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Deathwing Company

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Hey guys, I've been working on a Company of Deathwing Terminators for a client. A few days ago these guys got packed away and shipped back, but I am finally uploading the pictures!


These are just the first 20 I had, another 40 will be arriving soon!













And a picture of my little puppy




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I dream of someday having a hobby corner as comfy-looking as that.


Those Deathwing Termies are great. Excelletn battle damage and weathering, that's how I like Space Marines - battered to heck and STILL furious!


I love the display board, even if it isn't made for th- OH MY GOD PUPPY



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Man, these are awesome! Potentially some of my favourite Deathwing ever. I just love the dirty, weathered, veteran-of-a-thousand-wars look each one of them has. The smattering of Space Hulk and Forgeworld bits really makes them pop. Best thing I think is that each one looks individual as a Deathwing veteran should do.


If you don't mind, could you please shed some light as to how you made that board? It is amazing and a friend and I are building a board together and we'd envisioned something very similar, a kind of ash/desert look. I'm particularly interested in how you got that texture. Could you give any hints?

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The only complaint I have is I can see mold line, but they look great otherwise. I'm diggin' the more damaged and weathered look on them.

Yeah haha I noticed it in the pic too! ;)

Thanks buddy!


These are great - I'm sure your client will be very happy. I love the puddles on the bases, how did you do that?


Nice office - got enough lights on your desk? Cute puppy :lol:

Puddles on the base? Did you mean the red stones? If so, I sculpted them out of plaster and glued them down then used a sand/gravel mix I made to base them.


Man, these are awesome! Potentially some of my favourite Deathwing ever. I just love the dirty, weathered, veteran-of-a-thousand-wars look each one of them has. The smattering of Space Hulk and Forgeworld bits really makes them pop. Best thing I think is that each one looks individual as a Deathwing veteran should do.


If you don't mind, could you please shed some light as to how you made that board? It is amazing and a friend and I are building a board together and we'd envisioned something very similar, a kind of ash/desert look. I'm particularly interested in how you got that texture. Could you give any hints?

Thanks that's a great comment!


The board is just a 2x2 sheet of wood from Home Depot. I built up the hills with pink foam and then used quick curing drywall to smooth the edges and build up some texture.

As the drywall was finishing up drying I began applying white glue to the table using my hands and water. Once I got the glue down on an area I began applying a sand/gravel mix that I made, using my hands to spread it out and push some of the larger gravel down into the drywall.


As far as painting, I gave the whole board a black and white primer.




I used my airbrush to apply basecoats of Burnt Umber from Vallejo evenly across the board, then began adding Iraqi Sand from Vallejo until I was doing pure highlights of it. Finally the board got washes of Badaab Black, Devlin Mud, Gryphone Sepia, Leviathan Purple, and Baal Red.


And I think that was it! ;) Took me about 6 hours from start to finish!

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