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Storm Talon as SM ally


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I’m still looking to settle on a 6th ed. list, and the whole allies thing really opens too many options to wrap my head around! So, first a general question – what are people’s opinion of the storm talon?

I’ve been narrowing in on an aggressive list, some pods, RASs, Raven etc., with Lysander as a close combat monster, then SM scouts in an aegis. With those basic constraints in mind, a more specific question would a talon fit this army? I figured the extra flyer would do me well for a tough target, especially with the Raven zooming around it might not get as much attention. As well, I thought some added flyer on flyer action would help out since besides the Raven and quad gun, I’m not likely to have too much anti-air defense.

Impetus for my questions mainly, I need to pick up a few last minis to complete my list, wondering if I should drop the $$ on a talon.


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I agree with Desc. However, depending on points level it's not a bad choice for a 3rd flyer. Having the Escort rule adds some value in this situation, but overall the Stormtalon isn't a heavy hitter. From a firepower standpoint, it's no more impressive than a single Landspeeder.
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I generally don't like the Stormtalon, I think there are better Fliers out there for the points. I don't own a Talon, so my following opinions are theories. That being said, there are interesting tricks that a Talon can pull off, and while none of them are generally impressive, they have their merit I suppose.


So a Land Speeder with HB/AC is 90pts, and Talon has TLHB/TLAC for 130. The TL is important, but not worth 40pts- gaining the Flyer rule is worth 40pts though, its just too sad there are '5th Edition priced' Flyers that break the curve (Ravens, Vendettas). The Talon was priced knowing it would have OTT Flyer rules-- you can guarantee every new Flyer included in a 6th Ed. codex release from now on will be appropriately priced (unless I'm guessing wrong).


So a trick the Talon has is the Escort rule--- this means it will always show up with a paired Raven. This ensures that your opponent's AA will have to make decisions, and may overwhelm their abilities (esp if you've been causing damage to their AA prior to arrival). Not only that, but if they only have a mere Quadgun then you can use the Raven to 'shield' the Talon, probably not denying LOS but you will be able to provide a cover-save without having to Evade. Also, you can flip that and have the Talon cover the Raven if needed.


The 'Hover Strike' rule where a Talon becomes a BS5 Stationary-Skimmer (pivot only) is a gimmick as well--- but if you zoom all game, then go last on Turn 5, then that extra guaranteed firepower could provide the wounds required to finish off an objective-holding squad. Chances are you will hit with all your weapons, being BS5 with TL-- again, small bonus but its there.


All in all, you end up with something that is good, but maybe not 130pts good. I agree that if you have one flyer, you should have two (same principle as Tanks). If you don't have the points for 2 Ravens (try though!) then you could do far worse than a Talon.

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Thanks for the tips all, appreciate the info.


CAG - I like your list with IG allies, however I don't have the IG minis lying around. The second flier seems critical, but the 2nd Raven is too pricey points wise.

I'll try to get a list written up and see how it look with and without a talon.



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