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Inspirational Friday 09/21/2012

Brother Nihm

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Yes, you read that correctly, it is back!


And this, is another challenge.





Can you assemble, base and paint a single, bog-standard Chaos Space Marine (e.g. from the Troops choice of the same name) by the end of next week? (Friday the 28th of September). Note: special permission can be given if the model is a single PA armoured CSM from any of the other sections of the Codex.


If you can do the above within the time given you will earn everlasting glory and honour here in the Chaos forums. Hopefully your actions will also serve as a good example for others to get some painted marines on the table.



Note that it doesn't have to be Golden Demon standards, simple tabletop quality will do (minimum 3 different colours and some form of shading, highlights are optional but earns you extra)

You get to choose whatever chapter/legion/warband scheme, as long as it is Chaos - it is good. These are the only restrictions.



My advice,

No questions, no hesitation, grab a brush, some bits, glue, flock/sand/whatever, and go nuts.



Have fun!

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I have 3-4 Khorne berzerkers kicking around, staring at me with those puppy dog eyes like "Why did you paint everyone but us? Why don't you like us :blush: "


Maybe this will inspire me to get them done... maybe.

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Not this time around. I'm 700 miles from my paint

That would be quite the challenge!


Just to get this straight, we are allowed to paint a lord or a havoc for example so long as its a single power armoured Chaos marine?



Bog standard CSM from that choice, sure.

Heavily converted/not recognizable as such - not likely.

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Oh sure, throw out the challenge once I'm halfway through painting a squad of 10 ;)
But of course, what is one more - you had to paint him anyway!

Assemble and paint. But, if DV chosen are being allowed, then yeah, I'm your huckleberry.

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I could probably do it in a day.. a week is rather forgiving.


I'll do it


Hachachachacha edit:


I shall paint my blastmaster noise marine. Conversion to the cannon is already done from a while ago, but I think this is close enough to start from


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