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Golden Daemon


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Hi Guys, as fellow blood angels, i'm reaching out to you to check my thread in the WIP forum and offer any thoughts on the matter concerning my Golden Daemon entry.

It'd be hugely appreciated.

Captain Tycho Golden Daemon Thread

For reference, this is the model:


But I've got a number of queries in the other thread

p.s. thats my wifes hand... not mine :P

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The model looks really good. Great and subtle conversion(which are the best conversions ;) ), great painting especially on the chest armour, the gold looks great and the gems look pretty good as well from what I can see.


Now, the problem is that I agree with Killax - it lacks the iWow! factor. Don't get me wrong, you know that it's a great model, but the Golden Daemon entries look a lot more impressive, especially in Europe there's quite some competition.


What many painters heavily rely on are blendings, not only in some parts on the model but on the whole thing. They use cenital highlights and create a very realistic look regarding shadows and light influence. What you'll see most of the times is NMM as the dominant technique, or at least different shadings on metal parts than 'normal' painters do, for example washes. Also the trend goes away from tabletop-esque paintjobs to very realistic, grimdark paintjobs. Washed out colours, many transitions through blending, layering both colours and washes(=glazes) to the point of having 30 layers per glaze.


Nontheless, it's a great model and I wish you the best of luck for your entry! :ph34r:

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Model looks good although it is a little hard to see the detail from the photo.


What would really help you get an opinion is to get yourself a decent lighting/photography set up. Most modern cameras come with several shooting modes so you should be able to take a Macro photo of it or better yet if you have an SLR, set up a well lit area and use a long exposure. Even using a mobile phone camera with a bit of patience in set up using a couple of lamps as light source and white paper behind the model it is possible to take some decent shots.


Good luck with your entry!

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suggestions to improve the mini? I'd considered putting a banner on the plinth itself, trouble is, I'm not sure that'd be within the rules looking at them?


Would adding final silver highlights to the gold be a good idea?


Blood on gauntlet or no blood on gauntlet?


I'll probably add additional weathering powder to the legs.


Should I add a freehand design like the one he has in the codex artwork to his loin cloth?


I've already used a fair bit of purple in the glazes on the armour, much like red and blue glazes on the face.


Suggestions to up the 'wow' factor would be appreciated.


I'll see what I can do about pictures, amusingly the ones I took were done with the camera resting on something so it couldn't move, and with the macro on...

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suggestions to improve the mini? I'd considered putting a banner on the plinth itself, trouble is, I'm not sure that'd be within the rules looking at them?

A freehanded banner is cool, but it might overload the mini with details. Your choice of course, but if you feel you need to, better go with a freehand. :)


Would adding final silver highlights to the gold be a good idea?

Yes and no. Yes, because you can show your fine lining skills to the jury, and in my humble opinion, no because the gold looks very good as it is right now. The subtle shadows around the nipples and the highlights in gold look superb! I'd go for a very fine highlight on the most raised points of the armour.


Blood on gauntlet or no blood on gauntlet?

Maybe a dead Ork under his boots so it's a small diorama without counting as one? So you can justify the blood and play a bit with his background.


I'll probably add additional weathering powder to the legs.

I don't know what my opinion means to you, but I'd say that weathering powder you already have is fine. Just my opinion. Sometimes less is more. :)


Should I add a freehand design like the one he has in the codex artwork to his loin cloth?

Yup, freehands are a good way to score some points - so if you want to paint up a banner or a loincloth, go for it!


I've already used a fair bit of purple in the glazes on the armour, much like red and blue glazes on the face.


The face is pretty dark on the picture so I can't say that I'm completely sure on this, but maybe another highlight or two wouldn't hurt. Very extreme ones, probably with some white to make some features stand out and to give the face some more details. You know, on the cheekbone, his forehead and little bit around the eyes and the non-masked part of his nose.


Suggestions to up the 'wow' factor would be appreciated.


The blood idea is not even that bad, you could use some hair, coat it in glue, paint it read and seal it with varnish so it looks like it was hanging from his hand. Now add a slain ork-nob to the base and I'd say that's a cool 'wow' effect.




Hope this was helpful.





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very much so! Now to see if I have an ork anywhere...


I'd been pondering the face and another highlight, so I'll go with that. Definitely go for the freehand on loincloth, but the banner might be an option if I cannot get an ork easily enough. Blood on gauntlet will be done, the idea of using hair is a clever one.

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More freehand and an Orks are a great start!

I think a multitude of these models would make an extra-ordanary battle scene.


So my first go-to would be something like that.


To be completely honest, depending on the "opponents" you expect I would rather go into the fluff of this character.


A decent into madness e.i. the decent into the Black Rage would be something unique and something that fits the character a lot.

Besides that it is also a subject I've not yet seen done in miniature style.


If you would like to do something like that, there are many options to do so.


One could be:


The de-volution / evolution of mankind:


- Depicting Tycho as a scout, a marine, the wounded captain, the one you have now, the first steps into madness (a darker enraged version of this one), the black-rage Tycho and lastly the dying Tycho heavily wounded on a pile of (Orks?).


Another option is starting with this one, making the decent clear in a couple of models on a spiral stairway.


- If you like this approach I would make a enclosed stairway only with windows letting you spot Tycho and his quite litteral decent into madness.


Perhaps above ideas are totally not what you wanted to do, it's just some food for thought.



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My goal this year is purely to get to first cut, that being said, any ideas that I can plausibly do with what little time remains, I'm certainly willing to attempt.


I had an accident yesterday and snapped the top of Tychos iron halo off (second time it's happened) but this time I lost the piece, I've replaced it as best I can but no doubt it'll just be another hinderence.


Plinth arrives later today, so I'll be looking at what I can do to make the base more interesting, I'm currently practicing the freehand I'll be doing for the tabbard (either the stylised chapter symbol seen all over the codex or MAYBE Tychos personal heraldry... but at the size, it's looking very tough to pull off.


banner buried in the mud behind him is the thought right now, and maybe a piece of wall with some orkish graffiti on it....


I've also taken into account a few suggestions from various people on here and tidied up the sculpt and paintjob as best I can for the wings on his belt, completely resculpted the wing on Bloodsong and added a lot more shading to various areas of armour, as well as a few extra stark highlights, on top of this I've added another highlight to the face. ;)

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