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South African National Tournament 2012


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MISSION: Big Guns Never Tire (5ob) - Hammer and Anvil







Warbiker boss- claw

7 nobs bikers-2claws, painboy,2big choppas

7 bikers with claw nob.




Dakka jet

9 lootas

Aegis w/ quad


After winning the table edge, first turn, and 3 Objective placements I was very excited!! I had quite an advantage to start thinning the boys out. Also, and though I don't like to underestimate my opponent in any way, I felt that list on list I had an advantage. I wasn't scared of his Nob bikers at all - (thanks Mephiston) and I knew my dready could handle at least one squad of boys.


I deployed like such:



Im pretty sure it was nightfighting first turn, though I cant remember now.

As you can see, even though I was going first I deployed in such a way as to make sure my weaker units had cover.

This was after playing against the Eldar buddy who stole on me, and made me pay hardcore.

As fate would have it...the bugger stole :)





Luckily(a word you may read a lot more in forthcoming batreps) his shooting was unsuccessful and I only had a razor immobed. He had moved his slugga boy squad around the back of a solid building in an attempt to march towards the back objective. The bikes zoomed on forward.


In my turn I moved up the baals and the razors and started focusing fire on the Lootas - since they quickly hit the deck to avoid extra casualties, I turned focus to the oncoming bikers. I managed to take down four of them!

I had also done something considerably risky, and I had jumped mephy out about 8" away from the nob bikers. They were spread out, so wouldn't be able to consolidate into attack range. The only problem was the risk of a failed charge meant I could be on the receiving end of a lot of firepower and a nob charge. But! Mephy made it.

8" on the nose. With sword and rage passed, mephy took a few nobs out!




Spot the champ ->






His Dakka Jet comes on, and his bikers want blood. The big squad moves forward (both of them).

I cant really remember what the dakka jet did, but I think it tried to shoot out my razor back, which was partially covered by the walls. I made all or most of my saves so as to avoid most pen damage.

He then charged in with his bikers and wrecked the first baal (first blood I think!)

Mephy challenges his Warboss. My opponent later admitted that there aren't a lot of joburg BA players and as a result didnt know the extent to which Mephy would cause damage. He accepted. After the dust settled and FNP and inv. saves were taken, Mephy had only done one wound. He was smiling. Then I cast the force weapon power- and he was sad. :lol:


In my turn, my one bird comes on (the one with the dread) I deploy on the left flank, to engage the marching orky mob and also to get cover from a pillar in the way (so i dont get quad-frakked).


I lay down the fire again on the lootas (who break!) and the bikers ( Who make the majority of their saves).

The dakka JET also gets toasted thanks to my flyer.


(dice on the vehicles indicate HP damage taken)



Faaall baack!




Mephy kills a few more nobs, but they roll double 1s on their LD.






The orks are now looking thin on the ground, and I feel their backs are near breaking point.

He does still have the bikers which proceed to move around killing more stuff. The breaking lootas rally and start trying to shoot up stuff again. He moved his boys forward, ignoring Mephy, trying to get the razors open with the Big Shootas. Nothing much happened. Mephy however cleared the rest of the nobs up:




Now, I have my eyes set on this little fortified alcove:



Mephy uses his massacre move to go towards it, and then his jump move.


(after shooting/combat:



My dready is just ITCHING for Ork blood, so he disembarks from the now hovering flyer, and gets stuck in.

I finish up the remaining bikers. Dready winds up with epic failure and kills a total of 2 orks :geek: He then takes a P-Klaw in the face and explodes- killing double the amount of orks he did with the explosion.

They move forward






They charge and blow up the raven.



Ill speed it along now, because the rest was pretty much clean up. I move all my firepower to focus on the last ork mob on the objective. Including this flamer guy:








He went to ground to prevent the rest of his mob dying. It allowed me another turn of shooting while mephy cleaned up at the back:





In the end, I had all but one objective and warlord, and he had first blood and a point for a heavy support. He also only had about 13 orks left.




Solid victory for Task Force: Vengeance.

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GAME TWO - vs. Chaos Daemons


MISSION: 3 Objectives - Dawn of War





Blue scribe







5horrors-upgrade of some kind

Daemon prince tzeentch winged.





