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I would imagine the one unit that every BA player fields is assault squads, themt and the DC are what they are well known for. The assault squads (and all jump pack equipped BA) for the Descent of Angels rule and Death Company because...well, because the're Death Company, unstoppable, relentless, kamikaze and cool! <_<


Scouts aren't what they were in 4th Edition but they serve a purpose and can be useful as mentioned above.


Remember though, you're just starting out with Blood Angels, you're journey from Baal has just begun; play, learn, enjoy :D

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Never really pondered over the fact that the techmarine isnt IC. Hmmz...

Is there some more or less universal rule when fielding a BA army? Like a type of unit that everyone ALWAYS fields?

Truth be told i`m not overly excited about scout squads; are they a must-have?

Well, that is what it is.


Scouts are rarely in any list and are almost always, "a few points left and I need one more scoring unit." But they can be awesome in the right situation.


The main thing is that there is no rule because where you game is going to be different from where I game. Most people I play enjoy a game so they usually have a couple of lists. If they play me we are usually pretty fluffy and mid-tier. Tabling me in three turns is boring for them and I wouldn't be thrilled either. But every now and then someone shows up for a tournament prep and they want to kill so a hard list is in order. But what is a hard list? If you fight a lot of IG with heavy weapons teams and Tanks you would want list X and if you fight a lot of Terminator-heavy lists you would want list Y.



wut wit de wutwut? Bear in mind that i am a complete and utter newbie. Mid-tier? Tabling?

Hard list?


I cant thank you enough for taking your time with me :P

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Well a mid-tier list would be a basic play list. Good enough to play a game but not maxed out for winning a tourney. Just now near the top of the Blood Angels Army List is a suggestion by Deus Sanguinius, link at Deus_Sanguinius 1500. He is trying to get a basic good list and has a rough idea of what he wants. It is an OK list and it has a good bit of BA flavor. He has received a few suggestions for making it better and so he is on his way to having a decent list. CitadelArmyGuy has a great suggestion about his heavy slot which I agree with – either go two preds or two devs. And he suggests dumping the Rhino if he drops the other vehicle. So it is a good list and after a few games he might realize he could shave a few points off one squad and buff another and get a slightly better list. But he would really need to play it a few times to know because we all have our unique play style and he could do great with that list and I could do crap with it.


A hard list is one that is designed for winning, period. Hard to beat. You hope your opponent will be sad he drew you and not have a chance to beat you. Getting "Tabled" is losing all of your models off the table.


But a hard list is only hard if you know your local tournament scene.


Mort's SA Tournament list is a hard list but if you read his reports and some of the comments you will realize that his list is geared to the types of armies he usually faces and the types of players he knows he will play. He won the tournament but skill, being able to maintain focus and luck had a lot to do with his wins – not just the model choices.


I think you should be able to enjoy some games if you work on a 1500 point list. I would go with a minimum of three troop slots, One Tac Squad, and two Assault Squads. Then decide if you want jump packs or rides. Either go with 10-man jumpers or 5-man in Razorbacks. If you go Razorbacks then add vehicles Baals with Heavy Bolter Sponsons and Auto Cannon Preds with Lascannon sponsons.


If you go jumpers then you will want distraction units like Attack Bikes, Dreads in drop pods, Stern Guard in drop pods or Death Company (DC) in Pods or with Jump Packs. If your opponent is dealing with the bikes, dreads or DC he isn't shooting your troops. If he ignores the Dreads or Attack Bikes then he will regret that too. But my personal feeling is you are either all in or all out. Don't get one Attack Bike and one Dread and one DC squad. Add some Dev Squads with 4 Missile Launchers. Also remember if you go Dreads in Drop Pods half of your drop pods come in first turn so you want an odd number of drop pods. Two Dreads in pods and an empty pod for your Dev squad or your Tac Squad will mean those Dread Pods drop first turn and the empty pod will come in as reserves. Two Furiosos in their zone on turn one will draw the attention away from your Assault Squads. Most likely the dreads will die but they aren't there to live they are there to die gloriously.


You should also get a Reclusiarch, a Librarian and a Priest. Add Jump Packs if you have a jump army. These will get you through most friendly games. And if you want to be a bit harder get Mephiston.

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Agree with Teef. A lot of gems of advice in his text, good for new players. Roughly lays out the main progression paths of Blood Angels gameplay.


For what it is worth, the core of most of my own Blood Angel lists is Jump-Pack Librarian, a Jump-Pack Sanguinary Priest, and two squads of 10 Jump-Pack Assault Marines.

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Great advice from Teeef.


The only advice I can add is if you are somewhat experienced as a Warhammer player, get magnets and magnatise the Jump/Back packs.

