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Inspirational Friday 09/21/2012

Brother Nihm

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My Slaanesh marine is acutually done, now I just need to find a camera!


Any tips on how to photograph miniatures?

Hint: If you take a look in the tutorial section you might find some information.. ;)


link for the lazy.

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So I got my DV set in and I have a model semi finished. It takes me a week to make the bases, as it's very involved, but for now I have this guy as a test for my scheme:





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Looking awesome bro! I wasn't sure about the colour scheme to start with but it looks pretty good on that chosen. Can't wait for more :P


Ps. have you put gloss varnish on the armour? It looks really shiny.


I totally cheat with army painter dark tone. I need to find a good brush on matte varnish, I bought some Delta Ceramcoat but it doesn't really give a matte finish, still semi-gloss. When I was doing him at first the silver was kinda meh, but once it got the treatment it came together pretty well. I think champions will have tin bits trim to separate them out.


I am hoping if they redo berserkers they have ornate armor like this so I can convert my rank and file marines to be similar.

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Made it! I present to the Dark Gods, one THousand Sons Test paint!


I've left the eyes black intentionally, I think it make it look more like an automation!







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Caffeinated Chaos:


Pics are actually pretty easy. I'll take a picture of my photo set up when I get home tonight, but It's literally a white piece of paper against a wall, and the room light on above! Those were also taken with my Camera phone, you just need to get enough light on the mini to make the photos turn out good!

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Ok, I just got some new lights (the tent is supposed to arrive tomorrow) so I took some pictures with them. The eyes are gold, and I moved the lights until I got the results below.

Behold, a Deprecator!



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Ok, I just got some new lights (the tent is supposed to arrive tomorrow) so I took some pictures with them. The eyes are gold, and I moved the lights until I got the results below.


Behold, a Deprecator!


What grey is that? Or is that your own mix?

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Ok, I just got some new lights (the tent is supposed to arrive tomorrow) so I took some pictures with them. The eyes are gold, and I moved the lights until I got the results below.


Behold, a Deprecator!


What grey is that? Or is that your own mix?

It's my own mix:

2 parts Vallejo Model color Black

2 parts Vallejo Model color Orange-Brown

1 part Vallejo Model color White


Thanks everyone!

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It's my own mix:

2 parts Vallejo Model color Black

2 parts Vallejo Model color Orange-Brown

1 part Vallejo Model color White


Thanks everyone!


That seams quite hard to try and recreate but looks stuning on your model.


I know that I may be a late entrant but I think I might produce DV power fist chosen by evening.

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I think it's safe to say i've failed as its nearly half 11 here and i've managed to do the purple basecaot on my Chosen Champ and I highly doubt i'll finish him unless i'm suddenly gifted with the power to paint 4-5 hrs worth or model in 30 mins.


I blame FW and thier Angron model! :)


Ammonius- I really like that scheme and the model looks very intimidating!




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Not really happy with how this guy turned out, but I did rush him through in just two hours. He'll probably look better once he's dried and based, but he's a bench rider most of the time anyway. I will most likely strip him and redo him when it comes time to do his whole squad, but for now he's painted and thus represents the challenge completed.


I have done better...

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