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new posterboys?

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Well kind of.


They do seem more popular, but Id put that down to ADB writing such good stories for them.


I`ll admit I was tempted, but making an army of crazed space punks seemed more my thing. That and I was fed up painting red.


If anything from the leaked pictures Id say Nightlords and Iron Warriors have had more love than the Word Bearers.

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Does anybody elses feel that the title is passing to the Word Bearers in this edition?


They do seem more popular, but Id put that down to ADB writing such good stories for them.


Night Lords, you mean?


I could possibly see the NL being the new poster boys. All the 3rd ed boxes had NL painted models on the front.

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Pushing The Night Lords and the Iron Warriors seems an odd move to me. Sure, promote some other legions...but when you're trying to take the CSM range in the direction of warp mutated beasts and warriors, why choose two of the legions least likely to be warp mutated? That's one of the reasons I'm unsure about the Maulerfiend pictures. It's a part organic creature with black and yellow safety chevrons on it...just doesn't suit it
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Also due to the omnibus. That was a pretty good series IMO and originally inspired me to play WB, before I decided I liked the Black Legion so much more.


But officially? No. I don't see the BL being replaced. Their scheme is striking and simple, and in the background, they're the guys that get ;) done. They have Abaddon and he runs the Black Crusades. It'd be too much work and simply unnecessary to bother replacing them.

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Let's do a tally of how the new models we've seen were painted by the studio for official pics:


Dark Vengence: non-legion warband (khorne aligned, word bearers colors)


Helldrake: Black Legion


Forgefiend: Black Legion


Maulerfiend: Iron Warriors


Warpsmith: Iron Warriors? Seems so, but I don't see a legion badge or the Hazard Stripes


Warp Talons: Night Lords? Seems so, but I don't see a legion badge or lightning bolts



From that, I don't really see any legion being particularly favored. We won't really know until we see more painted, but I expect black legion will still be dominant, but various specialist units will be painted up in other legions, and a mix of color schemes will show up in Studio armies and battle reports, implying mercenary units working for or alongside the Black Legion or a combined Legion force in a black crusade.

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Let's do a tally of how the new models we've seen were painted by the studio for official pics:


Dark Vengence: non-legion warband (khorne aligned, word bearers colors)


World Eater's colours. I'm sure this is what you meant.


Knit-picky I know, but I'm procrastinating my way out of various reports ;) Plus, that still leaves no WB officially used for showcase yet.




The new codex cover depicts the BL Blood Gorgons, so who knows yet?


What, for real?! HHFHSDKFHDSHHHJHJJGGGG!!! ;) :woot: :woot:

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If you mean that everyone and their dog seems to have a Word Bearers army these days, then yes. If you mean that GW is actively pushing WBs, then no and I'd advise laying off the crack.




And I'd lay that at Eliphias the Inheritor's feet, cause I don't see the appeal of the Wordbearers, I've said before that I dislike all of the primarchs to a degree-but I really dislike Lorgar.

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And I'd lay that at Eliphias the Inheritor's feet, cause I don't see the appeal of the Wordbearers, I've said before that I dislike all of the primarchs to a degree-but I really dislike Lorgar.



thats actually the reason i play them. I have an army of the most wretched bad guys in the galaxy!

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I'm a Black Legion fan and unless there is some compelling reason to pick one cult, it will stay thay way with the new codex. I paint my cult troops in their colors with a single black shoulderpad. Standard CSM, equipment and those marked with undivided get black legion colors. I like how it looks on the table.


I think the Black Legion will remain the posterboys if no other than reason than because you can have some of everything represented.

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To be honest, I really don't see a reason for new Chaos poster boys. Yes, with a leaked WD picture with the new Raptors and a Dragon painted in the traditional Night Lords blue and bronze, and with the new Fiends and the Warpsmith wearing a very dark, black iron color with gold-yellow or hazard-stripes trim, it does look like maybe the Black Legion is getting no love. After all, it was the Word Bearers who got an entire event just for them. But, if you look at the newly leaked photos, you see the Dragon I am talking about as well as some Black Legion love. And these guys are actually their symbols. Aka, Warp Talons wear a Night Lords' winged skull and the Black Legion wears the Eye.
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some people were saying the codex cover art was the same as the blood gorgons novel. I'm not sure if that's true, but if it is, then it's this:




As for which legion is poster boy, as more white dwarf images become available, Black Legion is once again showing itself to be favored by the studio.

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As for which legion is poster boy, as more white dwarf images become available, Black Legion is once again showing itself to be favored by the studio.


That is, by far, the best Chaos Marine image ever made. It'd be no surprise to me if they used Black Library art for codexes these days, or commissioned the same artists for future 'dex covers.


I love that Raymond Swanland piece so much that I said to both my chief editor and the art director at Black Library I'd only do the Abaddon/Black Legion series if they got him to do the covers for them.

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I'm just saddened by the sudden desire for everyone at my LGS to start WB. I've had them since 3.5 dex and they've been nothing but honest good men killing in the name of chaos. Then you have these new guys. Not true believers.
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I'm just saddened by the sudden desire for everyone at my LGS to start WB. I've had them since 3.5 dex and they've been nothing but honest good men killing in the name of chaos. Then you have these new guys. Not true believers.


The gods will regognize their true followers.

ADB, will you do that serie, in the end ?

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With no Legion specific rules until Forgeworld writes some, people will probably choose the easiest to paint schemes: Black Legion and Iron Warriors. I'd like to see more original armies and schemes so hopefully that is encouraged in the Codex and by GW. But with the way prices are and the emphasis on special characters to get the coolest rules, we'll probably see a lot of Abaddon, Kharne, Armheim, Typhus, etc. etc. I didn't spell the Thousand Sons guy right, but if he makes three units infiltrate, he may be the coolest special character in the new addition. I won't do Rubrics, but I can do Thousand Son sorcerer and his puppets...


I wanted an Infiltrating Chosen army, maybe I will be able to make one eventually, but in the mean time I just the book to come out so I can price out my existing collection and figure out what to paint next and what to put on my wish list...

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The Night Lords had been the "default" Chaos Space Marine models in 2nd and early 3rd Edition. It was only with the 3.5 Codex that the focus was shifted entirely to the Black Legion, going as far as altering the Black Legion paint scheme to look more like the 2nd/3rd Edition Night Lords scheme (black with gold trims simply was more catchy than simple black) while in turn also brightening the Night Lords scheme quite a bit. In 2nd and earily 3rd Edition the Black Legion armour was almost entirely black, with some boltgun metal elements, and yellow tubing and cables. The Night Lords scheme was almost black, with only a faint dark blue highlight, and with bronze or gold trims. If you looked at the models from the 3rd Editio rulebook today, you could mistake those Night Lords for Black Legion Marines.
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