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Night Lords and "Friends"

Kol Saresk

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Preach it, brother. All these 'we are chaos but no, we don't worship it. the gods suck,' types are sort of getting on my nerves.


The High Lords' perspective is wrong. The Dark Gods are chaos. You can't be a chaos space marine without them. Yeah, it's cool to pretend you are badass enough not to depend on any stinkin' Gods, but these rebels are simply deluding themselves. Night Lords, Alpha Legion, Iron Warriors, they are all servants of chaos, and if you deny that and don't want to use all the warp-y stuff, fine, your game; but by all means, use a loyalist dex that will offer you the more mundane options you crave.


First off, if it gets on your nerves, then don't read it. Its their game as well and their miniatures, if you don't like it then ignore it.


That said, I don't play a "puritan" warband. Mine's more of radical. For Iron Warriors and Alpha Legion, maybe they've had some spell cast on them or their geneseed helps them stave off the mutations. If that's how they want to play it they should be able to, in the C:CSM. How would any of the loyalist codex books better reflex either of them?


I do feel for the newly turned chaos marines. Hopefully if there is a new CSM marine box it will be better modeled but not quite as crazy mutation wise as the DV minis.

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@ kol. Ah your message becomes clear. Lore wise the new codex may be straight up narrow. A possible outcome. I personally would not be worried. The much loved soul hunter trilogy gives you the example. If the new codex disregards everything and goes a totally new direction like the cron dex it would indeed suck. But even if there are changes I think there will be wiggle room, emphasis on warbands being different and what not.. Apologies for the misunderstanding.


@whyrthe I salute you! For though the comments have been long and wordy, you have served the Gods with unflinching courage and the honour of a true keyboard warrior. We have seen many posts fall today and must remember that even as we type, that our posts too are welcome... ie cheers

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On the "mutation issue":


If want your CSM to look like Alpha Legion/Night Lords you could paint the "mutation" on the minis in Gold/Silver and treat them as armour ornamentation.


Another option is to consider them "fake additions" to the armour.

For Night Lords it would increase the "fear factor" while Alpha Legion could use them for cover operations.

"Look a warband of supermutated beings attacked our planet. They look like warband X. Let's start a Holy Crusade against them!" Alpha Legion laughs as both of its enemy die. ;)


Personally I'll go for the Armour Ornamentation...

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First of all, I'll remind Extremii (Black), Puritans (White), and in-between (Grey) in the Night Lords. But each warband can't be described as shades of grey. Don't forget the endless possibilities offered by the Chaos. To follow the image, our "warbands" are somewhere in the entire colors spectrum.


We covers mostly everything that's not loyalist, every SM that hates the whole imperium is in our side.

- Rebels, Old Legionnaries, Fanatists, Spikey marines and mutated marines

- Many trusts in Chaos, and the "gods", many will, and many won't, pray Chaos (as it feeds on praying, more from the nature of human emotions), some will only acknowledge its existance,

- Some will despise Mutations, and some favors, them.

- Some likes, and some dislikes, Daemons.

Damnit, We are talking about the entire spectrum !


Those Warp Talons aren't mutated (perhaps their helmet show some small bits), they are welcomed in every armies. Everykind of Night lords can easily use them. And Raptors Champions are also acceptable Warp Talons. I'd wish the single model to be available.

Those Fiends are strange, and honestly I don't like their models, but looks like Warmachines - Dinobots - Juggernaughts. And none looks frightening, or real killing machines.

My feelings are difficult about the Hell Dragon. While this seems like a nice model, all of our warbands will be happy if it can have a pilot too (and some guns under its flying carcass).

Warp Smith are good looking, perfect for Iron Warriors fans.

The Hellbrute is obviously mutated, that'll please some, but not all of us.

The DV Chosen and lord are mutated too. But we can work around some bits. This was predictable that a starter set can't be easily converted.


Overall, my feelings are mixed.

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Honestly, it's really just a set of rules. Counts-as makes it easy to represent your Legion or warband, and you don't really have to go too far out of the way. Plus with the new Allies rules, you can play an Iron Warriors and Alpha Legion army closer to their fluff than ever. Playing IW, you want your artillery? Here's your "allied" Basilisks. Want to play an Alpha Legion army? You can go from having rabble with Penal Legion to elite operatives with Veterans. Heck, do that Valk up in AL colors too while you're at it. The new models aren't very inspiring, honestly... the Warp Talons / Raptors, DV-styled Aspiring Champion, and Warpsmith are the only ones that caught my eye, while everything else goes from out of character to plain doofy (new Oblits). But you have so much to choose from, be it Imperial models to Forge World, which I think offers us Chaos players (especially those with untainted 10,000 year old Legionnaires) the best options. Use your noggin, make yourself a custom army, and feel good that you used what you had at your disposal to make a force that only YOU own.
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Why is it when I state something about what are very quite possibly unnecessary concerns about the future of fluff based on how some of the models are presented, it turns into "Well if you're worried about how to represent your army in the Codex"?
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