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Death Guard Termies - CC or shooty?


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So I'm thinking up a Death Guard army list that I'll finalize when the codex comes out. My question is, do you recommend taking termies as CC or as shooty? How many do you take and what gear do you give them?


The WD pics leaked today on Faeit 212 show the warp talons, so it looks like there will be several other options for cc units.

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Model them with whatever type of power weapon you will enjoy using (since those are universal in the BRB now) and magnetize the shooty weapon arm (I chopped mine at the wrist so I only have to replace *read paint) the guns themselves) in order to use a variety of combi-weapons or TL bolters. Maybe leave one or two open for options until the new dex comes out, in case there is anything new you might want to add. Assuming you're building up a highly converted nurglified terminator force, you probably won't be done until the new dex comes out anyhow!
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I mentioned this in the Typhus thread, but since I'll most likely Deep Strike Typhus in with a unit of Terminators (not sure how many quite yet ... maybe 6, to make it a Nurgley squad of 7), I'm planning on a combination of shooty and CC. There needs to be some shooting for the turn of arrival, but after that, Typhus wants to get in the thick of it, and I think he'll need some backup.


I, too, am partial to Reaper ACs, so I'll take one of those as I did all 5th ed. I'm thinking two Termie Champs with twin LCs will be a brutal way to deflect challenges off of Typhus (unwieldy on Manreaper means I don't want him to be accepting those challenges). The rest of the squad, I'd fill out with a Chainfist, a few combi-guns and Power Swords or Mauls, trying to keep things cheaper, but I realize this squad is already nearing Death Star levels. I'll want a Mark of Nurgle for the T5 on the Terminators, too, but I'll likely pass on the banner.

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