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Alpha Legion Fluff Guidance


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They would not have to kill officers and commissars really. There is a small story somewhere about a loyalist chapter that investigates a planet and gets attacked as 'traitors'. In the end it's the AL that has convinced the locals that the legionnaires are the loyalists, lol!


The sky is the limit really. If an Alpha Legion warband lets you hire their services you can bet that it serves their purpose more than yours!

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Can't remember the name off the top of my head but it was in te "Let the Galaxy Burn" anthology from way back in the day when the Alpha Legion were Tzeentch-aligned and it featured the Black Consuls. The best part of it was that not only had the Legionnaires convinced the population that the Consuls were the Traitors, but a mortal agent had convinced the Black Consuls that the loyal citizens were actually rebels and Chaos cultists.
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I'd definitely go with a cultists heavy force with IG allies rather than daemons - fluffed as the AL's cultists having infiltrated and subverted the power structure of a guard detachment.


Key thing with alpha legion is to try and make each unit or small group of units capable of operating on its own, with no one unit being essential to your plans. No super units, no death stars, no one model or squad that you can't win without.

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Unless you're Arkos the Faithless, Sindri from DoW, the Black Apostle from DoW: Soulstorm, or the Daemon Prince Voldorious.


All of whom have subsequently been disowned from the Legion as a whole. There are no personalities -- we are all Alpharius, and we are all one.

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I'd definitely go with a cultists heavy force with IG allies rather than daemons - fluffed as the AL's cultists having infiltrated and subverted the power structure of a guard detachment.


Key thing with alpha legion is to try and make each unit or small group of units capable of operating on its own, with no one unit being essential to your plans. No super units, no death stars, no one model or squad that you can't win without.


Thanks for the advice dude, although I'm pretty set on Daemons, others have said that the AL will essentially use any means available to them including Daemons - my initial idea was just Daemons alone, then afterwards I was thinking how can I support them? I concluded Marines and I really like the look of the Alpha colours :)


Though I do definately intend to use lots of cultists. I like the sound of IG allies, will quite likely make them up as a second ally choice once I've completed this project.


So rough 2000pt list with Numbers:


1xChaos Lord ('dex and situation dependant) OR/AND

1xSorcerer ('dex and situation dependant) OR/AND

1xDaemon Prince ('dex and situation dependant)

5xChosen (DV boys minus the Sgt)

20xCC Cultists

30xDakka Cultists


Then the rest (majority) in mixed Daemons - not even began to think about them yet as I understand a new codex is due soon.

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What would be a good warband to ally my AL with aside from cultists


By Cultists do you mean Imperial Guard? Daemons and IG have both been identified as fluffy.


Basically anything that would give them an advantage is fluffy to a degree, though I suppose IG is the easiest to explain following their infiltration tactics...

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Yes I don't mean ally as in the USR but another scheme to break up my army I am thinking WB or the pyre


If you're thinking of Daemons with your Alpha Legion, perhaps Word Bearers would in fact be a good idea. Gives you more of an excuse to field the crazy Daemonic/mutated units.


Although, the Pyre is a cool colour scheme and lends itself better to DIY fluff.

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When reading through the BL stories, I imagine(more and more actually) that Alpharius is the commander of the legion army strength, the outward face(or one of his lookalikes ofc), making the tactical decisions and designs, while Omegon is the one controlling the infiltrating and plotting behind the scenes(using lookalikes himself too ofc). This division in duties is quite nice and gives Omegon some character apart from just "Alpharius's twin"...


Alpharius and Omegon are identical twins so each of their look-a-likes look the same as the others loo-a-like. lol. But you are right on the roles of the 2 - Big A is the main person while Big O does the hiden stuff.


