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Very convenient stream of "leaks" regarding upcoming CSM


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Like many people, I'm getting caught up in this stream of leaked snapshots taken of the upcoming White Dwarf featuring the new CSM minis. I'm busy trying to figure out how much cash I can get for my dog and how many warpsmiths that will get me (or how much of a warpsmith that will get me). Every morning I'll get up and log on to Faeit 212, and we'll have new pictures!


But am I the only one who finds this "leak" somewhat suspicious? It feels a lot more like a well coordinated GW viral marketing campaign than a genuine leak. It's definitely doing the job of getting us CSM players all ready to open our wallets for new WDs, codices, and finecast models. But something feels a bit strange about GW posing as a well intentioned, clandestine leaker. Hey Mister Leaker, can't you just show us all the pictures you took on your cell phone rather than stringing them out day by day?


Then again, I'd much rather have GW "leaking" information to stir up excitement, that to have GW clamping the lid so tight that nobody knows what's inside.


Anyways, this thread is sorta off topic. Delete if necessary.

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It does somewhat looks intentional... Considering that pics are leaking in a few at a time exactly like FW's been over this same past week I can see this as a marketing ploy by GW to generate interest for GD next week-end.


Hell, this could all be a ploy by someone in marketing trying to itch a ride up the ladder... Make it look like it was involuntary (can be blamed on the mag printer, or whoever) in case an investor/partner/higherup isn't happy about the turn of event, but if everything works out well, say it was all planned and ask for a raise (and most likely get canned instead for not following directives - I'm just sure the idea didn't think that far ahead...)

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It's not some sort of calculated leak. Once the mag's off to shipping, they couldn't sit on it anymore if they wanted to. It's like this every month - you're just noticing because you care this time. Mag's just early this month because of games day.
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I'm just saying that it's a bit suspicious that the pictures are leaked a few at a time each day in exactly the same way that a company would do when they are drumming up excitement for a future release. If it was in fact somebody along the supply chain or distribution chain, then why wouldn't they just upload all the pictures after taking those cell phone shots? Alternatively, if it was somebody who had just received their WD a few days early, my guess is that they would have pdf-scanned the whole mag.... it's not like there aren't WD-scans (or full rulebook scans) floating around on the interwebs. If this "subscriber" is willing to leak the WD, then why would they just stop at a shaky cell phone picture. On top of that, the leaked photos seem to be from two different magazines, some from an English magazine and some from a German (is it german?) magazine.


So this person must have a dual subscription, received both magazines at the beginning of the week before anybody else got them, and then decided to just take a few pictures each day and leak just a few of the pictures.


Oh yeah, starting with the cover too.

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It's the week of the white dwarf release. Everything is leaked at this time. Absolutely nothing unusual about this time.


Obviously stuff is getting leaked or I wouldn't be looking at these pictures every morning. The question is, by who? It's obviously by a person who is appearing to be very clandestine, giving us the inside scoop just when we want it and in spoonfuls just large enough too generate buzz. But is this truly a clandestine operation, or is this just GW pretending to be a leaker to generate buzz?

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It's the week of the white dwarf release. Everything is leaked at this time. Absolutely nothing unusual about this time.


Obviously stuff is getting leaked or I wouldn't be looking at these pictures every morning. The question is, by who? It's obviously by a person who is appearing to be very clandestine, giving us the inside scoop just when we want it and in spoonfuls just large enough too generate buzz. But is this truly a clandestine operation, or is this just GW pretending to be a leaker to generate buzz?


Maybe you are correct in you suspicions and maybe not. But I dont think it matters really :lol:


Still, its nice to look at actual rules from the new dex ^^

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But I dont think it matters really :lol:


Still, its nice to look at actual rules from the new dex ^^


I does not matter at all! I'm excited about the new dex! I'm buying the new WD, the dex, and probably several hundred dollars worth of models. I'm glad GW is leaking these photos! It's been a great week!

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It's the week of the white dwarf release. Everything is leaked at this time. Absolutely nothing unusual about this time.


