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Dark Vengeance Chaos, First Project Log Ever, Need Help

Brother Lavis

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Hi all, thought for the first time i would risk starting a project log to give me an aim to stick with, rather than the usual get halfway through and start something new.


I have been a bit of a sheep before and always painted my armys to the eavy metal colours or the more popular schemes

so this time I wanted to maybe go for something a little less popular so that maybe when I turn up for a game I wont end up playing an army that looks exactly the same as mine


Basically what do you guys think are the least played major chaos legions or any tips for picking a legion before I begin the painting


Cheers All

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If you just want to be different, build your own legion. I don't think I have ever seen a yellow chaos army ...


This. You won't really find any unique Legion. Unless you play 1k Sons or Emperor's Children. If you really want to be unique go on Lexicanum and check the Chaos Warbands List. It's got pretty much all the warbands to date in a variety of different colours I can garuntee no one in your gaming circle will have

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I'd say go for any chaos warband thats has a colour scheme that you can see yourself enjoying painting over a number of different models (marines through to tanks) and over an entire army.

If you find it a pain painting a single marine in a particular colour then you have no chance of completeting the army.

Fluff will also likely be a deciding facto too. Any particular Chaos god you'd like to support or are you taking a miz?


Thanks guys, I'll have a browse through the Lexicanum, Slightly tempted by emperor's children

You know you want to! :o



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If you just want to be different, build your own legion. I don't think I have ever seen a yellow chaos army ...



I've toyed sooo many times with the idea of the Dornian Heresy Imperial Fist scheme......damn that would look fine on a chaos army...especially the new figures.




......or something like that


Edit:........OMG......that's what I'm gonna do this edition.....


Farewell beloved WB.......Ola creation of Aurelius Rex!

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If you just want to be different, build your own legion. I don't think I have ever seen a yellow chaos army ...



I've toyed sooo many times with the idea of the Dornian Heresy Imperial Fist scheme......damn that would look fine on a chaos army...especially the new figures.


I thought Dornian Imperial Fists, too. :cuss

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If you just want to be different, build your own legion. I don't think I have ever seen a yellow chaos army ...



I've toyed sooo many times with the idea of the Dornian Heresy Imperial Fist scheme......damn that would look fine on a chaos army...especially the new figures.


I thought Dornian Imperial Fists, too. :cuss



Forgeworld Red Corsair shoulder pads hoooooooooo




....or something like that

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Thanks guys, I'll have a browse through the Lexicanum, Slightly tempted by emperor's children


Deathguard are fairly different too :cuss

I would think Epidemius+Deathguard would be popping up all over. Emperor's Children can make an awesome looking army, especially with some of the new Slaanesh chariots allied in. Bright colors stand out in the grimdark.

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I have decided to go with Emperor's Children, have done all the flash removal, greenstuffing gaps, drilling bolters (all the long painful stuff) and will be beginning painting tonight, thanks for all the info guys


Chaplainmikey. Checked out some of your collection awesome mate, the pink is awesome, did you do it with the new paint range?

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Chaplainmikey. Checked out some of your collection awesome mate, the pink is awesome, did you do it with the new paint range?


Thanks. :D

I used a mix of the old and new paints range but all the pink was done using the new paints.

Screamer pink

Pink horror

Emperor's Children

White ( can't remember the name)


It's fairly time consuming but looks pretty decent.

Get some painted and remember to show us some photos! :)



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