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DavidKits Collected Visions


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@facmanpob: thank you glad you like my collected works :lol:


@zxyogi: hmmm so want to do a yogi bear joke but no you most likely hear em enough, but onto topic, the DV box set is really a nice buy as you can see i'm finding ways to use the models from both sides that come in the starter box but i have noticed a couple of armies around here started up using either all of one side or the other. if you don't mind me asking would you be using to make a new chaos or space marine army or just for the hey of owning all dem cool models... oh and a mini rulebook for gaming! *laughs*


question to the lot of ya who watch this!


as i've already got the plans laid out for who my two Hq choices for this army is I have recently come to the problem of I don't know how i wish to paint up the lovely Chaos Space Marine Lord in the box. *holds up model* so, while I work on converting up some of the other models I wish to lay out ANOTHER VOTE FOR MODEL... MODEL.... Model.... model... *looks around* interesting echo in these forum boxes *pokes* anyway.


Here's how it works, I'm gonna be putting up the list of all the major known forces of chaos these being the original traitor legions + the red corsairs because... why not, anyway while I'm working on the next squad you guys can send me votes, most likely the easiest way is to send me a private note/message so this page doesn't get cluttered with posts of "i want this" or "you can't his doing this" etc etc though i suppose the occassional one here will be fine. now when I am finished my next squad and post em up here on B&C I'll tally up all the votes for each of the factions and let you all know the winner and then go to town on painting him up. so please send me ya messages! note me your votes!


Cya then, Cheers




Da list!:

Word Bearers:

Alpha Legion:

Emperor's Children: 2

Night Lords:

World Eaters:

Red Corsairs:

Iron Warriors: 3

Black Legion: 1

Death Guard:

Thousand Sons: 2

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Well Brothers and sisters of the forum i have come with more updates! well.. 1 this piece is a hint of things to come and how I may have kept making all the Dark Angels players shake there fists at me but anyway. here is one of my Dark Angel Imposters on foot! for my 'tactical' squad in the army. I got to figure out how to fit a close combat weapon on him at one point but hey so far I love how he looks and i want your guys opinions!

Tactical Squad Imposter from Dark Ven.


for the markings that show his an Alpha Legion I put a chaos star on the underside of the purity seal, his Tactical arrow is in the Blue/green of the rest of my alpha legion, and even gave some of his cuffs and shoulder lining the silver of the Legion not the Dark Angels. I still need to find a place to hide his scale marks as well as add a Hydra mark but until then i call him done and wanted to give you guys a preview of things to come!

Onto matters of my painting vote its still up I'm still accepting votes on how you would like to see my Dark Ven Chaos Lord to turn out what legion and all here are the updated numbers so far but don't hold back give me more! *wiggles fingers evilly* i want to hear what you would like :3 same as before, either send me a note, or put a vote up here I'll keep the tally running! here are the listings with the most recent numbers, looks like at the moment Iron Warriors and the Emperor's Children are in the lead but there is still time i can't wait to see what you all ask for.

Da list!:

Word Bearers:

Alpha Legion:

Emperor's Children: 3

Night Lords:

World Eaters:

Red Corsairs:

Iron Warriors: 3

Black Legion: 2

Death Guard:

Thousand Sons: 2



p.s. warning on the rest of the squad for this latest Imposter, if you like to see images of his tactical arrow or the chaos star please let me know until then all ya get is the front :)

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Looks Good. I am jealous of your free-handing skills, especially on the Word Bearers vehicles.


I'd like to see the Tac symbol. Why not put the scales on his leg/shin? people tend to be intimidated, staring up at Space Marines, and normal humans probably wouldn't be looking at the legs.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hey everyone *waves* thought i would give you a heads up the unit of 'Dark Angels" the 9 man squad is finished conversion and all! only recently finished em sadly as I've been extremely busy in rl. *bows to you all for understanding* I promise to try and get some photos up this weekend so i can show em off and i do hope ya like em. :)i love the unit and its kinda inspired me to try and all imposter army at some point using the chaos codex making em look like a loyalist chapter (keep the suspicions low and all from the inquisitors after all ;) )) while using all loyalist models.


anyway cheers, as i said hope to get some photos up soon!.



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Greetings most loyal fans of my work... and um.. everyone who just wants to see my continued ADHD of modelling and painting *whistles innocently* I have some news! the Kits has finished that squad and as promised I'm putting up the pictures now! muahahaha! so I hope ya like em. *nods* give me your thoughts then after all the pics please read the comments under and give me a hand!.

