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new posterboys?

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I'm just saddened by the sudden desire for everyone at my LGS to start WB. I've had them since 3.5 dex and they've been nothing but honest good men killing in the name of chaos. Then you have these new guys. Not true believers.



I have to say in honesty, I'm starting to feel the same. I've been a huge fan of the WB for years and suddenly it seems the world and his wife has jumped on the bandwagon, at least amongst the community I game with.


I'm sorely tempted to pick a new Legion but I'm just not feeling the background to most of the others.....plus I adore the concept of cultists...and now we have the awesome models to field them......maybe I'll go....*cough* Alpha Legion.....but it galls me slightly to abandon the 'true faith' :lol:




...or something like that

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I'm just saddened by the sudden desire for everyone at my LGS to start WB. I've had them since 3.5 dex and they've been nothing but honest good men killing in the name of chaos. Then you have these new guys. Not true believers.



I have to say in honesty, I'm starting to feel the same. I've been a huge fan of the WB for years and suddenly it seems the world and his wife has jumped on the bandwagon, at least amongst the community I game with.


I'm sorely tempted to pick a new Legion but I'm just not feeling the background to most of the others.....plus I adore the concept of cultists...and now we have the awesome models to field them......maybe I'll go....*cough* Alpha Legion.....but it galls me slightly to abandon the 'true faith' :(




...or something like that


Dude, that's not the way to do things.


It's a hobby with a limited amount amount of factions. There will always be overlap. At the moment, particular chaos factions feel few and far between because frankly, the current codex is an exercise in boredom when it comes to making a list that feels thematic and fun.


Now we're the new army. That means a bajillion and five people will be starting Chaos, because we are fickle magpies and distracted by new shiny things. You will also find that a couple of months from now, a fraction of those people will be using a full force or will still be using the army, simply because some people like to flit between projects.


I get where you're coming from. I used to be the sole Dark Eldar player at my local store, back when the codex was older than the new starters and the warriors had newspaper chip cones for hair. It became apparent to me that when they were re done, i wouldn't be able to move for new players. In some respects, i was right, DE are now very popular. However, my initial annoyance at losing my "privileged hipster" status, was soon dispelled by the fact i now had bloody awesome models and a codex that was longer than a pamphlet about genital warts.


Word Bearers are your guys. It's on a personal level, you've admitted they tickle your pickle more than any other faction. Don't force yourself to go against the tide. You know you've been loving the army for years, just embrace the fact you're actually getting some love.


Besides, you know what it means for the people at your LGS? You have Seniority.


You're basically their Kor Phaeron.

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Been running WB since second edition when I read in the CSM codex that they were the first to turn and they are the only traitor legion to still have chaplains. Truth be told I had never heard of another person running WB until 3.5 and it has all slowly gained steam in the years since.


There is something about them that is inspiring, they above all others embraced Chaos. Where the rest had to weed out a significant percentage of their numbers, the vast majority of WBs were loyal to their Primarch and whichever path he chose for them. They unlike most other legions have some sort of still functioning leadership system (I know a few others do as well). Thanks to more recent fluff and books we are able to see a side of them that was never really known, I mean there was very very little about them pre 3.0 and in a way they were forgotten a little bit in 4.0. If you go to the section where they list all of the legions and warbands by name with a little picture of how they look, you will notice that WB are the only legion to be left out for whatever reason.


Are they going to replace Black Legion as the primary legion? Not a chance, they are the focal point of it all. It's Abby or die, he is the ONLY one other than maybe some of the Primarchs who can rally the various warbands under one banner, no one else has the juice to pull that off. You cannot replace Horus, you cannot replace Abby, it just cannot be done without 100% destroying all of the previous fluff, or advancing the story which is something they have stated as not wanting to do.

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Been running WB since second edition when I read in the CSM codex that they were the first to turn and they are the only traitor legion to still have chaplains. Truth be told I had never heard of another person running WB until 3.5 and it has all slowly gained steam in the years since.


There is something about them that is inspiring, they above all others embraced Chaos. Where the rest had to weed out a significant percentage of their numbers, the vast majority of WBs were loyal to their Primarch and whichever path he chose for them. They unlike most other legions have some sort of still functioning leadership system (I know a few others do as well). Thanks to more recent fluff and books we are able to see a side of them that was never really known, I mean there was very very little about them pre 3.0 and in a way they were forgotten a little bit in 4.0. If you go to the section where they list all of the legions and warbands by name with a little picture of how they look, you will notice that WB are the only legion to be left out for whatever reason.


