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South African National Tournament 2012


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Congrats Mort!


So Where do you see your lists going forward from here? Would you still run a pure mech or is it time to switch up your game?




DA- i never play the same list twice in tournies, So i'm not likely to do the same.


I'll be going back to my standard hybrid style I think, a lot will depend on is involved in the tourney. If the daemon player/s are running rampant, ill be using the SM libby.

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If i'm correct, Luca is the (ex) Dragowing player and Nigel is the Ork player. What do the other players play (...does Dante run a Nipplewing force by any chance?) and how far would you slip behind considering you're not playing?
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If i'm correct, Luca is the (ex) Dragowing player and Nigel is the Ork player. What do the other players play (...does Dante run a Nipplewing force by any chance?) and how far would you slip behind considering you're not playing?


Seems my post got lost in the warp!!



Luca is actually the IG player. He rocked an incredible list that just ripped up people. You may remember him from a few regionals batreps and from the finals of the 2011 Nationals. (He won it last year).

He didnt attend this years nationals because he's moved to the UK to work.


The Draigowing player sadly played a gimmicky chaos list that got pounded and has subsequently lost a lot of places.


Nigel is in fact the orky player!


Dante doens't run a nipplewing army :P He's a Daemon (fiend/screamer spam) and IG (vendetta spam) player.


He rocked:



2x6 Fiends

4x5 Plagues

3x9 Screamers

Landing Pad.



As to my losing places, im not likely to lose any points, but Nigel and Dante are both playing in the local regionals so, theyre destined to do some serious stomping and are likely to pick up 40+points, easily.


awesome gratz mort . If I were bold enough to give a name to all succesful 6th ed tournament types of builds lists . Then the name would be " I believe I can fly with friends".


shotto matey ;) Hope you enjoyed the batreps.

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the bomb the reports are . I personaly think that because of players like you or CAG the BA community has realy the top players drawn to it . comparing to a lot of top armies , BA are ultra hard to play well [like eldar in power armor]. I think reading your reports helps a lot of people to be better players and understand the tournament community better. Something I always envied.




Game wise I feel your pain . :P last GD I took part in I played against 4 necron scyth wings on the first day . won one game[dude didnt deploy anything on the table] lost one[against the dude that went best general] , then draw one [if only that one warrior died] and then massacared another rolling 11x6[dice check was called after that] for my 6 oblits and killing 3 death rays and 2 small bagles on turn 2[i went second].

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the bomb the reports are . I personaly think that because of players like you or CAG the BA community has realy the top players drawn to it . comparing to a lot of top armies , BA are ultra hard to play well [like eldar in power armor]. I think reading your reports helps a lot of people to be better players and understand the tournament community better. Something I always envied.




Game wise I feel your pain . :angry: last GD I took part in I played against 4 necron scyth wings on the first day . won one game[dude didnt deploy anything on the table] lost one[against the dude that went best general] , then draw one [if only that one warrior died] and then massacared another rolling 11x6[dice check was called after that] for my 6 oblits and killing 3 death rays and 2 small bagles on turn 2[i went second].



hahahahah! amazing!! Good odds there!

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Hey bud, Congratulations!


Happy to here you represented our BA well :devil:


Fly over to the US and come play in tournies over here, ya know...now that you are SA KING!

Morticon has come to Adepticon (twice?). Played in the team tournament with me a few years back.

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Sadly Morticon is too awesome for the US so whenever he plays over there he can only go at 50% otherwise the state he is in will explode.


(Check his Battle Reports :) )


I wish.


I didnt do too well at my last Adepticon outing (47 of 246). A lot had to do with not knowing/factoring in the meta there. ><;

Would love to give it another try though.

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Well I am looking at going to Adepticon this year mort, you should plan on making it out again!


Also, what was your biggest O ;)! moment at the tourney, for you and against you lol.


I'll definitely try sometime buddy. Wont be next year though, thats for sure ><;



I think my biggest "Oh bugger" moment was me forgetting to move Mephiston in the one game. That game could have gone badly - thankfully it didnt. From my memory nothing in that tourney was particularly weighted in a way to have me cursing. Though, by the second daemon game i was already rolling my eyes- so when I hit the 3rd daemon opponent, i was really a bit miffed.


As for "for me" - i think the two times I rolled to end the game and both came up as twos- that was a huge "hell yeh" moment. Again, beyond that nothing stood out more than it should have, there were sadly no valiant tales of heroism. It was all quite clinical. (about 14 wounds from a talon volley was cool though!!)



EDIT: On a side note, Cape Town had a small regional tourney this weekend. I was at a music fest so couldnt partake. The daemon player took top honours, after 6 games, tabling 4 or 5 of his opponents. 2nd place I think was GK. Then orks or chaos (old).

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Interesting batreps mate!


That deamon player from game 4 had an...interesting deamon princess ;)


Interesting to see you taking on so many deamon players! I have a fairly strong struggle with them the few games ive played them... I play mostly assault based armies with shooty backup from baals and vindis and I generally dont WANT to assault them, but sooner or later end up anyway ;)


How do you handle that mate?

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Some more pics uploaded from the event!







I just used shoot n scoot hey. Spread out as much as possible objective wise, allowing me to split their forces, and allow the ravens to intercept the units on their objective, while I sacrificed the majority of my army to the daemons.

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Some more pics uploaded from the event!




The brai was the best picture of the lot! Look at all that meat!


Well spotted :rolleyes: True SA stylin'


Those tables look very polarising... some have bucketloads of terrain, and others have next to no cover whatsoever. Did you find that a problem/advantage? Its less so for power armour, but I get the feeling that some armies wouldn't have appreciated that setup.


I didnt have a problem hey. I think there was enough tactical terrain to move around and about.

Any particular tables that caught your eye CA?

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I actually think tournaments should have such varied mixes amounts of terrain on their boards (with a decent minimum of course), since it forces opponents to balance their lists on things other than how many opponents they can shoot dead in record time.


Like I said, a minimum is required so it isn't just a shooting gallery.

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Have to agree with idaho here. Some of those tables are very bare whilst others are pretty good on the terrain coverage. And some a little but to much :huh:


In a friendly game thats ok but in a tourney setting its kinda off if you ask me... 25% rule should be taking into acount imho!

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highway of death/glass plains of dooms/dread lavaboard tables are a norm in all tournaments bigger then 4 players. there are always tables like that .


True for far too many tournaments unfortunately. I've been lucky though and been to tournaments with decent amounts of terrain generally.

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interestingly enough, even though the terrain looks open, there are plenty of huge pieces to maneuver around, so almost everything is getting 5+ or blocked LOS somehow.

I prefer it like that personally, instead of lots of little bits, a few big bits that you can have a real tactical game around.

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