark and outright perverted to the deity described in fantasy rpg (this because of the much younger player base in 40K compared to RPG I suspect). My advice is to never the less be careful with Slaneesh, since if one does follow the logical route, you will be in a very, very dark place which would certainly be censored on this forum (people on this forum are not all adults, and Slaneesh is really best described in very stark and adult terms).

So when your asking about the "vices of Slaneesh chosen", well, I dont know where to start. Thankfully in 40K the focus is on sensations and battle.

But if you really are interested in Slaneeshi vices, just use your own perverted immagination, and if its good enough it still will end up short of where you need to go. There is a reason why we completly stopped playing that campaign after 4 sessions. An early mistake involving sexual depravity, children and sacrifice of said despoiled children, made us all realise that dwelling too much on Slaneesh just isn`t very fun for any lenght of time.


He is the Prince of Cruelty. The Lord of Lies. The Dark One. The Depraved and Debauched. He is never satisfied.


IMO thats all one needs to know about Slaneesh...

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As an old game master I recommend people to not dwell too much on Slaneesh, particularly Slaneeshi philosophy and moral codes....


I remember 7-8 years ago, a campaign I ran in the old warhammer fantasy rpg system. My players wanted to try playing cultists. They choose Slaneesh. It was fun the first 2 sessions. During the 3d session it was no longer fun, as our own descriptions of what we were doing (we are pretty old school hardcore in that we role play in person for greater depth and immersion into characters, which is an advanced form of rpg that should really only be played by ppl that have developed good role playing skills) started to make us sick.

When one speaks of Slaneesh one should remember that the Slaneesh fluff in 40k is less grim, dark and outright perverted to the deity described in fantasy rpg (this because of the much younger player base in 40K compared to RPG I suspect). My advice is to never the less be careful with Slaneesh, since if one does follow the logical route, you will be in a very, very dark place which would certainly be censored on this forum (people on this forum are not all adults, and Slaneesh is really best described in very stark and adult terms).

So when your asking about the "vices of Slaneesh chosen", well, I dont know where to start. Thankfully in 40K the focus is on sensations and battle.

But if you really are interested in Slaneeshi vices, just use your own perverted immagination, and if its good enough it still will end up short of where you need to go. There is a reason why we completly stopped playing that campaign after 4 sessions. An early mistake involving sexual depravity, children and sacrifice of said despoiled children, made us all realise that dwelling too much on Slaneesh just isn`t very fun for any lenght of time.


He is the Prince of Cruelty. The Lord of Lies. The Dark One. The Depraved and Debauched. He is never satisfied.


IMO thats all one needs to know about Slaneesh...



Dude that is epic!!!. Ive found it can go either way, either so depraved and disgusting it makes people sick or more comically into immature realms of trash talk very quickly.


This is however a very good example of why a solid grounding reality is necessary, and a first RL warning about Slaaneshi cults. Would have been a terrible mess to explain to the missus though.....

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Oh Brother. This is an area which you would only scare yourself with if you spent too much time dwelling on it. Think about how far your current day obsessives go to to fulfill their obsessions. How long till more is needed to be fulfilled. And that's in a mortal lifespan. How many years has a legionare been feeding his obsessions.


Personally, I'd rather be captured by Night Lords than even fight against Slaanesh Marines.

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