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Daemonic Assault with IC + Unit


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Hey guys- how do you resolve Daemonic Assault with a character + unit (as allies)


Rules say:

Page 27 – Daemonic Assault.

Change the second paragraph to read: “No model in a

detachment chosen from Codex: Chaos Daemons is ever placed

on the battlefield during deployment. Instead, all of the units

from this detachment always start the game in reserve. You

must declare if any models with the Independent Character

special rule are on their own, counting as a separate unit in

reserve, or if they are joining a unit, in which case they and

their unit are a single unit in reserve. The enemy deploys as

normal, as do any units in your army not belonging to the

detachment chosen from Codex: Chaos Daemons.”


The first sentence of the third paragraph should be changed to

“At the beginning of your first turn, divide each detachment

chosen from Codex: Chaos Daemons into two groups that must

include, as much as possible, the same number of units.”



If you put the IC + Squad together in step 1, does that count as 1/0 ? or do you have to split them to get 1/1 ?


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