I had won the roll for first, so I opted to have him go first, more turns of shooting, and last chance at objectives.

I lost the roll for the 2nd objective. This was a bit problematic but, thankfully he placed his 2nd objective far from his first. It winded up as each objective in 3 of the 4 board corners.


I deployed like such:





The first bit of luck struck, he rolled his unfavoured list. Which was 3 flamers, the horrors and the plagues.

He struck largely behind cover, so all was good. The preds moved up to take shots where possible.


I was lucky enough thanks to the baals speed to get enough wounds on 3 screamer squad to take it out (little help from the las plas too).

The other baal and razors started taking shots at the plagues/horrors.






Fateweaver doesnt come in!! Bonus. A whole bunch of other units (minus 1) come in. However, I think he was slightly thrown by the fateweaver not coming in, and got a bit risky with his strike, mishapping and sending a squad back into reserve. This happened on a bad scatter with another unit too. i think a flamer squad, and a screamer squad.

His tzeench prince takes a shot at a razor of mine, while other stuff moves around somewhat.

(sorry- a bit hazey with some of the finer details - the three daemon games blurred a bit).


In my second turn, both my birds come on and I shoot the crap out of the tzeench winged prince - killing it.

I firing on the newly arrived squad of screamers and the other baal continues to lay down fire on the troops bunkering on the top right objective. (he has a 5man plague squad there, and the horrors and 2x 5man plagues on the top left objective. I've moved largely off mine to make use of my shooting.






(in the pic above the flamers are not there- they are the ongoing reserve unit)

Fate weaver arrives at the back, as does everything else.

All the flamer units, and another screamer unit.



I take some serious damage from various things- flamers, screamers etc. The screamers eat the left hand baal, and the flamers take out a razor on the right. The big screamer squad zooms over mephy, and towards FW, giving them rerolls.


in my turn 3, I need to do something soon, or im in a bit of trouble. I cant fight the flamers on the bottom right, along with FW and 6 screamers, so that objective is lost. I abandon it comfortably, knowing that he cant get it either.

The remaining baal moves up and keeps laying down the fire on the troop units.

I boost my flyer with the dread up towards his objective with 5 plagues, thinking that I can comfortably take him out and off of it. I make a decision to move a razor over the hill and boost towards the objective (i forget to boost however, and instead shoot with it- but ironically enough I think it was this that saved me).

I move an AC razor up and away from flamers, and closer to his objective on the top right. The baal keeps shooting.

I move the raven into hover to get some shots behind him with all weapons.

Then I stuff everything up.



In my excitement, I frickin well forget to move mephiston :) This move could cost me the game. He could have taken out the remaining screamers and safely countered later- but now, I had issues. Serious ones.




Mephy is staring down a load of flamers.


I take it in the face, and lose mephy, the lone flamer marine on the right, and a squad of marines and a razor from the charge from screamers. in the middle. The 2 remnant screamers make a b-line for my dakka raven - ignoring the razor right next to them, on account of the firepower it has. Thankfully they fail their 8 or 9"charge.


In my turn 4, its dread time!! He primes to charge the 5 man, while the raven continues to shoot the damaged plagues, and the baal takes shots on the remaining horrors/plagues.

The AC razor, moves around the mountain, closer to the top right objective.

The razor boosts over the mountain and makes a bee-line for the objective top left.

The raven in the centre bottom moves away from the objective on the top left to make the opponent make a hard choice between supporting the objective or chasing the raven. He lays down some dakka, but theyre largely unphased. The baal keeps doing its work having killed the horrors and started working on the plagues.




He realises this could be trouble, and moves the FW to engage the flier and the troops. He moves all the flamers up on the right hand side, to tackle the baal, and AC razor with troops, but is out of range this turn.

FW nukes the raven with a bolt, and does a HP to the razor. The dread only finishes off one or two plagues thanks to the rerolls now, but theyre far from the objective.




In my turn 5, I finish off his remaining troops. I figure if there is one more turn, he will nuke all my troops and can still get linebreaker for the win. So, I will need to keep one squad in their vehicle and hope for the best.


The top left razor disembarks and moves up, taking out the last plague marine within 3" of the objective and thats it for 5th. If it ends, I win 5-2.