Are they going to replace Black Legion as the primary legion? Not a chance, they are the focal point of it all. It's Abby or die, he is the ONLY one other than maybe some of the Primarchs who can rally the various warbands under one banner, no one else has the juice to pull that off. You cannot replace Horus, you cannot replace Abby, it just cannot be done without 100% destroying all of the previous fluff, or advancing the story which is something they have stated as not wanting to do.


I agree, but it could, for the sake of sophistery, be argued that none of the other "Semi-sane" Primarchs have ever tried to do much leadership. One wonders for instance what Perturabo, Mortarion and Magnus are doing apart from playing dice at a brothel. Angron is obviously wrecking stuff, and is simply too angry to lead anything besides large hordes of his children when he so bothers, but I confess I would like GW (hello ADB!) to write some interesting fluff pieces to give us a taste of what those rather conservative (one would expect such rebels to be more liberal with their actions!) old fellows are doing apart from looking at their own evil exalted daemonic visage in the mirror ;)

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I've always been a WB fan and hence have an army that is never *quite* completed. That being said I have noticed an increase WB activity in years most recent. I would love to paint something other than dark, gory, slimy red but there is no way in :D that I will strip or repaint my already not quite completed first love.
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Who knows? Might become the new posterboys even though it seems somewhat unlkely.


All I know, for me, is that it's always been the Word Bearers. Originally introduced to them by my first ever WD (no. 270) containing their Index Astartes article they were the first Legion I read about and the first I read about the 40k universe. No other Legion, traitor or loyalist had any hope of measuring up to the favoured sons of Chaos after that. The tragic fall from grace, turning deifying into vileifying and turning utterly to the worship of Chaos sealed the deal for me.

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I was thinking, yes, there are a higher than average amount of Word Bearer players roaming around, but to be honest I think it is the Alpha Legion who are getting the increase. Just look how many of the buggers have popped up since DV came out.
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Time to be honest here. The Iron Warriors, ever since I read that IA article, well, I have loved them. As I grew older I loved them for different reasons than back when I was 16. Back then, all the cool armour as well as me liking silver and gold was probably the primary reason at the time. However, as I drank in every dribble of insignificant Iron warriors lore, I realised that I was doing it for a reason. I had fallen in love with the paranoid schitzopfrenic and utterly vengeful, Iron Warriors. Everything, from their childish dispute with the foul Imperial Fists (which strangely happens to be my favorite loyalist chapter, hehe), to their cynical and most methodical way of making war. In the end, what I like the most about my chosen legion is their mindset. Their methodology. Their grinding inevitable victorious siege warfare and so much more.


Then it happened 2 years ago that a very good friend of mine decided that playing with little figures was something he had grown away from (I probably never will ^_^ , ending with the result of me buying his Thousand Sons at a very fair price for me. This, while great, has become a problem for me. I mean, the Thousand Sons, I have always liked them. Now I have 3 squads of 9, only one which is painted, and 2 daemonically possessed vindis in thousand sons colours, and 2 (!!) more vindis that I have yet to open (planned for Iron warriors). Point is, suddenly I lost focus. I was an Iron Warrior through and through, then suddenly I find myself fielding Iron Warriors with a relativly large Thousand Sons detachment. Suffice to say that I had to work on my own fluff a bit to justify these development for myself.

Even worse, I fear I may just bought 24 Plaguemarines on ebay, as well as a Deathguard landraider (I never bought one for my Iron Warriors) and a Great Unclean One, since this was a coup and truly cheap.

While I am looking forward to painting the plagues, the raider and the unclean one are already painted, which is okay as I wanted them primarily as play pieces anyway.


My point, in my rant, is that I have lost focus and "purity" so to speak. I still LOVE and adore perturabos chosen. But I find myself with ca. 1800 points of fieldable Iron Warriors (more if I want to field crappy lists, and while I have painted the new hellbrute, I have not touched the other stuff yet so probably some points there), 1850 or so points of Sons and now some recent Nurlge additions. And I confess to my shame that I have been recently fielding my forces with rather...questionable models. I abhorr unfluffy lists myself, so I have been writing notes as to what my Warsmith is doing and why the hell he is operating alongside a pesky, arrogant and downright traitorious sorcerer from Magnus legion.


What I am saying I guess, is that I have apparantly started collecting "chaos" and not Iron Warriors, and I am not sure how this ended up happening in the first place :)


For what its worth though, I`ll never field Iron Warriors, Thousand Sons AND Deathguard along side each other. But Iron Warriors and Sons and Iron Warriors and Death Guard? Sure, I`ll do that, and I shall try to justify it, at least for myself and possibly my opponent.