1. first up on my uploads is my imposters Unit sargenent(sp).


rather enjoy this guy :huh: i wanted to try out different wargear on my unit champs so this guy is as you see with a plas pistol and chainaxe woot! not the best layout i know but i wanted it :P and the model already came with a plasma pistol so meh *shrugs*

2. Sarge's tactical arrow:


was asked about wanting to see the blue arrow so here i abide by the request. as i have stated before the arrow and other little parts i've added are to show the squads real loyalities :P believe they are dark angels all you want they will show you later the error of your thoughts! ;)

3. the whole squad!:


here ya go here is all 9 of them. i can't really use the plasma-cannon from the box set so i have left it to the side for now but thats alright as a 9 man unit with a plasma gun it still leaves me enough room to throw in a character with the squad when i want one from time to time. and they can all still fit in a rhino or something ;) got to figure out if i want to model and paint up close combat weapons for them all though *rubs chin* hmmmm...

4. Plasma gunner!:


and here is my standard issue either gonna kill a bunch of guys or blow himself up plasma gunner! this guy in the last few games has a very interesting track record. one game he fries himself the first turn and the second game his gunning down terminators, light vehicles and more hitting with every shot and more often then not killing something when he does. :( should be interesting to see how things go in the games to come.

now onto the part i need to get over. well 2 parts. first upi would like to make an anouncement for all you watchers. i have done a tally up since finishing this squad and for the longest time both the Iron Warriors and Emperor's children were the leaders of the rat race for how my Dark V chaos lord gets painted. at the absolute last moment while i finishingup the unit i recieved one last vote... as it stands the winner for how this guy will look is! *pulls out a piece of paper unfolds it* EMPEROR'S CHILDREN!! are the winner! so I shall get to work hopefully on him in the near future and he will most likely be my next model unless something comes up.

next I need some help guys, if you could point me in the direction of a nice easy how to Blood Angels Tutorial i'm looking right now and i've watched some youtube videos and such but I need something and any advise you guys can give will be extremely helpful. thank you for your time :)

Sincerely, David Kits

enjoy the models guys!

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  • 1 month later...

Well been busy as it seems i always am sadly but hey either way I have been slowly plugging away painting more and more or at least when i get the chance. and here i feel like i'm raising my thread back from the grave a little but anyway!


 May I present Chaos lord Dev'ross. (a cookie to anyone who gets his name :P) I made this guy to be my primary hero of a campaign I'm going to be up and running in the near future. in the campaign you get the cost of the hq as well as 100 points of wargear and options free. now I have wanted a lord done up like this so i thought hey what the hey i got the bits lets build it. i packed on all 100 points on this guy and i like how he turned out i feel i need to slap a cloak on him or a cape somehow but *shrugs* i take what i get so far and i enjoy how he looks.


 I apologise ahead of time my lighting is as always terrible. but i tried to get a good shot of him. enjoy!


My latest Word bearer's Chaos lord.

Chaos Lord Dev'ross


 his Wargear for those interested are as listed:

 Power Fist, Lightning Claw, Combat Familiar, Ichor Blood, Sigils of Corruption, Gift of Mutation, and Veterns of the Long War


p.s. i do hope i did this right to upload a picture *crosses fingers.*


 Da Kits.


p.p.s :still working on the Emperor's Children Chaos lord in between projects just with me getting ready for the campaign been a little distracted... cheers!

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*smiles* thank you Aquilanus I'm very glad to hear you like hehehe yes I am slowly working more and more on those alpha legion but I have found that painting up the imposters has become quite fun and almost makes me want to start a full on dark angels normal army (already have a deathwing one planned out) but hey i've taken a short break from most of my painting just to work on my campaign thats starting soon. either way thanks again wish me luck!



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  • 1 month later...

oh my well its been a while since i posted here or anyone else did *laughs* but I have done up something new and it demands to be added here! muahahaha!

i had an ... urge a little while ago to do up something... Khorne themed and a friend of mine actually had a unit of forge world Khorne Terminators and to my shock he handed me one when i mentioned i wanted to try it and wished i could work on one of his and basically got told "go nuts and make em look good" so .. taking that idea in mind and also knowing they are forgeworld i got to work and in 3 days i produced this guy. ((takes me alittle bit considering my time constraits with work and all but oh well tongue.png )

Well here ya go my experimental Khorne Terminator that seems to be made of the champ parts but i don't think is the champ himself... enjoy and please give me your opinions... p.s. this is the first time I have ever attempted this color scheme and is also the first time i've ever attempted a form of Wet Blending to make the armour the color, thank you for your time and now .... photos!

