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Cambrius' Forge

Brother Cambrius

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Greetings one and all and welcome to the thread that will follow the completed models I am working on to expand my Space Marines army (and maybe some Chaos Marines in future... ;)). Within this thread I'll be showcasing completed models for my Sons of Doom and Vanquishers chapters, both descendants of Rogal Dorn's Imperial Fists.

I am very happy to announce that I have completed my work on the Telion model, whom has now been named Brother Saethir (mutating and combining the Welsh words for "long shot"):




And next, with the new Edition's rule changes in terms of close combat, I've decided to replace my Sternguard Sergeant's power fist with a Lightning Claw, so he'll be much more effective in challenges and with my older Sternguard sergeant, I've replaced his Storm Bolter with a custom combi-flamer of my own design, so he can actually use the special ammunition... ^_^

Thus, here we have Honoured Sergeants Rez and Sedoro:





Finally, I have this last model to display, which is my converted Emperor's Champion, who is named after a former Mod here who blessed me with the bitz to make the shield for my now Company Champion. Thus here stands Honoured Company Champion Corpus:



I have big bunch of Sternguard and Sniper Scouts to hep complement these models to complete over the coming days, so hopefully I can update this thread soon with further works on them when the weekend's over. :P

Comments and suggestions are very much welcomed! :P


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A week passes and I am happy to report for anyone reading this that I have completed three further Sternguard models, enough to finally bulk up my previous squad to 10 Veterans. Each and every Sternguard model I possess is custom built from numerous bits and conversions, ensuring that they are one of a kind in the world. :P


First off in this squad, we have Brother Veteran Talas:

Veteran Talas was promoted to the 1st Company in 832.M41, after his actions when defending the Frigate "Shield of Dorn" from an incursion of Chaos Space Marines during the Pacification of Landinam. His vigilance and awareness, paired with his unerring accuracy with his bolter was instrumental in helping to clear the Sons of Doom ship of the tainted presence of the Chaos Marines. In his time within Squad Sedoro, Brother Talas has been the observer of the squad, using his Auspex and his modified helm full of sensors to update his squad on changes during a battle and prior.



Next is Brother Veteran Morten, whose appearance is probably closest mimic to GW's official Sternguard models.

Joining his fellow veterans in Squad Sedoro at the start of 909.M41 after his exemplary actions in leading his sub-squad of Tactical Marines against an oncoming wave of vehicles from the Ork's Red Sunz clan. His leadership and skills both with bolter and blade ensured his promotion to the 1st Company and to Squad Sedoro after Veteran Axon was placed within the sarcophagus of a Dreadnought.



And finally we have Brother Veteran Taris:

Having served in Squad Sedoro for over a century, Veteran Taris has earned his place amongst his brothers repeatedly with his resolute and enduring spirit and skill. Taris wears very little in the way of honorific adornments, believing that his actions display his abilities and prowess. Wielding a relic bolter and often paired with his bolt pistol, Taris is the ever reliable rifleman of the squad, calmly laying down accurate bursts of fire to cover his battle brothers as they advance.



And finally, here is a picture of the entirety of Sub-squad Sedoro with their Razorback transport, Decimus:


Well that’s that for now, I have another marine waiting to be base sprayed and sand based soon and you can see in my WIP thread and soon I will possibly have a Heavy Flamer wielding marine to join with my Sternguard Squad.

Comments/suggestions appreciated as ever!


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Reallly liking the rich blue and bronze colour scheme – in fact the bronze is awesome sauce.


But I'd say you need a bit more care on the base rims -- the thinness of the grey is really lowering the overall effect. Can't help feeling they'd be better a slightly darker colour so as not to detract from the models themselves.




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Reallly liking the rich blue and bronze colour scheme – in fact the bronze is awesome sauce.


But I'd say you need a bit more care on the base rims -- the thinness of the grey is really lowering the overall effect. Can't help feeling they'd be better a slightly darker colour so as not to detract from the models themselves.





Thanks Isiah. After 5 years of painting this colour scheme, I've come to find a way to make that bronze look nice and smooth. :P


Spotted that now that you mention it, I'll be giving them a new coat of a darker grey soon.



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Well time for a bit of a change up to my usual blue and bronze, with the new chaos Codex out, I intend to make a force of Chaos Space Marines, but with the added twist of them being recently turned, so my guys will have a lot of Imperial armour and iconography (despoiled, naturally ^_^) alongside the chaos bitz.

The warband are called the Oblivion Warriors and I intend to write fully their back story as an Index Traitoris, but the main reason behind their turning is one out of believed betrayal and desperation, after a falling out with the Mechanicum at the turn of the 41st Millennium...

And now without further ado, I present the completed models of my warband thus far, with their new Aspiring Champion:


Aspiring Champion Karak. The only Imperial bitz on the model are his power fist and legs, but I have added chaos iconography and some holy words of Chaos on those parts of the armour to break up their appearance:





That's it for the moment. I have 5 Possessed Chaos Space Marines to build for the Oblivion Warriors, I might get Dark Vengeance sometime soon too to really bulk up the army to be fully playable.

Comments and suggestions as ever are welcome. ;)


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