Obviously stuff is getting leaked or I wouldn't be looking at these pictures every morning. The question is, by who? It's obviously by a person who is appearing to be very clandestine, giving us the inside scoop just when we want it and in spoonfuls just large enough too generate buzz. But is this truly a clandestine operation, or is this just GW pretending to be a leaker to generate buzz?

Why are you assuming it is just one person?


Why have you linked pictures being available at different times during different days to a marketing campaign rather than people taking photos are different times convenient to them?


Why is this month any different to previous months when pictures appeared the week leading up to the WD release?


Why have you assumed that the fact they have not scanned it to a PDF indicates they are doing a marketing campaign rather than the person not owning a scanner?


This all sounds to me like pure confirmation bias. The simplest explanation is often the correct one.

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It's the week of the white dwarf release. Everything is leaked at this time. Absolutely nothing unusual about this time.


Obviously stuff is getting leaked or I wouldn't be looking at these pictures every morning. The question is, by who? It's obviously by a person who is appearing to be very clandestine, giving us the inside scoop just when we want it and in spoonfuls just large enough too generate buzz. But is this truly a clandestine operation, or is this just GW pretending to be a leaker to generate buzz?

Why are you assuming it is just one person?


Why have you linked pictures being available at different times during different days to a marketing campaign rather than people taking photos are different times convenient to them?


Why is this month any different to previous months when pictures appeared the week leading up to the WD release?


Why have you assumed that the fact they have not scanned it to a PDF indicates they are doing a marketing campaign rather than the person not owning a scanner?


This all sounds to me like pure confirmation bias. The simplest explanation is often the correct one.


I agree 100% of course, but I still ask myself if it matters. What we have we have and we will have even more, and while I agree that an intentional leak is very unlikely and makes little sense, I dont see why its necessary to confront the authour of the thread like this. In the end, its obvious that some servant in GW initially leaked something to someone (a long time ago and thus the rumours from tasty taste and etc.).

As for now? None of that matters. Codex is comming and we finally know when. Enjoy the "leaks" everyone :)

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I'm just saying that it's a bit suspicious that the pictures are leaked a few at a time each day in exactly the same way that a company would do when they are drumming up excitement for a future release.

I wouldn't say it's suspicious, but I'd agree to your point. I don't believe in conspiracies or anything. I recon it's much more trivial: Deliberate, coordinated release moves by GW on the one hand -- like that they're timing pre-order dates with WD, as an obvious example -- that gather momentum by a process that's well possible to control, but difficult and expensive: People leak stuff. There's nothing wrong with that if it stirs up the community and doesn't expose your strategic moves to third parties. In fact, it's great because it's cheap. GW doesn't even need to invest in a daily news site for that; Faeit 212 does it for free. The presumed leaking of GW's 2013 release plan -- which I don't believe is true at all -- is a totally different story (if it was true) ...

Conversely, I'm convinced GW would and could to any length to make sure that nothing ever leaked. It'd be difficult and too expensive to be a viable option, but they absolutely could. It's just that they don't need to.


Cheers, JT

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Why is it even important where the pictures come from? When there are few / no credible rumors, people complain, when some credible rumors / pictures are leaked people assume it's a GW move ... Is it really an issue wether GW leaks it's stuff? i really don't understand why people even bother ... rejoice for the leaks, wait impatiently for the 22th, (Since you probably waited for a June release like the rest of us i guess you'd be happy to finally have a date), and stop pondering about the source(s), which are and probably will remain unknown. No point in asking questions when noone knows the answers.
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It's leaked this time every month because people in the company receive their copies of white dwarf in advance. As someone said, there's nothing games workshop can do after that point to stop things coming out.


The posters of images are being clandestine because I imagine they like their jobs and want anonimity.

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Maybe, maybe not (in regards to a "leak" conspiracy). I'm not going to be buying anything besides the codex for a while, though I would like one of those Warp Smiths, and if what was said about the Dark Apostles was For Real and For True, I'll convert up 3...I'm not a big fan of the "Huron Halo" over them.


Speaking of-it's kinda odd he didn't get a 4+ invulnerable save and FNP in the last codex, what with that :P: huge chaos iron halo and all his bionics. Would have made him more interesting to take.

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