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Battle Reports and Painting Log: 4 Week Escalation League


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I would like to start with some information on my army list on the Blood Angels army list section. The battle report there even though was a 500 point game it was before the start of the league thus getting thrown out. So I decided that with the start of the league being offical as of Monday I will start keeping a log of the events leading up to and to include the tournament.


Now to start out with a few rules:


Each week is an increase in 500 point increments.

You get league points for each game you play.

You get a league point for each new player you play.

You get a league point for each win you get.

You get one point per model painted to a 3 color minimum.

First week will be played on a 3'x4' table.


League Points : 6

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So begin Week 1:

My 500 point list was to be a general well rounded list to try and get a footing on what everyone else is going to be doing. Some of the things that should be kept in mind when building my list is that everything will transition to the next week. So if you buy a librarian (like I did) he will be included in every army list to include the tournament. The only caveat to this rule is that you can upgrade what you already have. That does not mean exchange. So my intial list is:


Librarian w/ Force Axe

Tactical Squad w/ Flamer, Plasma Cannon (Primary Objective is to hold home objective with full squad. The plasma cannon is for heavy infantry.)

Tactical Squad w/ Flamer, Heavy Bolter (Split into combat squads to give me one objective holder and one objective taker. The heavy bolter is for light infantry.)

Attack Bike w/ Multi-Melta (Tank Hunter and Linebreaker Unit)


Game 1:


My opponent used Codex Chaos Marines, which will be able to transition to the closest equavalent entry if the Codex Chaos Marines comes out before the end of the League. So his list consisted of only elite units:


Chaos Lord w/ Wings, Daemon Weapon Nurgle, Combi-Melta, Mark of Nurgle

5x Plague Marine Squad w/ Power Weapon

5x Plague Marine Squad w/ Power Weapon



Hammer and Anvil (6" due to the weird table size)



The 5th One (forgot the name and do not have my rulebook handy[will update when I find out])


Blood Angels Deployment

Even though I did not like the table setup I rolled and was given first turn. So I decided to split into four 5 man combat squads. Using my handy dandy iphone app I got both presience and forwarning. I set up the plasma cannon on the left side and the heavy bolter on the right. The librarian went with the plasma cannon to bolster it with presience and give them more wounds to hold the objective with in my deployment zone. The other two combat squads deployed forward of the heavy weapons squads. The last thing was the Attack Bike deploying on the far right side of the table almost against the board edge.


Chaos Deployment

With so little he deploys one squad each across from my squads. The Chaos Lord deploys across from my plasma cannon squad joined to the plague marine squad there. Chaos player fails to seize the intiative.


Blood Angels Turn 1


First thing I do is start the app and cast presience on my plasma cannon. I move through difficult terrain with each flamer squad to try and put pressure on my opponent. The attack bike moves 12" up and turns to aim at the plague bearer squad on the right side. The heavy bolter and plasma cannon hold fast.


Plasma Cannon was the first to shot into the right side plague bearer squad and with his great rolling I was only able to kill one model. The next thing was the multi melta missing the broadside of a barn. The last thing I could do was fire ever bolter into the same squad as both my heavy weapons. I was only able to kill one more model.




I should have held back with the attack bike by putting him in such a vulnerable position for first blood.


Chaos Turn 1


His Chaos lord flys over the center piece in his terrain towards the combat squad w/ flamer on the right side (first I knew of it having wings). The left side plauge marine squad makes its way to the previous mentioned terrain to hide from the plasma cannon and make there way to his objective. The right side plague marine squad moves into the forest in front of them to get a better position against my attack bike.


Both plague marine squads unload all their bolter rounds into the attack bike and only manage a single wound. The chaos lord who will have to charge through terrain did not want to chance it.


The combat squad use overwatch on the chaos lord and only manage on hit with the flamer and no wound. His chaos lord now needs a 4" to get the charge and rolls a 6-2-1 and thinks he now has a 8" charge but I had to correct him that it was actually a 3" due to the new rules.


Blood Angels Turn 2


Presience again on my handy dandy app. Attack bike moves another 12" into enemy terrirtory. The combat squad moves deeper into cover but keeps the Chaos lord with flamer range. So I am not 7 15/16" away (thank you premeasure). The left side combat squad moves up through a ruin.


I shoot my plasma cannon into the three man plague marine squad doing a lot better and killing two of them. The attack bike was debating to turbo boost into the corner but instead fires the multi-melta into the last plague marine killing him off. I now have first blood. With that the other 10 marines fire into the chaos lord inflicting 1 wound.




