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Painting Blood Angels


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I just started 40k, mostly for the painting part and maybe later to play a little... I already painted 2 of the assault on black reach figs:


both undercoated Black, then base of Mephiston Red, and then:


1st one: simple all over wash of Carroburg Crimson. Pretty dark

2nd one: only applying the wash in the recesses, and then a very fine highlights on most "corner" with Evil Sunz Scarlet. Pretty nice, highlights working very well without "clashing" with Mephiston Red.


Now, I saw some guides and checked what GW advised and it seems most are applying sort of a near all Evil Sunz Scarlet and highlighting with Wild Rider.

I want to try but first I wanted to get some opinions about it: Would that make the fig very orange like? Or do you think mephiston red is enough for BA?


thks for the advises


PS: no pic as I cannot take a good pic, yet (it's a pain to take a pic of a fig...:P)

PPS: Yes, I did paint bolter etcetc different color, my only trouble is with the red:p






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Greetings Brother!


Evil Sunz Scarlet is an orange-y colour, it's not the same as the old Blood Red. So yes, with a full coat of Evil Sunz Scarlet and a Wild Rider drybrush, it would probably look a bit orange without a heavy wash to tone it down. The wash will make it look a bit dirty and may leave splotches on the armour plates instead of flowing completely into the recesses.

Mephiston Red is a good base paint for Blood Angels, however some highlights on top of that and some shadings would be required of course. :P


If you wish to get your red as consistent and fast as it can be, try out the colour primers from armypainter. Their selection covers quite a number of coloured primer sprays and the reds they've got could be of particular interest for you. I, for one, can advise you to look through youtube painting videos(or the ones they've posted on their side) where armypainter spray paints are used, maybe it can help you to figure out what red you would like.


If you want a striking red, try out Pure Red spray, Dragon Red is a bit darker and probably fits your first test marine best.


After all, it's your army and you can paint it the way you want. It's just always nice to be able to choose from different ways, isn't it? :P






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Thin down Evil Sunz Scarlet with water about 2-1 water - red, maybe 1:1 it depends, this makes the main armor pop a bit without giving it the very orange/light look. The mephiston red underneath keep's everything red.


You generally want to cover kneepads, outer part of thighs and the most light affected parts on the jump pack, then you do edge highlights with blazing orange.


Though it's perfectly to skip this and stay with mephiston red if you enjoy the darkish look, they will however look darker then normal/standard.


Army painter sprayboxes is a good tip indeed.

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Thanks for the quick answers:)

I looked around and found that the dragon red is avaible nearby so I might try it out:) (For now I wanted to try out the GW products but so many are using Army Painter of Vallejo it seems...)

Is it possible to spray it over black? (fig already undercoated black :/)


I also heard that "Bloodletter Glaze" would take the orange part of the Evil Sunz Scarlet... but doubting...did you guys tried the glazes?


Here i took pictures of n°1 and n°2 :cuss Will dragon red be close of the N°2 color?







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I didn't think much of the glazes, they're not very good at all :(


The washes are great though!


My profile pic is one of mine, I used Mephiston Red, wash with Carrionburg Crimson, build back up with Mephiston red, then edge highlight with evil suns scarlet then wild rider red.


It's gives you a darker more gritty red. If you like brighter your could try similar but starting with Evil suns :cuss


Oh and I would undercoat white, spray white and you'll get a nicer shade of red. B)



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If you get the army painter spray boxes you start with them straight on plastic. The regular steps for army painter sprayboxes are:


- Spray model dragon red (spray in quick burst or you risk getting to much paint on)

- Wash all red parts with a Sepia or any dark red wash

- Pin wash badab black on the inside of shoulderpads and armor indendations.

- Layer on blood red (i prefer Vallejo Air Scarlett Red or Army Painter Pure Red(close to old GW blood red) on the armor leaving the dark red in shaded areas.

- Finish off edge highlight with a light red or orange


Another way todo a more gritty look is priming black then do a heavy mephiston red drybrush and touching up afterwards. This gives a pretty good effect though it looks very different

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Thks all for the replies:)


I think I'm gonna give a try to the Dragon Red (hesitated with Pure Red but this one seems too "flashy" for me). (Will do above the black primer though, hopefully it will cover it up without covering details:s)


And keep the highlights in Evil Suns Scarlert as well.





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Just a quick word of warning regarding using AP Dragon Red; I used it on mine, and brought the dropper bottle for touch ups. The bottled version is supposed to be a 100% match, BUT I found it to be way darker than the sprayed type. The spray being a darkish red with an orange tone, the bottled a much deeper red akin to the GW mephiston or khorne red. Also make sure you shake the can for at least 5 minutes before you first use it!
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If you're going to use a few washes over the mini you may be ok. However, I'd test on 1 model first before putting anything into a production line. I have to rebase coat everything I sprayed which means I've saved exactly no time :) . I will probably just apply a regular grey undercoat before applying the Army Painter Dragon red from the bottle in future, as the AP spray can be a bit thick after several coats.


Roughly the spray = Evil Sunz red on bare sprue/model, and the bottle version = more like Mephiston red.


If you google the AP Dragon red there are plenty of decent, better than I could take, photos of models and reviews.


The #1 in your example is close, but not dark enough to be Dragon red. I've used the GW yellow glaze and its not bad, but you have to remember that its effect is very subtle.

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Sorry for confusion, I'll start again. When I sprayed my models with AP Dragon red, no undercoat, it turned out similar to GW's Evil Sunz red. I then used the AP Dragon red from a dropper bottle for tidying up, this:, and then realised that the colour difference was huge. The spray was light, the bottle dark, and both should have been 100% the same! I used the GW names as they are fairly close approximations. Once repainted with the bottled version the colour is darker than the #1.
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Now I get it :D


I looked around and read that black undercoat and then applying the dragon red darken the dragon red, so I'll try and see what it gives.

Hopefully it will end up nicely, so that i can basepaint tanks later with spray instead of brush (brush painting tank must be...challenging for a beginner like me (these are my first figs ever)).


Will also do some test on the corner of the fig grid to check out the effect of Evil Sunz as "layer all over", as well as trying the tips given above to see what I prefer.


thks for the tips and tricks:)

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Those are very nice first figs ever. I think you're doing quite well for a beginner. Only advice I'll give is to keep pushing yourself. Keep trying new techniques. In the long run it's more important than consistency and you'll be happier with how your army turns out.
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