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Converted Hellbrute (dreadnought)


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So I got the Dark Vengeance set and quickly set to work on the models. I have to say as far as snap fit models go these are excellent! I quickly traded the Dark Angels for more chaos models. So now I have 12 Chosen, 40 Cultists, 2 lords, and 2 Hell brutes. The Cultists I don't have any particular plans for converting. The Chosen I'm looking at for conversion possibilities and likewise for the lord. The HellBrute however... Ive already got plans for him and have begun on it.



I've going to re-possition the entire model so that the Brute is smashing it's fist into the ground and rather then being armed with a Multi-melta it'll be armed with a Twin Linked lascannon. So you can see I've busted the major components of the model up good and proper and already set to work on the arm. To further differentiate this from the run of the mill Hellbrute I'm also going to changing a lot of smaller details. Rebuilding the arm with different details, changing the head. Removing the chest tendrils and replacing them with deteroriation marks.


So, I've got the fingers on the fist cut and repositioned.




I mentioned I was going to replace the head with another one. I was originally going to use a screaming zombie head, but I couldn't find one in my bitz box. Which of course means it'll turn up right after I finish the model.


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I like what you have done there Mav. I think the head you have used works well. Rather than screaming rage it gives the impression of tortured anguish which is apt for someone who has been imprisoned in a daemonic lump of steel.


The fist idea is nice and the work you have done positioning the fingers is top class.


Good luck with this :P

Got a fair amount of work finished on the converted HellBrute today. And yes I know I started the project today. Thankfully I had the day off today so I had a fair amount of time I could commit to the project.



I had to go a bit different with mounting the body. I actually have a length of brass rod running from under the base up through the arm into the shoulder. And then the shoulder is pinned to the body. The Torso is largely free standing in this regard. But because I cut apart the abs of the brute and have repositioned it, I have to rebuild the detail for the body.



To help in this regard I put a length of piping in the body and am using that as a base to build up the abs and back detail. I've got a couple lengths of smaller tubing I'm going to use for the hydraulics in the body.


And just because I had the original Hell brute on my desk. we get to the Brothers:


Beautiful work man!!!


I'v been thinking about getting the vengeance set to supplement my SM's but didn't really like the unusable chaos bits, but after seeing this I may have to re-think that stance. Hope you dont mind me stealing some ideas ;)



The lifeguard

So I got a little more work done on the Hell brute. Since I'm working with Green Stuff and Miliput now work is going to be slow since I have to work in stages and let each stage dry at least somewhat before moving onto the next stage. But here is what I have so far:



Building up the musculature of the arm.



Put down a layer of muscles on the back and rebuilt and the spine for the extended back side. I have to come back around and put down more muscles around the spine.

Really a sweet conversion. The one I'm building is fairly a stock build, but seeing this I really want to get another one. I love the nucklewalking/hunched over look. He really does look more tortured than enraged, which is quite powerful visually. Great work.

So the Hell Brute is done!



I finished filling in the musculature around the body and on the arm, and added cabling from the fits to the shoulder, and from the back to the hip. I would have liked to add more detail to the back and joints, but I need to be patient and allow the putty to dry entirely. Patience isn't my strong suit. So I have to call it done at this stage and just come back to it later.




Great conversion! I really love the pose; it reminds me of a silverback gorilla for some reason.

Now how about some paint? :P


All in good time, brother. First I want to get my hands on the collectors edition Chaos Space Marines codex I managed to order :). Too bad it won't be here for like a month :P

Love the green stuff you did with the back, particularly the positioning of the spine. Although I like the idea of the horns bursting out of the side, they simply had to go to allow the repositioning of the fist. Nice work so far, keep it going!


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