Forget the flamer, I should have ran further away.


Chaos Turn 2


Still not remembering this thing has wings the Chaos lord flies into terrain within 1" of my 5 man squad with the flamer on the otherside of his plague marine squad.


Plauge Marines now controlling an objective firer into the 5 man squad that is jeporady. They inclift two wounds and I pass my morale test and just wait for the oncoming death.


Overwatch fails again to do any damage now that I was missing the flamer. The Chaos lord who cannot fail the charge gets into combat and due to failure to hit and to wound only manages 2 wounds killing everybody but the sergeant. Wanting to fallback I pass the morale check with insane heroism. I cried inside due to this one sergeants stupidity.


Blood Angels Turn 3


Cast presience on my plasma cannon for the third turn even though they do not have line of sight to anything. The left squad tries to sneak up on the plague marine squad. The heavy bolter squad moves around to get a shot on the chaos lord the second he gets out of combat.


The attack bike being the only one who can see the plague marine squad fires into the cover trying to weed them out. The lucky shot finally kills a plague marine from the bunch (this angers them).


The lone sergeant who is dumber than dumb takes on the chaos lord. I will give this sergeant credit for being able to bob and weave. Not only does the chaos lord only get six extra attacks on the daemon weapon giving him a grand total of 10 attacks. He fails to hit or wound with every single one of them. Not only did he accomplish this single act he was able to butt his bolter into the chaos lords face scoring another wound.


Chaos Turn 4


Thinking he has two turns left he decides to move off the objective with his plague marines to engaage the oncoming combat squad.


Not wanting to ruin his chances my opponent waits for the oncoming assault.

Assault Phase

If it is not a guarantee charge of 1" my opponent should not charge. With the overwatch killing the lead plague marine my opponent is now 2" short of making the charge. With all his rage from getting smacked in the face. The chaos lord reaches deep into the warp and slays the sergeant with an excessive amount of wounds.


Blood Angels Turn 5


Casting presience now that the plague marines can be shot at. Attack bike moves along the opponents board edge getting into range. Of the plauge marine squad.

Shooting Phase

Unload the heavy bolter and bolters into the chaos lord. This only gets me one wound away from his death. The rest of the army lays down fire into the plague marine squad not managing a single fatal wound.




Shot better


Chaos Turn 5


With all his failure this game gaining the charge my opponent got into as near as possible to the combat squad with his plague marines. The chaos lord moves in as close as possible to the heavy bolter squad.




The chaos lord makes the charge taking no wounds along the way. The plague marines charge into the combat squad losing the power weapon before getting into combat. The chaos lord still in a rage slays 4 more marines with a single sweep of his sword. The plauge marines have a different kind of luck. The plague marines only manage to draw combat with a wound for a wound. Following the lead of his previous sergeant, the heavy bolter rolls a 3 barely staying in the combat.


Random Game Length - Game Continues


Blood Angels Turn 6




NSTR - All locked in combat


The heavy bolter marine thinking it is the end watchs as the daemon weapon rejects the lord and slays him without letting him take out the marine. Heavy bolter marine consolidates towards the opponents objective kissing his blessing and trying to think of a better story on how the lord finally died. The plague marine does not manage a wound this round and just dukes it out 4:1.


Chaos Turn 6






The plague marine finally gets bested by the four marines and failing to feel no pain (sorry about the bad pun). With the cleansing complete the Blood Angels scouting team returns to base to lick there wounds.


Winner: Blood Angels

Total League Points: 3

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So now moving on to another game to make this my second game this league. This game was a really close match and I have to give it to my opponent for making it a good match too. My opponent was playing Raven Guard w/o Shrike. Since it is such a low point cost it is not effective to have a named character in your army list really.


His list

Chaplain w/ Jump Pack

10 man Tactical Squad w/ Flamer, Heavy Bolter

5x Scout Squad w/ 5x Snipers, Camo Cloaks, Missile Launcher

Assault Squad w/ Plasma Pistol


Deployment: Dawn of War

Mission: Relic


I win first turn and start to set up my Blood Angels in high positions in cover. I get my Plasma Cannon in a center tower with line of sight for the whole board and covering most of the board in fire. Below that team I place the Heavy Bolter team. My librarian once again joins the plasma cannon team with perfect timing and preseience. The last two combat squads set up to the right in the ruins. The attack bike is last setting up in the alley to the far right of the table waiting to sneak back and get me linebreaker.


