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Pre-heresy World Eaters


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So I'm getting ready to start work on a new army, but my girl friend says I have to get rid of one I have before I can start on a new one. It's a fair request since I have so many armies that I'm running out of space. I've decided to part ways with my pre-heresy World Eaters.


Before I do that I decided to publicize their existence so that I'll have something to look back at later. Their development started with the release of the Blood Angels codex. It seemed the best book for this counts-as army. Keep in mind that these were started before much of the nifty Forge World pre-heresy stuff was released, though I did integrate many parts from Forge World as they were released.


Unit choices were based off what would be fun to model. The 1500pt force consists of:



Khârn the Betrayer (counts as Gabriel Seth)



Apothecary (counts as Sanguinary Priest)

Contemptor Dreadnought (count as Furioso/Death Company Dread)



15 Tactical marines

10 Assault marines

10 Berserkers (counts as Death Company)


2 Drop Pods


HV Support

5 Devastators







The Apothecary's backpack is magnetized so he can have a jump pack



Squad Sergeants- Tactical and Assault



Devastator and Berserker


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Next up are the assault marines- in MK5 armor



in MK4 and MK6



The tactical marines- In MK5



in MK4



in MK3 and MK6



The berserkers- MK5



MK3 and MK4



All the berserkers are magnetized as well so they can use jump packs


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The devastators have magnetized arms for multiple weapon options





The MK1 rhino kit is from Chapterhouse Studios



I'm especially proud of the heat stain on the assault cannon barrels




The predator uses sponsons from the IG Marcharius




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This is a great world eaters army - I'm keen to do a pre/heresy era word bearers along the same lines - hadn't thought of using the BA codex, so maybe I'll check it out.


Great models and painting too - can I ask what size magnets you used to the arm & backpack swaps as I'd like to do the same for mk 4 + 5 FW minis.

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Thanks for the compliments guy. It shows that the hard work has paid off. I enjoy converting a lot more then painting now, so it can be hard to finish a project.


I'll plan on taking some glamour shots of the army in a light box before I sell it, and with the Horus Heresy book releasing soon it seems like a good time.


The magnets are all 1/8" diameter. The thickness varies based on application with 1/16" as the thickest. Amazingmagnets.com is the way to go. My $30 order has lasted me over a year.

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As a big fan of mkV armour and pre Heresy stuff I applaud your work sir! This is top notch! I wish I could meet you in the field of battle with my Consecrators (pre Heresy DAs?)


This is very inspiring stuff indeed! Love the Contemptor, great movement there! How can you part with this force?

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