I roll for end of the game, and BOOM! it's a 2.


Victory BA!


(incidentally, this player went undefeated from that point on to claim 4th position)

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GAME 3 - vs. Daemons :pinch:


MISSION: Relic - Vanguard Strike.





8 bloodletters

8or so horror

8 plagues? Or horrors- not sure anymore

2x6 flamers

2x9 screamers



We rolled sides and first turn, and i got both. (Or possibly just the one, and he gave me first turn- cant remember).

I usually use Strategic Traits for this list with Mephy, but I thought that i would gamble for a 1:6 chance of getting Immovable Object- guess what. The lucky bugger roles a 6!!! ;)




I move up to form some fire lines and create a bit of space to maneuver.

Mephy jumps onto the objective and grabs it.



In turn 1, he gets his favoured list. 2 units of screamers come down, and the thirster, and fateweaver and one more unit of flamers.

The screamers do their slash attack madness and inflict silly amounts of wounds on mephy- he makes out like a champ and saves all of them though.





Both my birds come on!! Whoop Whoop.

Mephy casts wings, jumps out of the forest (6") and embarks on a now empty Razor (occupants got out). The razor then goes for drivesies with Meph pimpin in the back.


I move my units into position to shoot as much as I humanly can!



Starting with the central Baal, I shot the screamers on the left. The reason for this was to shoot them out of FW range. It worked. They were now no longer in 6". I then opened up with all the firepower I had.

It worked, and I vaped the whole squad!

The sniper raven unloaded his payload at the BT, and did a load of wounds thanks to no reroll! I think he had 1 left by the end.




in his turn 2 he gets a bit desperate, needing to pull his reinforcements directly into my lines. This gamble doesnt pay off as one of his troop units mishaps and gets lost in the warp for the game. The letters land where they are supposed to though. He gets another bad scatter quite far away from his intended target with the horrors though.

His BT, angry as all hell, shoulder barges my shooty raven into oblivion - he explodes it out of the sky. ;)

Other stuff moves up and tries to kill stuff -it works for the most part. I think his screamers nuke a baal and his flamers nuke a squad.




My raven moves 18" and is going to try end the BT! Everything else moves to target the letters who will be quite dangerous. Mephy continues to go for a chilled drive. Chauffeur-Brother Maxis not risking telling the Lord of Death where he can and cant go with his razor.



Between the 3rd turn and the end, he would try to get closer, all the time the firepower sorting him out. When he did blow up a vehicle, mephy disembarked, and then hopped in another one. I was able to slowly whittle down his forces. My Raven got stunned, and had to SoB the dreadnought out in the 4/5th or so turn, while mephy dragged FW further and further away from the main troops. The flamers eventually got shot up but were still following mephy's ride trying to get him out, I focused on the Horrors in my deployment zone with one squad, and moved another squad into his deployment area.




In the subsequent turn, the raven came back on, shot FW out of the sky!! And the dread charged.


The turns kept going and I slowly took apart his whole army except FW who at the end of my turn7 was on one wound. The dread had 1 HP left, and only 1 talon.

In the final round of combat he manages to take a wound off FW, and FW fails it and the reroll.



BA win with full points.


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Nice reps so far, keep 'em coming!


Something that does intrigue me though - why did you bring your Raven on in hover mode in game 3 (the one that got Bloodthirster'ed)? I only ask because I can't think of a good reason to bring it on in hover mode... nothing can bail out and charge, you lose firepower effectiveness, and trying to shove a relic-toting Mephy in there is tantamount to suicide. If you didn't, and brought in on in zoom mode, then he shouldn't have been able to charge it with the Bloodthirster... FMCs in Swoop mode can't charge or be charged, and flyers can't be assaulted at all.


+EDIT+ to lol at Dem's comment. I think this just goes to show why I consider relic practically an auto-win for BA. Unless we go second and are facing another army that can has a 12" moving troops choice, which there aren't many of.

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I think this just goes to show why I consider relic practically an auto-win for BA. Unless we go second and are facing another army that can has a 12" moving troops choice, which there aren't many of.


