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South African National Tournament 2012


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You're probs right. Way too much firepower on the ground usually. I think coming in with 2 ravens and juts nuking whats on the ground is probably better. The real difficulty is that after that, they are very likely to be going down, and then you're in trouble (depending on how much damage you've done on the ground).


I think mephy in the mix is great too - just flipping tanks left right and centre. I found in my IG games, they lacked mobile AP2 on the ground to deal with him and relied on the vendettas - that meant they'd have to make hard choices focussing on him or the Ravens, and then one or the other will get them.

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I think mephy in the mix is great too - just flipping tanks left right and centre. I found in my IG games, they lacked mobile AP2 on the ground to deal with him and relied on the vendettas - that meant they'd have to make hard choices focussing on him or the Ravens, and then one or the other will get them.


No plasma vets?

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I think mephy in the mix is great too - just flipping tanks left right and centre. I found in my IG games, they lacked mobile AP2 on the ground to deal with him and relied on the vendettas - that meant they'd have to make hard choices focussing on him or the Ravens, and then one or the other will get them.


No plasma vets?


Not always. And not from what I saw there.


The flamers are just so broken its stupid. If they had to roll for armor pen instead of automatically ignoring armor saves they wouldn't be so bad. That and eternal warrior make them far too good for 23 points.


I have a strong feeling new daemon dex will have them lose EW.

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That raises an interesting point actually; from your experience in competetive play Morticon, how have the organisers/daemon players handled the rules disparity with regards to the new Daemon rules?


They haven't a save value therefore the Codex rules mean they don't receive a save at all, whilst the rules for Daemons in the rule book automatically grant a 5+ invulnerable save. The problem arises when players claim one or the other rules to cover the new daemon rules; following the Codex means Flamers and Screamers have no save whilst following the rulebook means they get no eternal warrior.


I'm taking part in a tournament next month and am interested to see which way the wind blows regarding this matter. Of course I will be asking the tournament organiser too, just seeing what trends there might be.


Anyway, do you have any details on the standings for all players in the tournament? Apologies if I missed it (am using my phone and internet is terrible on it).


Were your BA breaking a trend at all?

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There was no issue or debate about the daemons in the tourney. To my knowledge they played with the WD and Codex rules together. So, they got whatever saves they got listed in the codex, or the saves listed in the WD if they were new units. Its a valid point though, since RAW the daemons in the WD are not daemons in the Chaos Daemon codex and therefore not EW.


As for the standings, i'm patiently awaiting that! Will let you know asap.


top few were:


1. BA

2. IG/GK (i think)

3. Daemons

4. Daemons

5. Unsure

6. Orks

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GAME 4- vs. Daemons....again. :mellow: (I'm now officially unimpressed)


MISSION: The Emperor's Will, Vanguard Strike






Winged Tzeentch Prince

Winged Uber-blinged Slaaneshi Prince(ss)

3 Screamers

3 Screamers

5 Horrors

5 Horrors

5 Horrors

5 Flamers

5 Flamers


(he may have had an additional squad of something or other- either one more squad or screamers, or one more squad of flamers, but I think this is it!)


I had greatly underestimated this list when I saw it. I thought that with all the small units, I'd be able to handle it a lot better than the others. I was largely mistaken. Mephy got Acture senses for outflanking units as warlord trait.


He won board edge, and first turn and elected to give it to me as all bloody daemon players do. I was more than happy with this. He had deployed his objective behind a building/ruin. I deployed mine closer to his, in a more central position. I didn't want to deploy it too far from his, as the trek accross to his may have been too long. In retrospect, i think I should have potentially given myself more room to maneuver and given him more space from his base of operation. I decided to put the baal into reserve.


Set up was like such:





If memory serves, his unfavoured list comes in- his Tzeentch prince, and then all the smaller critters.

He scatters off the table with his prince, allowing me to place, i place it in the top left corner facing the edge (since he's swooping).

Everything else hides where possible!


In my turn, I gun down whatever I can see. I was focusing on the horrors (got one squad down to 1man I think).

Everything else just repositioned. Mephy perils' his wings <_<




Everything of his comes on I think.



Got Flying MCs?



Whatever shooting he had, was largely ineffectual. In my turn 2, neither of my Ravens come on. :mellow: This is HUGE for me. It's really going to affect the game.

Luckily my baal does. It rolls the wrong side though! :( Thanks to the acute senses, im able to reroll and get the right side (literally).

