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Renegade Chapter ideas/modelling


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Hi guys, long time lurker here.


I've finally decided what army I want to do after years of procrastination and not having much money, and now I've decided on doing a renegade Chapter.

I have the groundwork for them in my head; I want to do an assault heavy army with little to no heavy weaponry, with lots of jump packs and bikes, and no devastators/havocs.

I want my Chapter to have a strong sense of martial honour; they like fighting up close with chainswords/axes and power weapons, and take trophies from battle. I chose to make them Chaos Undivided because I think if they worshiped Khorne they'd end up a lot like the World Eaters which I don't want.

I picked up a box of assault marines and the Chaos tactical squad to start with, and plan on mixing them together for interesting kitbashes.

I'm kind of stuck on the modelling aspect however; I want lots of exotic weapons and weapon configurations (think chain halberds, etc) and a large amount of trophies and keepsakes on the marines. However, if I cover them in skulls/enemy helmets I think they might look too Khorne-y.


So my question is; what are the best places to find interesting weapons, how can I go about making interesting weapons, and what should I do for trophies?

Any input would be greatly appreciated, thanks!


Note: I don't plan on playing games with this army, so anything really goes with modelling/model choices.

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Make them worship Khorne. He's got thousands of different aspects; heck, I came up with an idea for a warband of former World Eaters who had overcome the Butcher's Nails and fought for "skulls for the skull throne", but only the best skulls.
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I can't help you too much with how to make interesting weapons but I've fallen in love with the Warhammer Empire Flagellants, they might as well be called the Word Bearer upgrade box :drool:


It has a decent amount of extra thingamobs to hang off your guys. Keys, books, and the like.


Chaos Warriors also have a good number of nasty looking halberds and the like, all held in one hand so it makes kitbashing a little easier. For chain axes, if the Bezerker bits aren't quite big enough the Ork Nobz have a good selection of 'uge chain choppas; you'll need to do a bit of work to purify them of the filthy Xenos taint, but they're varied and quite large.


Beyond that, the Black Templar upgrade kit has a power axe which you might be able to get from bitz suppliers and if it fits your image, the weapons chained to their fist are pretty cool with only the minimum of Maltese Crosses. Oh, and the Lizardman Saurus kit has some shrunken heads which are small and a bit unusual


Can't wait to see some pics dude!

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Make them worship Khorne. He's got thousands of different aspects; heck, I came up with an idea for a warband of former World Eaters who had overcome the Butcher's Nails and fought for "skulls for the skull throne", but only the best skulls.

That's an alright idea actually, maybe they can worship him but only his aspect of martial perfection, that could work. Thanks!


I can't help you too much with how to make interesting weapons but I've fallen in love with the Warhammer Empire Flagellants, they might as well be called the Word Bearer upgrade box smile.gif


It has a decent amount of extra thingamobs to hang off your guys. Keys, books, and the like.


Chaos Warriors also have a good number of nasty looking halberds and the like, all held in one hand so it makes kitbashing a little easier. For chain axes, if the Bezerker bits aren't quite big enough the Ork Nobz have a good selection of 'uge chain choppas; you'll need to do a bit of work to purify them of the filthy Xenos taint, but they're varied and quite large.


Beyond that, the Black Templar upgrade kit has a power axe which you might be able to get from bitz suppliers and if it fits your image, the weapons chained to their fist are pretty cool with only the minimum of Maltese Crosses. Oh, and the Lizardman Saurus kit has some shrunken heads which are small and a bit unusual


Can't wait to see some pics dude!

Thanks a lot, those kits are great for what I'm thinking!

I'll have a WIP thread up as soon as I have a model together! :devil:

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