Anyway, what can I say, chaos is fun! At this point I would not be suprised if I paint a contigent of Black Legion or even Word bearers! But as to how I came to have all of this different non-iron warriors stuff? I dont really know and it was never planned for...

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Here is a very comfortable way to think of it that is still fluffy and requires no repainting and no conversion(unless you see fit to do so). The Thousand Sons and the Death Guard simply have the honor of following the Cultists into the Forlorn Hope while the Iron Warriors rain blood, metal and gunpowder on the heads of the Imperials. :)
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Here is a very comfortable way to think of it that is still fluffy and requires no repainting and no conversion(unless you see fit to do so). The Thousand Sons and the Death Guard simply have the honor of following the Cultists into the Forlorn Hope while the Iron Warriors rain blood, metal and gunpowder on the heads of the Imperials. :)


Hehe ^_^


Actually in my fluff, the Thousand Son sorcerer, has tricked my warsmith forcing him into an uneasy alliance which he now regrets. The Warsmith is scheeming to be free of the Sons, however as the Sons have brought daemonically possessed siege engines (this of course was one of the several reasons why my Warsmith initially allowed that tretcherous worm to "rent" space aboard the "Olympic Hammer"), and worse, managed to down the Gellar fields and summon forth their true patron (a daemon prince formerly of the Sons), the Iron Warriors finds themselves guarding their quarters aboard the Hammer with extreme vigilance and paranoia, fearing a take over of that most halloved vessel.

My thoughts were to make a small Death Guard contigent another "ally of conveniance" and someone who the warsmith feels he can rely on to counter the might of the Sons. And so on and so on...


Anyway, you get the general basics ;)


I am making a lot of allowances in my fluff, so I am kind of writing my own story here ;)

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It's Civil War! Now I can imagine a Warsmith named Santo Jerome running up and down the corridors yelling "Viva la revolucion!" while the other Iron Warriors are yelling "Jeronimo!" and the Deaht Guard are slowly marching from end of the ship to the other while trading potshots with the KSons. I am sure that is not your story, that is what happened to pop up in my head. If it is, then perhaps great minds really do think alike.
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It's Civil War! Now I can imagine a Warsmith named Santo Jerome running up and down the corridors yelling "Viva la revolucion!" while the other Iron Warriors are yelling "Jeronimo!" and the Deaht Guard are slowly marching from end of the ship to the other while trading potshots with the KSons. I am sure that is not your story, that is what happened to pop up in my head. If it is, then perhaps great minds really do think alike.


hehe, nah. I am afraid that so far, there have only been one slain marine in that conflict in my fluff. But one is too many of course, and the tentative peace cannot last. Meanwhile, my Warsmith plots and schemes of how he can utilize the Sons on the battlefield in the most efficient manner possible while he at the same time makes them conveniantly die...

Regardless, as the leader has "f-ucked up", according to many of his brothers, there is of course a lot of positioning among his Chosen and seargants going on. You know, when the old wolf shows weakness....

So far he is still in charge mostly because of the presence of the Sons. No sane Iron Warrior would usurp his commander at such a precarious time. Of course, mighty Authocton (a name I gleefully stole from a role playing game) will come up on top in the end. He has survived the siege of Terra after all. What is bickering and minor infighting and a very temporary problem involving loathsome, and most dishonourable psykers to one such as him? Thats what he thinks anyway!

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I was thinking, yes, there are a higher than average amount of Word Bearer players roaming around, but to be honest I think it is the Alpha Legion who are getting the increase. Just look how many of the buggers have popped up since DV came out.

Yes, we are coming out of our hiding now, I can feel it!


For too long have we been sneaking around the edges of the forums, never stepping into the light properly...


Hydra dominatus!!!

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I was thinking, yes, there are a higher than average amount of Word Bearer players roaming around, but to be honest I think it is the Alpha Legion who are getting the increase. Just look how many of the buggers have popped up since DV came out.

Yes, we are coming out of our hiding now, I can feel it!


For too long have we been sneaking around the edges of the forums, never stepping into the light properly...


Hydra dominatus!!!

So the question becomes: How many of the Word Bearer players are actually Alpha Legion waiting until the right time to show their true colours...

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I'm just saddened by the sudden desire for everyone at my LGS to start WB. I've had them since 3.5 dex and they've been nothing but honest good men killing in the name of chaos. Then you have these new guys. Not true believers.



I have to say in honesty, I'm starting to feel the same. I've been a huge fan of the WB for years and suddenly it seems the world and his wife has jumped on the bandwagon, at least amongst the community I game with.


