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Angron Mini!

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It's "ok" to me. It's just yet another Marine, running forward and screaming, but I don't see much that strikes me as "amazing". I know, I know: it's Angron, what else is he supposed to do? But I think it could be better.


That said, I also think the camera angle could very well change my opinion, and I think he could do without all the Loyalist extras dying around him.


What I'm more interested in is the rumoured possibility that some the Traitor Primarchs might be getting a late- or post-Heresy mini as well, later on down the track. The thought of a Daemon Primarch model being available really has me excited B)

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That said, I also think the camera angle could very well change my opinion, and I think he could do without all the Loyalist extras dying around him



Umm look at the armour they are world eaters on the side he is going through his own legionairs !!!!


And it is a scenic base I've seen it unpainted

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That said, I also think the camera angle could very well change my opinion, and I think he could do without all the Loyalist extras dying around him



Umm look at the armour they are world eaters on the side he is going through his own legionairs !!!!


And it is a scenic base I've seen it unpainted

The book is centered around Isstvan III, where the loyalist elements of the traitor legions were being culled. So yes, they are loyalists, even though they are from his own Legion.

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It's "ok" to me. It's just yet another Marine, running forward and screaming, but I don't see much that strikes me as "amazing". I know, I know: it's Angron, what else is he supposed to do? But I think it could be better.


That said, I also think the camera angle could very well change my opinion, and I think he could do without all the Loyalist extras dying around him.


What I'm more interested in is the rumoured possibility that some the Traitor Primarchs might be getting a late- or post-Heresy mini as well, later on down the track. The thought of a Daemon Primarch model being available really has me excited :lol:


The models on the base give a sense of kinetic energy and movement to the model. He's not just running forward and screaming, he's piling through marines like sheafs of wheat. In terms of an angron model I can't think of what more you'd want out of it? What part of it is just ok :ermm:

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The models on the base give a sense of kinetic energy and movement to the model. He's not just running forward and screaming, he's piling through marines like sheafs of wheat. In terms of an angron model I can't think of what more you'd want out of it? What part of it is just ok :(

As a single miniature diorama, sure, but in a game I tend to feel that the cinematic feel is ruined if you don't happen to be facing an opponent who matches the casualties on the base. Not to mention while you are still marching across the battlefield, long before you even reach the enemy.


If I ever get this mini - and I might - I feel that I'd probably magnetise those casualties so that I can use them for shelf display, or remove them for games.

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The models on the base give a sense of kinetic energy and movement to the model. He's not just running forward and screaming, he's piling through marines like sheafs of wheat. In terms of an angron model I can't think of what more you'd want out of it? What part of it is just ok :P

As a single miniature diorama, sure, but in a game I tend to feel that the cinematic feel is ruined if you don't happen to be facing an opponent who matches the casualties on the base. Not to mention while you are still marching across the battlefield, long before you even reach the enemy.


If I ever get this mini - and I might - I feel that I'd probably magnetise those casualties so that I can use them for shelf display, or remove them for games.


Do you have a regular marine opponent? Would be a chuckle to paint it in their colours :lol:

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So, with some better pics he does look a lot better, and I'm glad that the scenic base is separate to his normal 40mm base. That should make it much easier. The details on this guy look amazing. One particular part I like is that the Marine's chest plate on the base actually looks like it's giving way under Angron's weight, a detail that's often missing in scenic bases.


His tiny-looking legs are bugging me, though :P

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As far as I'm concerned, Forgeworld has already sold me all the Primarch models as they're like Pokemon - gotta catch 'em all. Besides, they are generally really good with their sculpts and I doubt they will drop the ball with the others. I already have the official 40K Leman Russ and now I as soon as I get Angron this means I will get to run a huge game where two Primarchs face off. Truth be told, I want Perturabo, Night Haunter, and Dorn the most. In fact I will probably get two Dorns; one to leave untouched and loyal, the other the convert into Dorn the Arch-Betrayer for my Imperial Fists army!
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Every self respecting WE player should get it, I know I am!


This Black Templar is getting one, never going to use it on the table top but it will look great on my shelf.


YES BLOOD FOR THE BLOODGOD and Khorne likes the Black Templars, they killed their sorcerers to.


Don't be shy to add some red onto that black cross.

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The models on the base give a sense of kinetic energy and movement to the model. He's not just running forward and screaming, he's piling through marines like sheafs of wheat. In terms of an angron model I can't think of what more you'd want out of it? What part of it is just ok :huh:

As a single miniature diorama, sure, but in a game I tend to feel that the cinematic feel is ruined if you don't happen to be facing an opponent who matches the casualties on the base. Not to mention while you are still marching across the battlefield, long before you even reach the enemy.


If I ever get this mini - and I might - I feel that I'd probably magnetise those casualties so that I can use them for shelf display, or remove them for games.


It actually comes out of its larger base on a 40 mm base which I assume is for playing. Still one casualty though, but considering its the one already flat on the ground you can pretty much write him off as battlefield debris from an earlier engagement.

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The models on the base give a sense of kinetic energy and movement to the model. He's not just running forward and screaming, he's piling through marines like sheafs of wheat. In terms of an angron model I can't think of what more you'd want out of it? What part of it is just ok :blush:

As a single miniature diorama, sure, but in a game I tend to feel that the cinematic feel is ruined if you don't happen to be facing an opponent who matches the casualties on the base. Not to mention while you are still marching across the battlefield, long before you even reach the enemy.


If I ever get this mini - and I might - I feel that I'd probably magnetise those casualties so that I can use them for shelf display, or remove them for games.

You do know that it was complete chaos on Istvaan III? Having a few of one legion amongst another legion is fluffy...


...besides, if you paint them up as WE, it will always be either his enemies or his own guys...there will always be WE to slaughter when Angron is involved... :blink:

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You do know that it was complete chaos on Istvaan III? Having a few of one legion amongst another legion is fluffy...

I seem to be getting a lot of angst about not liking scenic bases that include enemies that you won't necessarily be facing every game. I know it was chaos on Isstvan III, and it's true that Betrayal will focus on that conflict, but what about other conflicts, ones that will be portrayed by later FW Heresy books? I don't mind the dead guy under his feet (that could have been there from a prior battle), but the other World Eaters flying off to the sides just pushes the boundaries of cinema to me, in the context of an actual game. As a one-off display piece it looks great, but for a gaming piece it often takes away from my immersion in the game.


But that point about them actually being friendlies was raised on another forum, and a closer look at them shows that they could very easily be friendlies. They might have been killed by Angron in his frenzy to reach the enemy, or they could have been killed by enemy fire and are being barged out of the way by their Primarch. Looking at them in that context makes a bit more sense, IMHO.

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You do know that it was complete chaos on Istvaan III? Having a few of one legion amongst another legion is fluffy...

I don't mind the dead guy under his feet (that could have been there from a prior battle), but the other World Eaters flying off to the sides just pushes the boundaries of cinema to me, in the context of an actual game. As a one-off display piece it looks great, but for a gaming piece it often takes away from my immersion in the game.




it might be possible to attach the flying gues to the removable part of the base rather than the 40mm gaming base.

I think we will need to wait until someone looks at the mini in person to tell.

So anytime now as a bunch of guys should be at games day buying him right now :)

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