I shoot whatever I can, almost entirely ignoring the FMCs and focusing on the screamers, flamers, and whatever horrors I can see. The outflanking baal does a silly amount of wounds to the hiding horror squad, and he fails enough for me to wipe them out. First blood! This is big, as it now changes his strategy. (Most of his models were just playing hide and go seek around the building- him hoping for FB and then holding on the objective.

Mephy has to hold back, or flamers and screamers get him.




His monsters move in- everything going forward, the Slaaneshi Princess grounding herself to engage the tanks, the tzeench prince now swooping on again and the flamers and screamers moving out to take care of the tank threats.

I lose a Razor, and I think the baal too (to the flamers).


In my turn, only one of my Raven's rock up. The daemons are slowly taking apart my army, but im spreading out, forcing them to split off from each other, meaning they cant all share fateweaver's ability. My units inside either move to flame and engage, or spread out.

Mephy perils' his wings <_< Thats two wounds down- and more importantly, now I cant engage the Slaaneshi princess. The raven unloads on the thirster, but he makes all his saves. The baal takes down the horrors to 2 men -he only has a squad of 2 and a squad of 1 left on his objective.




He moves to keep chewing up what's left, im spreading out as much as possible, but he's really taking me apart now.


The Slaaneshi moves over, to take out her next vehicle, while the flamers move to rid themselves of pesky assault marines. He takes out my baal too.


In my turn 4, the late raven moves on to engage the thirster again.


This time away from FW! The other raven turbos over the house towards the objective, but flying by obviously. The BT makes all his saves again <_< but i think get's grounded. whoopdy do. Mephy finally gets off the ground, and moves up to engage the daemon princess. I manage to take her out with the help of some shooting and Mephy in combat.




Things fly around and kill what guys they can. I now have 2 small units left. He's only now realised that it's turn 5 and boosts his remaining screamers towards my objective contesting with a 1man, and 3 man squad.

His flamers also move in. I now have the dready and the ravens left, with Mephy and 2 small remnant squads of marines.

Fateweaver jumps back to ensure that his last troopers on the objective have rerolls.


In my 5th turn, my raven switches to hover, and pulls an about face. He realises what is now coming!

Mephy and the assault marines move to engage the screamers.

The raven takes care of the troops (yay hurricanes, yay plasmacannons, yay bloodstrike, TLmulti-melta and yay power of the machine spirit! Yay ravens! Also, yay ravens.). I skies o' blood the dready as bait, and I boost the raven towards mephy, in the event there's another turn. If there is, his flamers and BT will move to ensure the marines holding the objective die. This will allow mephy to jump in the raven, and boost into his quadrant- giving me line-breaker and first blood. That's plan B. Mephy and the boys clear up the remaining screamers ->


They're now claiming. End of fifth and it's looking like this.



If it ends now, I win 4-1. If it doesn't im in poo.

I roll....


TWO!!! Game end. BA get away with murder!

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I wonder how long its going to take GW to realise they've made a colossal mistake with Daemons. I'm not claiming that the codex is overpowered by any stretch of the imagination, but its internal balance is absolutely horrible - for my money, the worst out there. Almost every list I see runs heavy Tzeentch (because flamers and horrors are really good), the vast majority run fateweaver and a bloodthirster, troops are given over to either horrors for cost and a nod to theme, or to plaguebearers for survivability, and there's usually a daemon prince or two, especially since 6th edition made FMCs ridiculous. Even taking this one tournament as a sample size, there's 3 lists which all include fateweaver, multiple units of flamers and screamers, at least one other hard-as-nails flying monstrous creature, and some min-sized troops units as a concession to objectives and the force organisation chart.


Its a bit like the Chaos 2xlash/3x3 oblits builds, but those have the excuse of being so outdated they'll be gone within the next few weeks with the new books - there's something inherently wrong with a codex where barely a quarter of the units get fielded, especially since its just had an update with WD. That Slaaneshi daemon princess is the first slaaneshi model I've seen on the tabletop in longer than I can remember; that entire chaos deity is pretty much unused. Sad thing is, since they've only recently had an update and there's by my count 5 armies ahead of them in the queue (Black Templars being seven years old, followed by Tau, Eldar, DA and Orks, ALL of which need an update badly), I can't see this changing any time soon. Just my $0.02.

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Chap Ad. the rumour is that Daemons are due an update early next year. Could all be conjecture though. But I agree with you 100%


After the release of the WhiteDwarf update this tourney spawned (see what i did there) Daemons for around 15-20% of the players!! That's nuts. I think there were 50% more people last years nats and less than a third of the daemon players.