My opponent set up with his tactical squad in the center on the ground in open terrain. The scout squad was on the left in a second story infiltrating close to my position. The assault squad with Chaplain set up in a ruin across and on the right of my combat squads.


My opponent fails to seize the intiative.


Blood Angels Turn 1

M-So with that I start turn 1 of a very long game (unknown to me at that time). First thing I do is cast presience on my Plasma Cannon. Next I move both combat squads (now refering to them as Alpha, Bravo, Heavy, and Plasma) Alpha and Bravo up through the ruins towards the relic in the center. The attack bike moves up and in between both Alpha and Bravo. The last decision that I make is to move the librarian into the Heavy squad.

S- I start by shooting everything from Heavy and Plasma into the Tactical Squad thinking they are the greatest threat. I inflict three wounds with the plasma cannon and fail across the board with the heavy bolter. The last thing that I accomplish is making a huge run towards the center field.



Should have realized the greatest threat was the sniper squad.


Raven Guard Turn 1

M- Assault squad jumps over the ruins taking 2 sets of dangerous terrain. Losing one marine in the process (I tried to warn him to play it safe in this point level). The marines are now really close to one of my combat squads. The tactical squad shifts to fill in ranks but the heavy bolter in the squad holds ground.

S- This is where the game gets even really quick. His sniper squad managed to get a precision shot and the same rending wound on the plasma cannon. The other was normal and killed a single marine. His heavy bolter team managed to pull out a wound on Squad Alpha. The assault squad prepare there blades for close combat.

A-He declares the charge into my Squad Bravo. I manage to get overwatch off on him and kill one marine before the charge. After that I just can not handle the amound of attacks and I lost the whole squad with some really bad rolls.

End of Turn 1 VP: 0:1


Blood Angels Turn 2

M- The librarian does what he should have done from the start by casting perfect timing on the heavy bolter squad. The next thing he does is go down a level and maintain coherence to not cause an argument on the matter. Squad Alpha moves up and prepares to engage the assault squad. The attack bike jukes back to the right and prepares to make the outflank attack. Having already lost First Blood I am getting aggressive for the win. The Plasma Squad now down to three members leap from there post down to the bottom level. One member who was on one level lower than the other two breaks his ankle and can not continue in this fight.

S- The Heavy Squad starts it off right by laying down some suppression fire ignoring cover for the scout squad. Gettng three hits with the heavy bolter and three wounds. The rest of the squad managed two more wounds without saves. So with the largest threat now completely neutralized I focus on other elements. I start by laying down into the assault squad killing two more and wounding the chaplain. The Plasma Squad now at two members make a run for the ruin nearest the relic. The last thing was moving the Attack Bike turbo boost into the enemy deployment zone.



Raven Guard Turn 2

M- Assault Squad move to the open terrain behind Squad Bravo making it within an inch. The tactical squad moves more towards the center to include moving the heavy bolter.

S- Not liking the bike behind him he opens fire with the Tactical Squad into the Attack Bike. With the suppression fire he manages to score one wound. The Assault Squad with bolters and again my poor rolling manage to take out two more marines.

A- The assault marines with Chaplain out front declare a charge to Squad Bravo. The squad manage to make two wounds on the squad hoping to take out the marine and chaplain. With some really lucky shooting they manage just that. So in the charge he has one assault marine remaining who makes into combat killing on member of the squad.

End of Turn 2 VP: 2:1


Blood Angels Turn 3

M- Librarian cast presience on the Heavy Squad. Then the Plasma Squad moves towards the center through difficult terrain getting close to the relic. Heavy Squad moves out of cover towards the tactical squad looking to engage the remaining 7 members. The Attack Bike makes it to the back corner of my opponents deployment zone locking up some Linebreaker points even further and getting out of rapid fire range of his bolters.

S- Fire everything I have into the Tactical Squad getting 2 more wounds and knocking them down enough to try and get them to run off.

A- NSTR; combat was a draw 0 wounds each.


Raven Guard Turn 3

M- Tactical Squad moves away from the Relic to engage the Attack Bike trynig to draw the game.

S- Tactical Squad fails to do any damage to the Attack Bike with its high toughness and standard save.

A- Assault squad continues to tie up my Squad Bravo.

