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Inspirational Friday 09/21/2012

Brother Nihm

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Your prize is not getting turned into a neon green ten legged fire breathing lama that has just been locked in a closet with a slaaneshii Minotaur who is "lonely" and then afterwards being given over to the care Fabius Bile on his all new hit show "Spleens, Neutering, livers and blood oh my!" only available on Chaos media.

either that into a mauve multie eyed tentacle monster, such is the price of failing Chaos.

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either that into a mauve multie eyed tentacle monster, such is the price of failing Chaos.


It could be argued that could be a reward in some Chaotic circles.


Would a converted DA fallen work for this? I won't have access to more models until the new range is released and I am saving my chosen until I can get a few more supplies over a few weeks. Will be using some of the Fallen as base CSMs for now so will be getting my renegades paint scheme.

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And that is why I keep my bedroom (where I have my desk, and thus, stuff I'm working on) door closed, many was the time both cats would find the desk was the most comfortable place, either knocking them to the floor or sitting in them.

Nice work so far, should have my guy ready for painting soon.

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And that is why I keep my bedroom (where I have my desk, and thus, stuff I'm working on) door closed, many was the time both cats would find the desk was the most comfortable place, either knocking them to the floor or sitting in them.

Nice work so far, should have my guy ready for painting soon.


I would love to be able to shut the door to the room, however 3 cats and 2 dogs would be yowl/howl ing non-stop because if I go in there alone I might get lost and never come back home. (same holds true for the br)

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And that is why I keep my bedroom (where I have my desk, and thus, stuff I'm working on) door closed, many was the time both cats would find the desk was the most comfortable place, either knocking them to the floor or sitting in them.

Nice work so far, should have my guy ready for painting soon.


I would love to be able to shut the door to the room, however 3 cats and 2 dogs would be yowl/howl ing non-stop because if I go in there alone I might get lost and never come back home. (same holds true for the br)


I get that too. One of my cats howls at the door and shakes it when I'm in my hobby room painting. I live alone, so the stereo tunes it out until she gets bored and does something else. Sometimes she's REALLY persistent, though, and finds ways to roll her toys under the door to try and get my attention. Cats...

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And that is why I keep my bedroom (where I have my desk, and thus, stuff I'm working on) door closed, many was the time both cats would find the desk was the most comfortable place, either knocking them to the floor or sitting in them.

Nice work so far, should have my guy ready for painting soon.


I would love to be able to shut the door to the room, however 3 cats and 2 dogs would be yowl/howl ing non-stop because if I go in there alone I might get lost and never come back home. (same holds true for the br)


I get that too. One of my cats howls at the door and shakes it when I'm in my hobby room painting. I live alone, so the stereo tunes it out until she gets bored and does something else. Sometimes she's REALLY persistent, though, and finds ways to roll her toys under the door to try and get my attention. Cats...

Can't live with them, can't live without them...

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Here's mine - sorry I didn't take a "before" pic - too enthusiastic I guess... :lol:







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