Every daemon list up here had Fateweaver from what I saw.


The other two I know of had the following:



2x6 Fiends

4x5 Plagues

3x9 Screamers

Landing Pad.






Khorne Prince

Nurgle Prince

9 x Screamers

8 - 10 Bloodletters

8 - 10 Bloodletters

10 Plaguebearers

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What I like about all the players out there who jumped on the Flamer/Screamer bandwagon, is that you won the tournament despite their cheesey shenanigans! :lol:


There was no issue or debate about the daemons in the tourney. To my knowledge they played with the WD and Codex rules together. So, they got whatever saves they got listed in the codex, or the saves listed in the WD if they were new units. Its a valid point though, since RAW the daemons in the WD are not daemons in the Chaos Daemon codex and therefore not EW.


I don't think I'd make exception to it, but then the models are SOOOO over the top in their rules (particularly Flamers) perhaps we should make them lose either their save or EW, on moral grounds!

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GAME 5 (FINALS) vs. Orks


MISSION: Purge the Alien, Hammer and Anvil





Old Zoggwart

25boys- klaw










Aegis line (no quad)



Nigel (my opponent) and I are old friends as far as 40k is concerned. He first got into the hobby when he was bringing his sons to the tournaments I used to run in university. He then started playing (about 10 years back) and moved from Chaos to Orks last year. I was super happy to be playing in the tournament finals with him, because it meant that whoever won would take the title and considering we were both friends and from the same club in Cape Town it was all good. That being said, the BA still gotta represent ;) Nigel and I had also played each other 3 times in the lead up to this tournament. Twice with different lists, and the third time with our tournament lists. My record to this point was 1-1-1 with him!!!



Nigel won both the side selection, and first turn. Fortunately for me, it was night fight. Mephy rolled reroll reserves.

Nigel deployed his forces and kept 1 unit of gretchin in reserve.

I was facing this:






Quick note about terrain. I always play "cinematic" - so I hate abstractions like moving through walls. As a result I always request of my opponent that walls be solid. If he disagrees, we dice off. In this case, we dice offed, and I lost - so the ruined building walls could be moved through.


I almost made the biggest mistake of the tournament in my deployment when I strongly considered playing a waiting game. I was going to reserve the baals and the ravens and just hide everything else except mephy.

My thinking was to come on in turn two, focus kill certain units, get first blood, and then use the ravens to create havoc. I thought for a while on this tactic and even had all four razors bunched in the bottom right of the board. I then got a transmission from Commander Dante who told me to stop being such a girly-man and grow a pair. (Actually it was when I realised the orks could kill a maximum of 3 vehicles a turn, and that was not likely with nightfight and averages etc).

I went baals to the wall and deployed aggressively on the one flank:



As you can see mephy is out in the open to draw as much fire as possible. The baals also are using their front armour to face the Lootas, meaning he can risk shots and get glances only on the Baals or try to kill the softer razors.

Of course, him knowing me and Mephy this bait was just ignored and he focused on the soft targets.



March forwaaaaard!!


In his shooting phase I noticed something.

Now, I feel really poor about this, and would neeeeeeever do this in a regular game or a fun tourney- but nationals is nationals. His one loota squad that had moved was about 2.5 inches out of coherency. I mentioned it, measured it, and told him he'd need to run as per the rules. To my knowledge you're not allowed to move out of coherency in the first place, but I believe the rules make provision for you having to reform coherency in the shooting phase. Also, if moves are going to be inched forward (beneficially or otherwise, purposefully or otherwise) then it should probs be called. Anyway, in retrospect I think it was a bit of a beardy thing to call and I should have just let it go...but..my ego and competitive nature got the better of me ;)

His lootas both rolled low, and then failed to do anything besides an HP off a Baal, and stun a Razor.

In my next turn I reposition:



The baals open up on the Lootas who hit the deck. Perfect. As you can see the AV13 provides cover to the AV11.




Again, his shooting sees a little bit of nothing happen. Im positioning the Baals to cover the razors, and still he shoots the covered razors - with the hit roll of 6 needed on that open flank, pen rolls and then saves available he gets nothing. The other lootas make some shots but are equally unsuccessful in killing anything. A few HP here and there are lost.


In my next turn the ravens are on! I position units to shoot into the ruin as well as moving closer around the building to block off the other lootas. I go hunting with mephy and fly through the wall to the nob squad. I measure carefully checking to see where i can land and place so that I will have a challenge on the Nob. After some shooting, the Lootas have hit the deck again and Mephy is in combat.