End of Turn 3 VP: 2:1


Blood Angels Turn 4

M- Make a poor move towards the objective with Plasma Squad. The Heavy Squad with presience again move towards the center in the open trying to get into bolter range. The libraian seeing that Bravo Squad needs help moves to engage. Attack bike tries to make a run for it towards the other corner of the board.

S- Heavy Squad manages to do nothing being out of that bolter range and snap firing heavy bolter. Plasma Squad manages to run a grand total of 1 inch and increase my frustration ten fold. The attack bike speeds off away from the closing tactical squad.

A- Gain the charge on my opponent and fail to do any wounds with the inclusion of the librarian. The opponent on the other hand manages to kill another Bravo member.


Raven Guard Turn 4

M- Tactical Squad continues to chase around the Attack Bike not wanting to leave him alone.

S- Manage to fire down on him and manage nothing again. I think I am in the clear now.

A- Assault Marine could not do it again due to making my 3+ save. The Librarian slaughters him at his intiative step.

End of Turn 4 VP: 2:1


Blood Angels Turn 5

M- Last turn start to make things count. The Plasma Squad gets a 1" on difficult terrain again and still are not within reach of the Relic. AHHHH. The Librarian moves up and joins the Plasma Squad again due to increase in numbers. With his previous 4" consolidation and 12" movement the Bravo sergeant is within 1" of the Relic. The attack bike makes it to the other corner well out of reach of his bolters all together except the two he gets if he wants to do that.

S- Attack Bike fires and misses. The Heavy Squad fires and fails to wound due to my excitment to get the relic and forgetting to move them.



Raven Guard Turn 5

M- Tactical Squad takes the bait and moves toward the Attack Bike.

S- He finally manages to kill the Attack Bike.


End of Turn 5 VP: 1:1

Random Game Length: 4


Blood Angels Turn 6

M- Move into contact with the relic. Heavy tries to see more of the tactical squad. Librarian and Plasma Squad move up behind the remaining sergeant.

S- Lay down what I can into the Tactical Squad and manage anotehr whiff


Lessons Learned - Give the relic to a multi wound squad not a lone sergeant


Raven Guard Turn 6

M- Tactical Squad moves back to its original position to draw line to the relic.

S- Everything into the sergeant who can not with stand his wounds and collapses.


End of Turn 6 VP: 1:1

Random Game Length: 6 - If he had made this the game would have been a draw.


Blood Angels Turn 7

M- Move the librarian and Plasma squad past the relic with the last guy going to pick it up.

S- Heavy Squad lays down into the Tactical Squad finally scoring 3 wounds to include the heavy bolter in his squad.



Raven Guard Turn 7

M- Knowing it is over he gives in with no fight.


Victory Points: 5:1

Winner: Blood Angels

Total League Points: 6

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So this is the wrap up for the first week. I got four more games in and I will not do a turn by turn for each one. Just going to recap each one:


First one was Necrons


Lord w/ Staff of Light

Cryptek w/ Staff of Light

15 Man Necron Warrior Squad

5 Man Necron Warrior Squad

2x Heavy Destroyers


Mission: Relic

Deployment: Dawn of War

First Turn: Blood Angels


Highlights - Could not make it to the relic due to the staff of lights killing the combat squads out in the open near the relic. Was able to kill enough each turn to make the 15 man warrior squad on the objective break and run three times. Got first blood killing the two destroyers. Lost the librarian due to perils of the warp two turns in a row.


Outcome: Draw


Second game was against Space Wolves

Rune Priest

6 man Grey Hunter Squad w/ Meltagun in a Rhino

6 man Grey hunter Squad w/ Powerfist in a Drop Pod

5 man Long Fangs w/ Missile Launcher


Mission: Emperor's Will

Deployment: Dawn of War

First Turn: Space Wolves


Highlights - Could not secure first blood because my meltagun sucks at hitting and damaging. Drop Pod sucked at getting somewhere to do something turn one. Was able to lock up a squad for five turns with a fearless squad. Was able to take down the long fangs with a few well placed plasma cannon shots. Librarian was able to only perils once before taking out both of my opponents troop choices and having nothing to contest my objective.


