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Reset, Repaint, Redeem

captain sox

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Hey everyone.


I'm really excited about the Path to Redemption challenge (?) that's going on. It gave me a change to start my army over. Originally I was going with the Angels of Vengeance (I have lots of decals if anyone needs ;) ) but with the release of the Dark Vengeance set, I couldn't help but restart my army. So Dark Angels it is!


I really think the new models are slick. Snap fit is perfect for a person like me. Easy to build, but will be a challenge to convert.


So for September, I vowed a the 10 Man Tactical Squad from DV. Here's the progress:


First the sprues!



Then the Tac Squad:



Now with some prime and paint:



a closeup of my work (still needs a bit of a touch-up)



Comments and critiques always welcomed!


Stay tuned. More redemption coming to a screen near you!

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So it is done!


My first ever vow completed! It's been 4 years, and it feels good!





another view





I haven't decided where to place the decals or how to mark the Sergeant's banner. When I do, I'll update and post it.


for now, this unit is DONE!! Wooot! (some models will need touch ups too, but I'll come back to it later.)


Here's another pic to show how dark the green is. This is natural light, no flash.




More DV goodness for October, either Terminators or the 3 HQ!

  Zhent said:
What did you do for the cloth / robe sections, color-wise? It looks great.




For the robe it was simply painted in Bone (or Beige) washed with Seraphim Sepia (a heavy wash not a light one), painted over the folds of the robe with the Bone again, then highlighted with Terminatus Stone (drybrush), then one more highlight with White (again Drybrush).


It's all trial and error... I had to use at least 4 or 5 test models to get the technique right!


Thanks for the comments!

September oath fulfilled, pearl achieved!


Onto October. 250 Pts of Deathwing goodness from DV:




Stay tuned


ps: FYI, these models can be easier to convert than you think :)

  Burn_the_Heretic said:
How did you do the green by the way? New or old colours? Brush or spray gun?




The green is Caliban Green over a black prime. Washed the green with Biel-Tan Green wash, then highlighted with Caliban Green, then highlighted again with Snot Green (old Colour). Highest edges get a small treatment of Hellion Green (Dry). I've never used spray or an airbrush, possibly why it takes so long for me to paint stuff!


The new GW paints are actually quite nice, which was a nice surprise to me!

Progress on October oath, vow, pledge, etc:


Did this guy up to see what I could do with bone and white and stone:




you can see the other terminators are in the background waiting for base, or other colours. Pay no attention to the three HQ on the left of the photo ;) they will be done later on the Path to Redemption. I just need to build something to take a break from painting :D




Still very much a WIP, not sure what to do with the crests on the Terminator. Seems very bland. May need to break down and add a colour?!

This looks the part Captain Sox! I think you did a greatjob with the whites - it appears to be quite smooth and even - way better a result that I could ever achieve...


I also like the choice of red for the storm bolter casings, they match with the DW symbol... All you need to do now is apply some color on the chest eagle - will you go for tred again or the more traditional green?


And what are you going to do with the sergeant's robes?


Btw when you say creast, are you referring to the sergeant's feathers?

  Captain Semper said:
This looks the part Captain Sox! I think you did a greatjob with the whites - it appears to be quite smooth and even - way better a result that I could ever achieve...


I also like the choice of red for the storm bolter casings, they match with the DW symbol... All you need to do now is apply some color on the chest eagle - will you go for tred again or the more traditional green?


And what are you going to do with the sergeant's robes?


Btw when you say creast, are you referring to the sergeant's feathers?


Thanks for the kind words Captain Semper! If you look at top picture, the Terminator on the right (AC one) he's just painted with Ushtabi Bone. The one on the left (arm off) is the bone, washed with Reikland Fleshshade. The one in the center is then dry brushed completely and relentlessly with Terminatus Stone. Then I touched up the edges with white. Wasn't has difficult as I thought it would be.


The Chest Eagle (aka Crest) will end up being Green. I tried different colours on my palette to see which ones worked, and the green really seems to pop. As for the robes and feather, the robes on the Sergeant will be Purple (Capes on my other Dark Angels will be Purple) just to add a spash of colour. The feathers will be white, like Angel Feathers.


I'm looking forward to getting these guys done!

Nice models, very much like the white on the centre terminator. Quite like the red weapon casings for dw. Not thé first i have seen here and the look us definitely growing on me.


Thanks for the kind words Captain Semper! If you look at top picture, the Terminator on the right (AC one) he's just painted with Ushtabi Bone. The one on the left (arm off) is the bone, washed with Reikland Fleshshade. The one in the center is then dry brushed completely and relentlessly with Terminatus Stone. Then I touched up the edges with white. Wasn't has difficult as I thought it would be.


Looks to me like a relentless drybrushing is the next stage my poor tester models will be going through.

Relentless drybrushing is how I do all of my Termies, though I go from a Scorched Brown base straight up to heavy Bleached/Ushabti Bone with a heavy White pass on top, so it comes out looking much more weathered and hewn. Really not very complicated to paint at all though once you get the Brown on everywhere :)


Looking good!

  FinylCut said:
captain sox:


The terminators are coming along very nicely. Your tac squad looks great, though, for some reason, I was expecting them to all be robed.




Yeah, my previous posts are a mess. I originally planned an all robed army, but gave up on it. In fact I pretty much gave up on 40k turned to another system early in the summer, but I found my way back... For good. You'll probably see my various DA army stuff prior to my departure, but all of that is scrapped. Lke the title of my post says, I've restarted my army. And it's going to be an exciting future as a DA player! B) :mellow: :huh: :o

Here's an update to my Deathwing from Dark Vengeance:


the Squad




You can see the difference "relentless drybrush" makes




This guy almost done. Some touch ups and splotches to fix!:




Comments always welcome.

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