It's something I am doing right now and makes your army very flexible and you'll end up less with models just gathering dust on the shelf.



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I bought the da-librarian for 2 bucks of ebay the other day (he looks so much cooler than the ordiniary librarian).

Yeah i bought a small drill a 120 magnets since it really gives you alot more options when fielding your army.


Now my two concerns are; my dreadnought, how come the BA codex litsts multi-melta as standard equipment but there wasnt even one in the box O.o? I got bloodfist, twinked las, rocket launcher and assault cannon (at least i think it's an assault cannon:p)


Also, can someone clarify the psykers rule for the librarian?


why is there a list of psychic disciplines in the rulebook? Can he choose from the list or is he bound to choose from the abilities stated in the codex?

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Unfortunately, not all of the Games Workshop model kits come with all of the options that are available, sometimes you have to mix and match to get what you want I'm afraid.


If you're after a Multi-Melta Dread, you could do worse than checking eBay to see if any of the Dreadnoughts from the previous starter set, Assault on Black Reach, are for sale. These had a Blood Fist with a Storm Bolter attached and a Multi-Melta.


Games Workshop have been getting better at putting more options in the boxes, and they now have pics of the actual sprues for many of their kits on their website, so you can be sure of exactly what you're getting before you buy - or of course you could always ask here!

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I agree with Teeef. 1500 w/ 3 troops is a solid place to start. Lot of BA players love Libreians cause ther bad mo-fos but a Recusiarch is very cool to. So I would get one of each in power armor and see what fits you the best. BA bigest advantage is we are fast so Razobacks, Drop Pods, and Rinos are good. (Rinos not so much any more. Not like 3rd ED :D. But they will get a Tac squad were you need them by turn 2). As far as jump pck for DC if you plan on runnig a small unit (6 or less) than yea other than that Drop pod or Storm Raven them in. But most important Have Fun!!!
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What about mephiston? Since codex states that he has 3 set abilities? How long since the 6th edition was launched? Been strolling around obscure forums where people are planning to test 6th ed.


Alot of different questions here :blink:


is brother corbulo worth the points? My next thing to buy would be some elite units and i'm thinking assault terminators and priests in term armor. I'm guessing corbulo cant be upgraded with term armor?


As always, im very grateful for your thoughts, wisdom and remarks :D

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What about mephiston? Since codex states that he has 3 set abilities? How long since the 6th edition was launched? Been strolling around obscure forums where people are planning to test 6th ed.


Alot of different questions here :)


is brother corbulo worth the points? My next thing to buy would be some elite units and i'm thinking assault terminators and priests in term armor. I'm guessing corbulo cant be upgraded with term armor?


As always, im very grateful for your thoughts, wisdom and remarks :D

Mephiston is Lvl 3 and can use powers from the main rule book (I think)but his BA powers are great for him. 6th ed came out over the summer, Codex BA 2010. Yes Corbulo is worth the points but he can't be up graded. Termies are awsome now in any form, but thundernators (thunderhammer/ stormsheild) are the most popular(2+/3++ sv). But you said you like dreads so how bought a furioso dread w/ a drop pod. last thing the GW site has the BA FAQ on it.

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Welcome to the Blood Angels. When I started I always had a techmarine, whose main job was keeping the Furioso Dreadnought in working order. Eventually he got dropped because the BA elites are superb. If you like the Dreads why not have a librarian Furioso? I always have a sanguinary priest and if I have the points one is usually corbulo. There is a Corbulo model and a SP model but you can get a lot of fun modeling your own using apothecary bits from the Command squad. Received wisdom on the forum is the captain is the only poor HQ choice. I started with Dante, and now Dante and Mephiston are my tag team HQ's for preference. Our Honour Guards are fun. I'd never leave home without one. The Sanguinary Guard box and the DC and command box would allow you to make almost any version of it you want, with plenty to spare. Or indeed the Sanguinary Guard themselves. I don't get a lot of fun out of the terminators, although my original army had one, simply because the Sanguinary guard are more my style of playing.


I guess my gut feelingis rule of cool, and BA specific models are some of the coolest about, then play some games and find our who is always last man standing (Corbulo and strangely Lemartes in my battles have a great track record, Tycho a very poor one) and which units are useless (my first buy was scouts, wanting to do something like Gaunt's Ghosts with them. Utter rubbish, only invited back for apocalypse battles.

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Lot of BA players love Librarians cause they're bad mo-fos
Not as bad as they used to be - twin claws, Quickening, running with a Chaplain gave you at least 7 power-weapon attacks, re-rolling to-hit and to-wound... ;)

attach him to the DC with Lemartes :)



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