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Disciples of Kor Phaeron in power or termie armour?


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Hi all,


Was thinking of making a little tableau inspired by J. Gravato's brilliant illustration in the Horus Heresy: Collected Visions book:




But does (or rather would) Kor Phaeron's disciples as depicted most likely wear regular power armour or terminator armour? What's canonical in this regard, if that enters into it at all?


Any input appreciated!



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From that art it would look like they are in power armor, based on the placement of the shoulder pads and the way they are holding a bolter in two hands. Someone like Kor Phaeron might also have an interest in having his dedicated guards/disciples in power armor rather than terminator armor as a way of saying "I know I am not a full Astartes, but I'm so hardcore I only need regular armed marines to watch my back."
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According to the forth Edition Rulebook this is Kor Phaeron.


In ADB's First Heretic however he's depicted in Terminator Armour and with twin lightning claws.


And while I'm not sure of the origin of this depiction there's this as well. Painting him once more in Power Armour, with with a Crozius instead of power claw and bolter/bolt pistol as in the first picture.


I don't know if or how he's depicted in the Dark Apostle series later books but I wouldn't be surprised it it's different from all of the above.


Finally I'd say that the guys in the picture from the Collected Visions book look like they are in Power Armor/Daemon Armor/Artificer Armor. Furthermore as far as I know the Collection Visions book is the only place besides a single card in the trading card game by fantasy flight that even mentions the Disciples of Kor Phaeron, and the trading card card use the same art as the book so there's no other information there.


So all in all I think it's pretty open to do anything you want regarding equipment. The only universal thing I can see in the picture that could be thought of as marking them as Kor Phaeron's disciplines would be the burning stylized daemon skull on their backpacks so try to get something like that added to your minis and I think it should all be good.



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Well as far as Kor Phaeron's equipment goes. He's one of the two most powerful non-primarch members of what was the second largest legion during the Heresy, and what is probably the 3rd or 4th largest faction in 40k chaos. I'm pretty sure he has at least one set of TDA and power/artificer/daemon armor, and whatever wargear he damn well feels like
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