Nigel is a little concerned ..



To be continued....

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I forgot to mention, that in turn 2 my dakka-raven managed to break the middle squad of lootas!



In this turn, they continue to fall back! The orks are now not looking too good. There are still 3 big boys squads about, one led by Ghaz, one by the weirdboy - desperately hoping each turn to roll a 5 on the psychic power check list ('ere we go). It doesnt happen as he fails a test. But, his fire support is not looking hot. He takes some shots at my dakka raven and manages to immob it- meaning im locked at 36" .


He tries to take down the dread Raven, but only manages to take a HP or so off.

Things are not looking hot. Ghaz marches forward with everyone else. Mephy keeps slaughtering boys.

In my turn, I shift everything to the left largely covered by the building. I keep laying down firepower on the lootas, trying to get first blood - which at Turn3, still hasnt happened! He makes a lot of saves on them.

The dreadnought is now ready and fired up! I cannot wait to get stuck in. Sadly, he only manages 3 kills :)

Mephy however does his job and finally breaks the mob, he consolidates crashing through the wall.




Ghaz and the boys start coming through the building, and more boys pour around the left side. The lootas still fail their regroup, and keep falling back, missing the table edge by an inch.

Weirdboy doesnt do much this turn either. Shooting is largely ineffectual - again - just hull points here and there.

Ghaz and the boys charge a 5man squad, that I had disembarked in turn 3 in order to support meph. They wipe them out, but this drags them further into the building, nicely clumped up.

The dready.....


... does around 13 or 14 wounds! He's forced to call a waagh to save them.


In my turn 4, things start getting ugly, I bring mephy up to engage the lootas and get stuck in (well away from Ghaz!), I throw out a RAS squad to keep ghaz and co a bit busy (and flame them some!) The raven flies off

The baals lay down the hurt on the boys as do the TLAC razors. My Raven flies up and with only 2 shots available to him, manages to cause 2 wounds to the loota squad- this means they will break automatically, and fall off now. Another KP!

Mephy nukes the lootas, and the dready fumbles to kill the rest of the squad. Probs from all the orks stuck to his claws from the previous round.








Ghaz goes off to sort out the Dreadnought with the boyz. He probs should have split off the end, but I think by this stage poor Nigel was really disheartened. He keeps moving his grots forward, to get linebreaker, while the lootas keep moving up towards the defense line to get a better firing solutions. He charges the dread, and blows it up, but not before I finish off the previous squad. They get a big consolidate back into the building.

In my 5th, I just clean up. Mephy charges weirdboy (zogg - yeh sorry- hes not a regular weirdboy! He's old zoggers!!!) Meph cleans up.



the game continues.




Ghaz comes crashing through the wall, and charges the baal- exploding it.

Thats about all he can do really.

I move everything to safety, covering my wounded (2hp damage) vehicles.

The rest just shoots where possible taking out most of Ghaz's squad and doing a huge amount of wounds to him.


Raven shoots the lootas..mephy messes up the grots on the lobba (that was steadily taking off HP from my vehicles!)



The game ended in 6th.



BA had all but cleaned out the orks. I think he had 4 squads left on the board- grots, remnant lootas Ghaz and the remnant boy squad. The final tally I think was 8-4 or there about. He had taken out my dreadnought, 1 squad of RAS and a baal, and gotten linebreaker.



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Task Force: Vengeance, Mission: SUCCESS!!



Prize giving:



Mort with prize stuffs/loot ->








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Congratulations. I have not had time to read the reports but will get back online and go through them tomorrow. Thanks again for all that you contribute to make this my favorite online BA site.


Thanks for the shout out, matey! Have a read and please feel free to ask anything/comment/suggest/whatever!



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These Bat Reps are great Morticon. Congrats and well done! I looked at your list and I wasn't sure how this was going to pan out. I don't think I could ever get something like that to work as our styles are so much different.


I'm attending my first big tournament next month and I'd really appreciate it if you could take a look at my list and give me some advice. I wanted to take the Blood Angels back to their roots with a fast and hard hitting assault army. I have it in the Army Lists forum here. Appreciate it and congrats again on the big win!

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A side note / overview.






1. Baals.


I've always loved The Baal Predator. The issue has been that I cant always fit it into my style of list. They reconfirmed their ability to just mow down troops. Scout offers flexibility and fast allows for some awesome firepower on the move. These guys were game winners.