I'm sorely tempted to pick a new Legion but I'm just not feeling the background to most of the others.....plus I adore the concept of cultists...and now we have the awesome models to field them......maybe I'll go....*cough* Alpha Legion.....but it galls me slightly to abandon the 'true faith' :yes:


Hipster Ariel feels your pain.





Honestly, I never really understood this mentality. I mean, I'm always excited to see another Black Legion player at the local store. Maybe it's just that the Black Legion is all about collecting as many warlords as possible under their banner? But then again, Word Bearers are all about proselytizing, so I'd figure any genuine proponent of the 'true faith' would be glad to see new recruits ready for training.

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I'm just saddened by the sudden desire for everyone at my LGS to start WB. I've had them since 3.5 dex and they've been nothing but honest good men killing in the name of chaos. Then you have these new guys. Not true believers.



I have to say in honesty, I'm starting to feel the same. I've been a huge fan of the WB for years and suddenly it seems the world and his wife has jumped on the bandwagon, at least amongst the community I game with.


I'm sorely tempted to pick a new Legion but I'm just not feeling the background to most of the others.....plus I adore the concept of cultists...and now we have the awesome models to field them......maybe I'll go....*cough* Alpha Legion.....but it galls me slightly to abandon the 'true faith' :lol:


Hipster Ariel feels your pain.





Honestly, I never really understood this mentality. I mean, I'm always excited to see another Black Legion player at the local store. Maybe it's just that the Black Legion is all about collecting as many warlords as possible under their banner? But then again, Word Bearers are all about proselytizing, so I'd figure any genuine proponent of the 'true faith' would be glad to see new recruits ready for training.


I so agree, and while I am here *nodding sagely to your post*, I can just as well add that living in a rural part of Norway at the moment, makes me overjoyed just HEARING about other chaos players, so actually seeing them would be even greater,lol :yes:

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I was thinking, yes, there are a higher than average amount of Word Bearer players roaming around, but to be honest I think it is the Alpha Legion who are getting the increase. Just look how many of the buggers have popped up since DV came out.

Yes, we are coming out of our hiding now, I can feel it!


For too long have we been sneaking around the edges of the forums, never stepping into the light properly...


Hydra dominatus!!!

About time you got out the shadows. You're invading the Night Lords' personal bubble space! :yes:


EDIT: I sort of get the mentality that Saa and others are talking about. They came to the Word Bearers because at the time, there were no real books after books devoted to a sole Legion or Warband. There were no international events held to celebrate a battle between two Legions with the main selling point of "The Word Bearers are back to finish the job."(I wonder which side won that?) People came to their armies not because they happened to have the spotlight in the current selling novel, but because people searched for which Legion held their flavor or which warband they liked the color scheme of so they could make their own flavor. Now, I don't know if it is coincidence or what, but the Word Bearers and Night Lords practically gained followers over night when the Word Bearers and Night Lords trilogies were published alongside the HH books The First Heretic and Know No Fear. And most of the newer(not all, just the overwhelming majority) players are simply joining in because they thought the army was cool, not because it actually fit them. Some of them go ahead and create a diverse warband that fits them. Some change ships until they find "their" crew. Some just keep on going because either the current army actually happens to be their flavor or they just don't care.


So yes, there maybe a heavy "influx" of new players, but like someone said some posts back, this gives you seniority. You are the Council of Sicarus. You are the Black Cardinal of Ghalmek. You might as well be Lorgar Aurelian. What you can do is play some games beside them, teach them who the Word Bearers really are if they don't already know. You may bring a new believer to the flock.

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I was thinking, yes, there are a higher than average amount of Word Bearer players roaming around, but to be honest I think it is the Alpha Legion who are getting the increase. Just look how many of the buggers have popped up since DV came out.

Yes, we are coming out of our hiding now, I can feel it!


For too long have we been sneaking around the edges of the forums, never stepping into the light properly...


Hydra dominatus!!!

So the question becomes: How many of the Word Bearer players are actually Alpha Legion waiting until the right time to show their true colours...


Creepy. . . And well done!

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We all came to our favourte armies because they seemed kewl to us and that goes for players past and present. No one says, ' hmmm wonder what army is in the spot light now I'll go play them'. People get a view of an army because it is in the spot light. Check. Then if that army appeals to them they might start to play them.


I don't subscribe to the idea that older players went on a soul searching journey to find their match paint and fluffwise any more than current players do. They just happened to do it at a time previous to the new.

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I started my Alpha Legion warband back in 2nd, together with my Thousand Sons. I started TS because of the really cool fluff behind them(and they were less boring in 2nd ed, you could have special/heavy weapons on them then as an example) and I started my Alpha Legion warband because my favorite colour is blue...


...they didn't have that much fluff back then anyway... :D

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