They all go by the name of Alpharius to non-legion people and look similar to each other. But there are some times when they troops look identical to Alpharius (Or Omegon if you want to be picky). In the HH book 'Primarchs' there is a short story on the Alpha legion and it shows this 'look-a-like' tactic perfectly as it has a whole squad of identical Alpharius/Omegon sat around a table talking tactics. I wownt spoil it for you, great little story that shows the lengths the Alpha legion will go with their secrets and infiltration. In Deliverence Lost it shows how they manage to infiltrate other legions by taking the body of a dead trooper (normally killed by the Alph legion in secret) and sergically graft it onto one of their own troopers and have them eat the gene seed (im sure it was the gene seed) of the dead trooper to learn about their past. They then go back to the other legion and pretend to be that person.


With this in mind when convertiing your troops you dont have to have them look alike... they have their helmets on so you cant see their faces :woot: What i would do is maybe have each squad champ have no helmet and just have a bald head, that way you are showing that the higher ranked troops are within the 'Alpharius/Omegon' look-a-like group. Or have the Chaos lord and his bodyguard done in this was so the enemy cant see who is the real 'boss'.


P.S. But we all know that the ones who really look like Alpharius/Omegon are not Alpharium/Omegon as the real Alpharius/Omegon are hiding in with the devistator squad using a heavy bolter and dont actually look anything like Alpharius/Omegon because they are imaged on the real Alpharius/Omegon who are not even in the battle and are actually in another system talking to a mechanicam lord because the real Alpharius/Omegon look like serfs... But thats our little secret :rolleyes:

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Yes I don't mean ally as in the USR but another scheme to break up my army I am thinking WB or the pyre


If you're thinking of Daemons with your Alpha Legion, perhaps Word Bearers would in fact be a good idea. Gives you more of an excuse to field the crazy Daemonic/mutated units.


Although, the Pyre is a cool colour scheme and lends itself better to DIY fluff.

I'd go for The Pyre. Alphas and Word Bearers hate each others guts.

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Now I know that I'm late to the party but all of the above tactics are Alpha-Legiony ^_^


Ive seen quite a few people yell at the only other Alpha player in my area that some of his choices aren't fluffy (cult units, possessed, princes, daemons, obliterators)...The guy responded by pulling out 'Hunt for Voldorius' and then with me joining in about the Dawn of War series. In the end, you can really use whatever you want to use, since it points back to the fact that Alphas will grab at ANYTHING that helps them prove their superiority and achieve their goals.


An example of a fluff-to-tabletop reference for me, would be using Truescale Marines. At first, I disliked the idea of sneaky Alpha Termies running around so I was going to convert some larger Truescale marines to take their place and just act like power-armored Rambos...But then someone posted a leak that our champions can roll on some "Eyes of the Gods" table and I came up with a different idea. Once my Aspiring Champs roll on the table to become Princes or Spawn (or whatever happens), I would replace their model with a Truescale Possessed Marine, representing them actually LETTING OUT their mutations as they surprise attack the enemy and overwhelm them :P


I hope this helps,

-Alphariu...*cough* Ifrit

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@OP: Do you like orange or red? That's basically what it comes down to. The Word Bearers have a tremendous amount of fluff. They come into conflict with the Alpha Legion over the fact that every now and then, both Legions try to use the same Cultists, but for different purposes. Other than that, they get along as well as any other Legions get along.


The Pyre in contrast has virtually little fluff. Most of it is "They're seen using a lot of flame-based weaponry, in the presence of the Stigmartus(think Blood Pact) and numbers are unknown". It's not really a whole lot so it's a matter of do you want a warband that has history behind it, or a warband that doesn't?


Both Warband have a history of working with Cultists and Daemons, much like the Alpha Legion does. While Daemons may not be the Alpha Legion's first choice of tactics due to the rather large "Unpredictability" factor, even they will use daemons. So all it comes down to for picking between Word Bearers and Pyre is which one do you like better? We can tell you all day and night which we want you to go with, but it is ultimately your choice.

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I think a fun way to do an Alpha Legion army would be to have six big mobs of cultists, marine stuff in the other slots(chosen, termies, havocs and so on) and ally with either imperial guard(the PDF forces or whatever) or Daemons(the cultists are there to summon the hard-hitters)... :P


I know at least that my poor poor legionnaires have started to show the signs of mutation and Tzeentch alignment...

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