Outcome: Blood Angels Win


Third game was against: Space Marine


Tactical Squad w/ Plasma Cannon, Flamer

Scout Squad w/ Camo Cloaks, Snipers, and a Missile Launcher

Predator w/ Heavy Bolter SS

Aegis Defense Line


Mission: Purge the Alien

Deployment: Vanguard

First Turn: Blood Angels


Highlights - Got really lucky getting perfect timing in this game. I was able to weed out the scout squad right away after what happened last time against them. The attack bike was also able to make it all the way across the board without dying and destroying the predator. With the need to kill the attack bike before he could do any damage his chaplain left the tactical squad. His tactical squad, scout squad, and predator was not able to any damage to the attack bike in a whole round of shooting. After the chaplain slayed the attack bike I was able to snipe him out with a well placed plasma shot. My opponent surrender before having to make it across the table with the last squad.


Outcome: Blood Angels Win 5VP (First Blood, Slay the Warlord, Chaplain, Predator, Scout Squad) 1VP (Attack Bike)


Fourth and final game was against Chaos Daemons



6 man Bloodletters

6 man Bloodletters


Mission: Relic

Deployment: Dawn of War

First Turn: Blood Angels


Highlights - Daemons got the preferred way and had the Bloodthirster and a Bloodletter squad come in turn one. Bloodthrister choose to be swooping and misshaped into a corner. Bloodletters managed to scatter closer to my heavy bolter squad in the open. Gun down the bloodletters before the next one came into play. Bloodthirster swooped off and then back onto the table and vectored strike the attack bike killing it outright. Bloodthirster was able to cut down one squad with heavy bolter in close combat. The other squad got one turn of shooting before getting assaulted and killing the Bloodthirster in the overwatch.


With these four games I got 11 more league points for the upcoming tournament.


The last thing I managed to accomplish was painting five more minis. I will post photos soon. Giving another 5 points. So for the next week I am going to add


Captain Tycho - 175

Sternguard - 125

Brother Corbulo - 105

Sanguinary Priest - 50

Attack Bike added to the other squad - 50


This total is 505 points which with only using 495 points the first week gives me a grand total of 1000 points for this week. I will post more games and paint coming up this week.

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Another two highlight games today against the first second person I played in the league. So I can only get a maximum of 4 points between the two games.


Without knowing it I had almost cheated today on my list build becuase the force organisation chart for the first week was





1Fast Attack

1Heavy Support



The list for week two is:





2Fast Attack

2Heavy Support



So I had to change my list for the week to:


Librarian w/ Force Axe

10 man Tactical Squad w/ Plasma Cannon, Flamer

10 man Tactical Squad w/ Plasma Cannon, Flamer

10 man Tactical Squad w/ Heavy Bolter, Flamer

5man Sternguard

Brother Corbulo

Sanguinary Priest

2 Attack Bikes w/ Multi-Melta


I can not take Tycho like I had hoped till Week 4 =[



Since this is already starting to get wordy and I had to proxy for my second tactical squad I have no photos and with highlight both games.


His list was:


10 man Tactical Squad w/ Heavy Bolter, Flamer, Locator Beacon, Drop Pod

5 man Scout Squad w/ Snipers, Camo Cloaks, Missile Launcher

5 man Assault Squad w/ Plasma Pistol, Lightning Claws on Sgt.

5 man Vanguard Veteran Squad w/ 5 pairs of lightning claws.

Venerable Dreadnought


First game

Mission: Purge the Alien

Deployment: Dawn of War

First Turn: Space Marines

Seize the Intiative: Yes

Highlights: The tactical squad tried to come in and alpha strike. They only managed to get two wounds on my tactical squad and not managing very much damage. The Attack Bike and two tactical squads managed to kill the Drop Pod and all 10 of his remaining marines. The Vanguard deepstriked the next turn and attempted to assault the sternguard and got gun down to two members before failing the charge range. He decided to conciede and get another game in before I had to leave for the day.


Second game

Mission: Relic

Deployment: Dawn of War

First Turn: Blood Angels

Seize the Intiative: No

Highlights: This game was just as bad for him. He lost one assault marine and wound on the chaplain due to dangerous terrain turn one. Attempted the same thing with his tactical squad but in a better position from the counter attack. But with vengeance rounds on the sternguard not much was alive at the bottom of turn 2. His Vanguard got delayed for one turn and when they managed to make it to the table he failed to make his charge range again when he just needed a four. His chaplain also failed to make a 3" charge through terrain. The last thing was the Venerable not getting into combat becuase fear of the attack bikes and getting taken out before it could do anything.


These two games net my grand total of 26 points.


Since I got my camera back paint photos will be up tomorrow pending timing.

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