2. Hurricane bolters.


This was my biggest surprise. I resent having to pay 30points for these, but wow am I glad that I did. These guys also won me games. The biggest issue I have with the raven I usually use (TLMM, TLLC) is that after the BS missiles are gone, im shooting 2 high S shots a turn, and its almost useless. So, for the first time ever, I decided to try the sponsons. I don't know how i'm going to find the 30points in my list for them from now on - but I will do everything in my power TO do so.


3. Ravens


I often play with one, but two was really needed. I didnt get the chance to play any of the other armies- but they had plenty of fliers and it would have been really difficult to be successful with just one raven. They honestly won games for me. GW have done a very "good" job of shifting the meta. I feel reluctantly sad to say that if any players play without adequate anti-flyer defense (ie: other fliers- cause seriously quad cannons dont cut it!), then they are going to be seriously ham-stringing themselves in 6th ed.





Generally speaking nothing was really "bad" to be quite honest. No one unit anyway. The las/plas preds didnt see much use, but that was due to the opponents I played more than them.


The only thing I will now strongly consider is to lose the TLPC on the one raven, and go with a TLAC. I would NEVER have thought that before, but now I feel there's just too much versatility in it. Id be tempted not to lose it for both ravens, but I really feel I need the high strength/low AP weapon that I can POTMS to other fliers, so I may not have it on both- though it would alleviate the issues ive had with losing the one raven's efficiency post BS missile phase.




1. Mephy.


It's almost sad, really. Sad in the sense that after a lot of tourney experience, I don't believe there are any opinions or considerations that can sway me to believe that a list without mephy will be stronger than a list with Mephy. I remember having an awesome discussion months, and months back on this forum and people posted different lists etc etc. and different opinions on whether they felt it is the case or not. Nothing can sway me at the moment. Anyway, long story short is, the versatility of this unit, combined with the survivability and raw killing power is just too good to not have. If made my first game against "infamous Nob bikers" a bit of a joke. Mephy is the ultimate scalpel. An "ugly" unit for your opponent if ever there was one.





Have you retired your "homemade" Storm Ravens?


Homemade guy is still there :lol:

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2. Hurricane bolters.


This was my biggest surprise. I resent having to pay 30points for these, but wow am I glad that I did. These guys also won me games. The biggest issue I have with the raven I usually use (TLMM, TLLC) is that after the BS missiles are gone, im shooting 2 high S shots a turn, and its almost useless. So, for the first time ever, I decided to try the sponsons. I don't know how i'm going to find the 30points in my list for them from now on - but I will do everything in my power TO do so.


I always said so, nice to see you agree now :) Mephi is just awesome in so many ways, it's quite "sad" indeed. I thought he might be weaker now, since he can't kill 2+ armor anymore, but with wings this really isn't an issue :/

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Final Breakdown is as follows:


Total players 39 (one cancellation)

The listed armies are for base armies, not including allies for the most part!)


BA - 4

DA - 1

SW - 0 :) (Though there was a SW ally list - maybe with guard?)

BT - 1

SM - 0 :huh: (Again..weirdest meta i've seen since I've played)

GK - 5 (not counting all the allies!)

IG - 3

Eldar - 3 (Eldar played IG/GK on table 2 in finals!)

DE - 3

Necrons - 2 (one of which was the player that won the last 1750 tournament up north)

Nids - 1

Tau - 3

Sisters - 1

Chaos - 3

Orks - 3 (of which I played 2 :))

Daemons - 5 (of which I played 3 ;))



Quite a nice spread though daemons being 6% of the available armies and 12.5% of the players was a bit heavy.

Note there were quite a few GK/IG and IG/GK combos.

Also, there was a nasty Eldar/DE combo too.


* The finals were hotly contested, with the 2nd place winner on 4 wins and a draw.


* Had I drawn last game it would have been 3 players on draws and gone down to VP difference.


* From 3rd to 6th place all players had 12 tourney points and were only separated by VP difference.


* 2 of the players I played suffered their only loss in the tourney to me.


* 2 other players had one of their 2 losses to me.


* I stand to be corrected here, but one of the Daemon players I played (game 3) also only lost one game (to me) but, his first two games were technically with an illegal list (1751 points), so those were counted as losses (I THINK!). He was new to the tourney scene, so didnt understand why it was a problem. :) He got himself into a bit of crap for that.


So, overall the opponents I played dominated the rest of the scene.


Here are the standings, highlighted black are the opponents I played:




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