Experimental Khorne Termintor Front


Experimental Khorne Terminator Side 1


Experimental Khorne Terminator Side 2 (sadly is dark camera wouldn't flash *shrugs*)


Experimental Khorne Terminator Back


cheers everyone hope you like em!
Sincerely, D Kits
p.s. sorry the photos are so small don't know how to make em bigger *shrugs*
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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey Gang how's it all going with you. I got another update for you all from my Khorne Terminator unit Commission that's right Terminator number 2. now this guy I don't know if he will be used as the champ instead of the guy I've done earlier or to take him as the Khorne Lord possible knowing my friend but I shall see when its all said and done. now I am only putting up 1 photo of him not the whole set of 4 because I have been requested a couple of times in private and once here to try and avoid the nasty finger shot! I'm sorry I don't have a good photo spot set up yet but *shrugs* oh well. anyway here is the next photo from the Kits' bench. hope you all enjoy and give me some thoughts. again I did him much like I did the last one with my try out wet blending style thing that may not be fully wet blending but whatever... it works!


Khorne Terminator Lord/Champ with Lightning claws



I wish I could find a way to make this photo bigger.. if someone can tell me please do would be nice *nods* anyway cheers enjoy.


 Da Kits.

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I really, really, really like your Alpha Legion..while everything else is excellent, it all pales in comparison. The freehand scale work is phenomenal! I've always had three loves in Chaos 40k, Death Guard (Go go papa Nurgle!), Night Lords (Murderers...in....Space!) and Alpha Legion (We're good guys, or are we? You don't know, neither do we..). I gotta say they are great, I also like your idea for "infiltrators." So obvious yet I never thought of it! Really well executed, can't wait to see infiltrators into other legions (Except the Iron Hands, because the one guy without extensive bionics would stand out, haha!).


Keep it up!

Purge the Weak!


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thanks Raven :) sorry for the delay been working a lot *laughs* anyway on the matter of the Alpha Legion I actually have had thoughts to continue working on them in the near future. just still don't know if I should expand on the Dark Angels Imposter units (most likely I think) or work on some more regular looking Alpha Legion. *laughs* we shall se yes yes.. we shall see.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Got some new ones for you guys to view and tell me your opinions of... and better then all I found a way to do decent photos without showing my hands off! booyah! who would have guessed just took me a while anywho. here is a regular Khorne terminator with a power fist ... his just some joe in the squad I guess, and also the Heavy Flamer power fist wielder of the Unit. cheers


 Regular Joe:

Terminator squad member



 Heavy Flamer Jimmy:

Terminator Heavy Flamer



Cheers from Da Kits.

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  • 2 months later...

Well been a while since I posted up here. life has been hectic and i'm being pulled along with it. but oh well. I recently picked up the new Forge World book with the Minotaurs in it and I have decided I rather enjoy that force... a lot! so I decided to sit down pull out one of my old pewter space marine vets I had and try a test on the colors. his pretty much done just didn't put on a backpack or base him because well.. as I said I was testing the waters with the colors but hey please tell me what you guys think. I don't know if its the best done of these colors... I doubt it but I at least hope you enjoy.


Minotaurs test fig2


Minotaurs test fig

man my painting channel is hidden *laughs* oh well tongue.png


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  • 2 months later...

Got some new ones for you guys, got the urge to go back and try out some alpha legion models... well actually I had these guys made a long time ago but I just finished them for painting. hope you enjoy em and tell me what ya think!


 Alpha Legionnaire with Autocannon

Alpha Legion autocannon

never hurts to have a big gun!... unless your the guy getting shot :P
 Alpha Legionnaire with Melta bombs

Alpha Legion Demo

just love how this guys conversions turned out.
 The Corrupted Space Wolf

Alpha Legion Space Wolf

 well... alpha legion have corrupted other marines even whole chapters... why not :P


 well here they are so far... now I have a thought on how to do a new style of scales on the armour I may try it out on some new legion projects I have planned... including one of Arkos the Faithless... cheers.


 Da Kits.

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Hello everyone... I got a gift yesterday and I just MUST share it with you guys.


 yesterday morning early early early in the morning I got home around 12:15 am on august the 22. was a late day at work and it has been like this for the last few days... rough miserable and I was getting kinda bummed. (hard to work on models when ya bummed) but...  *nods* I had a surprise waiting for me... August 22 is my birthday (so this post is a day late but anyway.) and when I walked through the door sitting on the table just inside was a big old package with my name on it... a big old package from Blue Table Painting. I have been waiting for this for a long time... very long and now I got it and I'm honestly extremely happy with it. not only did it make my birthday it made my week so far and then some... but anywho without any more ado I give to you all my friends and watchers on B&C. the model that has been just and happily added to my White Scars...


 The Khan's Wrath

White Scars Storm Eagle The Khan's Wrath



 hope you guys enjoy as I know I am very happy to own the Wrath. and I got to play a test game today at the local GW... she was brutal that is all I need to say.

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