I think Eldar and SM bikes are really problematic on account of not only being able to get it in first turn, but get it 12" away after that. Tough too. DA mixed-wing list could be really tough too. Scout up, strike on with hammernators and pick up and move.

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I think this just goes to show why I consider relic practically an auto-win for BA. Unless we go second and are facing another army that can has a 12" moving troops choice, which there aren't many of.


I think Eldar and SM bikes are really problematic on account of not only being able to get it in first turn, but get it 12" away after that. Tough too. DA mixed-wing list could be really tough too. Scout up, strike on with hammernators and pick up and move.


Can't get it 12" away the turn they pick it up though. Capped at 6 per phase, the best they can do is get it 6" back towards themselves. Leaves the BA assault marines needing a 6 to charge, and being locking in combat for a few turns. It also seems dumb that the relic is apparently too fragile to run with, but being on a speeding bike is absolutely fine...

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Can't get it 12" away the turn they pick it up though. Capped at 6 per phase, the best they can do is get it 6" back towards themselves. Leaves the BA assault marines needing a 6 to charge, and being locking in combat for a few turns. It also seems dumb that the relic is apparently too fragile to run with, but being on a speeding bike is absolutely fine...


6" per phase, so 6" move and then 6" turbo.

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Can't get it 12" away the turn they pick it up though. Capped at 6 per phase, the best they can do is get it 6" back towards themselves. Leaves the BA assault marines needing a 6 to charge, and being locking in combat for a few turns. It also seems dumb that the relic is apparently too fragile to run with, but being on a speeding bike is absolutely fine...


6" per phase, so 6" move and then 6" turbo.


Yeah, in subsequent turns. I meant that you still have the opportunity to get it on turn 1 before they can start moving it 12 a turn.

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Congrats! Loved the bat reps.


I was glad to see you banish 2 daemon armies! I played in my first tournament on sunday and came up against a guy taking 20 some flamers and got wrecked! I have never played daemons before and those damn flamers make me want to never play them again. It seems like a jump pack assault army is an auto loss against the daemon army I played :lol: .

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Congrats! Loved the bat reps.


I was glad to see you banish 2 daemon armies! I played in my first tournament on sunday and came up against a guy taking 20 some flamers and got wrecked! I have never played daemons before and those damn flamers make me want to never play them again. It seems like a jump pack assault army is an auto loss against the daemon army I played :D .



still got two more to come!! 5 games total :)

I hate to say it or use the term "auto-lose" - but i think if the player standard is the same, a full JP army will lose to any of these daemon lists 9times out of 10 :(

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Thanks buddy. Was good to see you again! I wont lie when I say I was really hoping to come up against your crons in the tourney.


Batreps coming soooon!


Yea, shame we could not play each other, I'd have loved to take down those vehicles of yours, hehehe :P


Taking nothing from your win though, but I think you were fairly lucky not to have played any of the IG, or other marine armies with some fliers and stuff in there. It could potentially have made your road to the nr1 spot a lot harder.


Funny enough you and I played the same two armies turn 1 and 2, just swopped around, so we could have played each other game 2 if I did not loose to that insanely hard Daemon list. Against me he go his prefered list in and spot landed almost all his guys. At least I killed Fateweaver turn 2 for first blood, but from there it was downhill for a 10-1 VP loss.


Looking forward to read your last two Battle reports.

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Taking nothing from your win though, but I think you were fairly lucky not to have played any of the IG, or other marine armies with some fliers and stuff in there. It could potentially have made your road to the nr1 spot a lot harder.


Defs! I think IG would have been an uphill battle, but I think I had the speed to get right up into their lines. The fliers would have proved tough to deal with - i would have probably gone second, and hoped to intercept their flyers after taking some hits on the nose- or if their ground firepower was too heavy, gone first, and surged forward with all the units.

I think Ravens are great for taking out other fliers. (Then again- vendettas are too!)

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Actually, vs IG I think it's always worth it to go first. You usually need 2 vendettas to kill a stormraven anyway, and enduring an unnecessary full round of shooting from IG is not worth the chance of maybe hitting their flyers first (if he doesn't fail the reserve roll, then your plan fails as well). Their flyers are annoying, but the ground troops still deal out the main part of the damage :P
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